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Everything posted by DexWhite

  1. Title self explanatory. I edited one of my saves, saved it with a different name, and when i press continue i see 2 saves of the same name (didnt change the name ) and one is only editable and the other my original save.
  2. hahah thanks alot mate <3 appreciate it!
  3. DexWhite

    2 important thoughts.

    1. The main thing that got me to buy YLANDS is the idea of exploring new islands. The thing is, every island right now feels kiiinda empty (especially if you are playing alone). I hope with the NPC update this will sort out. Suggestions on Islands "emptyness": More animals, more hostile creatures, tribes, make caves worthy to explore, add more structures with loot and enemies guarding it, make every island unique with themes. During sailing, add more dangers (ship getting damaged from tornados, changing direction from bad weather etc) 2. Make MP your number 1 priority guys. Gaming nowadays is based upon that. It feels more "alive". There's always a singleplayer option for those who want to just relax alone. Suggestions on MP: Competition, competition and competition. Make player fight for resources, loot, structures. Make big dedicated servers with more than 8 players each which will reset like every month, and upon reset, give some cosmetic rewards to the players who have fulfilled some certain tasks that month. Make more weapons, guns etc.
  4. Hello guys! First of all, awesome game, congratulations to the developers, keep up the great work. So my friend whenever he tries to open up the craft menu , randomly after some secs the game crashes. Is this a known issue? thanks! His CPU is Pentium G4560, 8GB RAM, GTX 1050 graphics.
  5. Builds with same issue: 1. got the same problem. game crashed 3 times in row as i went to the tab with the large ship and scrolled down to it.Do you get this crash: got this tab crashOS: Windows 7CPU: AMD Radeon A8-3820 APU with radeon HD Grafiks 2.5 GhzRAM: 8GBGrafiks: AMD Radeon 6550DVRAM: SSD or HDD: Resolution: 1600x800Windowed?: NoResolution scale: MAXVIdeo Details: Lowest possible settingsUse controller?: No 2. Do you get this crash: Yes, usually after scrolling through recipes.Game runs fine as long as i'm not crafting much...lolOS: Win 7 64bitCPU: AMD FX-8320 8core 3.5 GHzRAM: 16GBGPU: AMD Radeon HD 5750 (needing an upgrade very soon)VRAM: 1 GBSSD or HDD: HDDResolution: 1280x800Windowed?: NoResolution scale: 1.0 (havent played with this much to see how it effects the crash)VIdeo Details: Tried lowest and highest settingsUse controller?: NoDirectX 11: Should I upgrade this?I'm able to replicate the crash on cue by opening the crafting window and scrolling through recipes/switching tabs. Game will crash almost instantly 3. Do you get this crash: YESOS: WINDOWS 7CPU: i7 (2nd gen, mobile)RAM: 8 GBGPU: ATI Mobility 5870VRAM: 1 GBSSD or HDD: SSDResolution: 1600x900Windowed?: no (tried both)Resolution scale: 0.64VIdeo Details: Tried Low and MediumUse controller?: both And my friend has AMD Radeon 6700 series card
  6. after searching some topics on steam discussion, i think its based on old AMD graphix cards. At least thats the only common part between my friend and some other guys in the topic.
  7. This bug is gamebreaking, it needs a fix asap.
  8. DexWhite

    RESOLVED is this gonna be fixed?

    happens to me too, totally random
  9. DexWhite

    RESOLVED Crash during craft browse

    please guys, fix this issue asap it makes the game unplayable, my friend cant refund the game he already played 2 hours..
  10. DexWhite

    RESOLVED Crash during craft browse

    It only happens on specific builds i guess. Mine works perfect. (possibly cpu problem?)
  11. DexWhite

    Winter Sale YLands

    Will the game go on sale at the 21st? (steam winter sale) I told some friends of mine about the game and found it cool, but the price seems high for em for an early access game they said
  12. DexWhite

    Winter Sale YLands

    If people want to get upset, they will get upset even if a game is 100% finished and super entertaining believe me Most trend games right now in Steam are in early access and with bugs, so, i guess people will accept its phase.
  13. DexWhite

    Winter Sale YLands

    it currently has like 3k people online only. It really deserves more, i dont care about the price really. But its kinda mind tricking for someone to see something on discount.
  14. DexWhite

    Winter Sale YLands

    It wont be a bad idea... its a game worth getting known by more people, so this is a good opportunity if it gets a decent discount.