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Everything posted by V-Alfred

  1. V-Alfred

    Can't Buy Ylands on Steam for friends

    I though it's new Steam policy, because issue they have with currency. Sometimes price in other countries is cheaper, people exploit that by selling keys from cheaper country.
  2. V-Alfred

    Can't Buy Ylands on Steam for friends

    Yep Steam policy, oh well do like this guy said.
  3. V-Alfred

    How do you break stone bricks?

    hold shift while moving in editor mode, it will make you move fast. Becareful not to fly too fast, because things need to be loaded in your screen, you will miss your island if you going too fast. not in creator character.
  4. V-Alfred

    Is it good

    Editor is tool provided ingame, with editor you can make scenario, or edit existing save/map/building/vehicle etc.
  5. V-Alfred

    Is it good

    Incase if you still thinking to get Ylands in your list, here is my honest review : It's really worth it even though still on Early Access, Ylands provide tons of possibility in current state and in the future. Bugs and crashes are always in any early access games, but they don't really affect that much in Ylands. Devs team did fix critical bugs as soon as possible. So far all bugs that I knew had temporary workarounds, so nothing to worry. If you watch Keralis videos and don't like grinding too much, this game provide Editor, which can eliminate all grinding aspect. Feel free to ask anything in mind Have fun!
  6. V-Alfred

    How do you break stone bricks?

    Hmmh, fastest method is using energy barrier, but make sure you place the barrier at the right spot. You could break anything with weapon(like war hammer) but it will take a while, like 50+ hit . And if you desperate enough and playing singleplayer, Editor can come in handy.
  7. V-Alfred

    How to simply Clear a Button map

    I think "clear a button" in key mapping isn't available yet. So far I just replace that button with another button which I won't use or simply put same button if it's secondary. Let me know if there is key to "clear" an existing button kinda silly really.. in another game that button should be "Esc". Not in Ylands.
  8. V-Alfred

    Work-around for inventory bug?

    Tbh, I don't know how, my inventory never glitched out. I'm not sure but I think it caused by inventory full when picking up stuff. Try to avoid inventory full, hope it helps. [Update] there is button to save your progress, F10 is my keybinding to save anytime, it might be different from yours. Forgot if its the default one or mine, better check the keybinding setting. Goodluck!
  9. V-Alfred

    Christmas / Holiday Theme

    Damn I wont spoiler.. but Santa is in Ylands already
  10. V-Alfred

    How do I eat?

    Holycow.. the best topic ever Welcome and have fun!
  11. V-Alfred

    How do you open your explore map to creative?

    Here you go custom SS made with paint, sorry the resolution is compressed from steam, forgot to turn it off. Open your Editor from Main Menu, then do like the pictures to load your explore mode map/savegame. Don't forget to save your progress in editor, and load your explore savegame if you want to play it (without logo on it)
  12. V-Alfred

    How do you open your explore map to creative?

    As far as I know you can open your explore mode map in editor not creative mode. How? Someone already make video about it, ask uncle oogle
  13. V-Alfred

    How to get more Ylandium dust?

    it was my concern too, in my old save I'm too greedy killing all the corrupted animals and give no chance for them to multiply ( I think animal need some of their kind to respawn more, might be wrong). Now I'm trying to give a chance in my new save game. For now, I think the only way to fix this issue fast is using the Editor.
  14. V-Alfred

    New rare animal in Ylands

    Lmao, what a breed.. can't wait for combination between panther/puma vs horse.
  15. V-Alfred

    land generation

    Hmmh, maybe it have some trick in the future, but so far I think ylands are randomly generated at first loading into exploration mode. Have fun!
  16. V-Alfred


    Might be pretty late for answer, but you can't. Generated ylands in editor have only 5 max so far and it won't generate another ylands later, if I'm correct. My suggestion is keep exploring or generate explore mode again and again. I got taiga/tundra biome at first try. Good luck and Have fun!
  17. V-Alfred

    Mulitplayer buddies

    Ah man, I'd like to join but would be nice if I know how much Ping/latency I get there. Annoying trolls isn't my thing too. Anyway where is the server located?
  18. V-Alfred


    No no I mean just work like small boat, maybe change the requirement of sail mast to engine and propeller or something.. and it can also attached to the big ship just like small boat in the future.
  19. V-Alfred


    Good idea. It can work just like small boat but it submerge into sea. For near future I don't think we need custom submarine. Just wait until attach boat to the ship feature in the game.
  20. V-Alfred

    Auto collect chopped logs

    It's quite good idea, but it can lead to another problems and lose some realistic features.
  21. V-Alfred

    Need help

    The only birds that high in the sky. They never go down/lower. Thats the one you need to look at to get to another yland
  22. V-Alfred

    Cant remove sail

    Hammer it hard enough lad! Don't let your pirate spirit down! ~2000 Years Later.. ~ Poof the mast gone
  23. V-Alfred

    Need help

    Hmm, on my current save game each yland have atleast 1 bird lead to other yland. Got 4 islands including spawn yland so far. If you can, try upload your save game file to cloud storage and attach link here, so I can try to load it and take a look
  24. V-Alfred

    RESOLVED [YLD-8094] Dying indoors places inventory on roof

    Hahaha your case is still better than mine. In my other save I was died on the surface, top of the cave system. Was panic that time all of my items is gone, but still continue the journey, until brave enough to go into the cave. Finally somehow I found my old stuff inside the cave. It feels like I got "Legendary Treasures" Still dunno how that happen, but 1 thing that I'm sure, the cave where my items lying down is really close to the surface but doesn't have hole to the surface.
  25. V-Alfred

    How to: the Extended Editor

    which character you mean? there are couple if I'm aware, one is "Creator" character, you can back to editor by pressing O, and another one is scenario character, you can back to editor by pressing "Esc" then choose back to editor.