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Everything posted by V-Alfred

  1. can you open that save game in editor mode? if you can, try to locate something weird. If you can't, upload the save file in rar, output_log.txt and output_log_clean.txt here so the devs can figure it out. note: - save file location should be in \Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\106713457\298610\remote\SavesGames , that number could be different from yours, so go to userdata folder then search "Save" - outpot_log location should be in \steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data update: *"you can or you can't" better upload it oh well if it's definitely crashes
  2. V-Alfred

    KNOWN ISSUE Everthing I place is invisible

    that explain a lot.. I have atleast 300+ parts on my ship, plus around 1000+ items on my base
  3. V-Alfred


    get kiln running, there are couple useful one
  4. V-Alfred

    Newbie asking..

    today patch just came out. in singleplayer or multiplayer, you should spawn at island where you died or atleast nearest/last island if you died in ocean or arctic biome. Have fun!
  5. V-Alfred

    stone chunks?

    1 tool that really important and you miss it.. the holy spade... the mighty tool for digging,.. the best friend for digger.. update: you can make it in blacksmith station only iron one so far.
  6. V-Alfred

    Security Concerns FAQ

    To be honest, as software developer myself, gathering data from user is really important for future improvement of the software, especially when it could be done automatically. But gathering something without user knowing about that is somewhat bad for their privacy, even though it's really not that important for them. That's the case in this problem, hopefully you guys (BI and all developer out there) could learn something about it. That's it, so far I'm falling in love with Ylands, keep up the awesome work devs.
  7. V-Alfred

    Strange animal spawning.

    What a beast.. yep don't be greedy, and only revenge to whoever harm you.. I can see from here you have really big heart. Salute from me!
  8. V-Alfred

    Better Zoom Out

    Yep camera positioning need more improvement, while on the ship and looking at the map. Being able to look your entire ship while driving it is awesome. And I noticed, when you on 3rd person camera then driving ship, then go to 1st camera while still driving it, finally go back to 3rd person camera, the camera not zoom out like the first time.
  9. V-Alfred

    Item loss on Death.

    Ah MP.. well whoever playing on MP, please be patient. making MP game needs a lot of works and time, hopefully the devs fix the critical issue soon. And don't be shy to keep giving them feedback it helps..
  10. V-Alfred

    zapped by you own tesla coil.

    Lmao just like what happen to me at first time, although I'm testing the effectiveness at that time. Just put switch far away before tesla coil, like power supply>switch>tesla coil, and change the electricity line ofcourse.
  11. V-Alfred

    Item loss on Death.

    How did you guys spawn in different island? I mean, I died 'a lot' by falling from cliff or my house, but I never spawn at different island, I'm always spawning at very same island where my dead body n old items lying around.
  12. V-Alfred

    Item loss on Death.

    your items is lying around somewhere with the tombstone on it. Remember where you died, then death is not a problem. >:D it just need patient if you died in difficult location. The funny thing is this death mechanism adds value of your life, means you'll be more careful next time. by the way, did you read the death note? what a funny death note
  13. V-Alfred

    [Suggestion] Carriable Chests

    yep, that's good idea. I could imagine this game will.. beat another game..
  14. V-Alfred

    Cancel crafting items?

    nope, there's nothing you can do to cancel items that you already craft in crafting station. yep that's good suggestion, go ahead
  15. V-Alfred

    Default FOV

    It's 50 I think Have fun!
  16. V-Alfred

    Clay virtually nonexistant

    clay deposit could be slightly different color, keep take sample for each deposit you found. And also check the cave, it might have iron deposit in it. Don't lose the spirit, as long as you still have the map and remember where you died.
  17. V-Alfred

    How to get pass force field?

    lmao, there you go, the best gentle solution from the game designer himself
  18. V-Alfred

    Ships build able on dry land.

    thats cool, that could work if they add more complex water mechanism like remove/add water
  19. V-Alfred

    How to get pass force field?

    hahaha, well that works too, I add explosives just to improve the epicness (Don't know if that word even exist)
  20. Thats nice idea! If the devs enable the tool bar while riding the horse again, and also implement horse commands in radial menu, that would be wonderful! Update current situation: I just come back to the game and the horse still following me. But when I tried call it again, ride it, and dismount it fixed again just like normal. Maybe it cause by some loop condition when lag spike happen during calling process? I don't know..
  21. V-Alfred

    How to get pass force field?

    hmmh, I'm not yet encounter with generated force field, but I did build one myself, the only thing that can shut down the force field is either destroy it or destroy the power supply. u you can try throw some grenade or dynamite if you have
  22. V-Alfred

    KNOWN ISSUE Everthing I place is invisible

    Will do if this happen again
  23. V-Alfred

    How to: the Extended Editor

    Yep, I think teleport to last player location is pretty important feature, this tool could save you incase weird things happen
  24. V-Alfred

    KNOWN ISSUE Everthing I place is invisible

    this happen to me couple times, I'm playing singleplayer explore mode. Back to main menu then continuing, fix the problem for me
  25. it seems similar with known issue with the rope ladder