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Found 7 results

  1. The preview image for guardian armour pants is showing steel armour pants.
  2. Hi All, Something I really wish there was, especially with how many options there are, is to be able to hide certain item trees when in the crafting general menu. For example, with how much clothing, rugs, clay pots, etc there are, I would really like to be able to filter out items I know I personally will not make. I imagine it as the last little button along the top or bottom of the crafting general menu, a sort of "Hidden Items" tab that would allow you to hide/unhide things from the crafting. See photo for what I'm talking about. I only suggest this because with how many new items get unlocked with each new item found, I like browsing from time to time to see what's new for me to make, but it's hard to find things when sifting through 100 different clothing items that I have no interest in making, since I already have armor on.
  3. If you open a container while in one of your containers in your inventory like the herb bag , seed box , soil box etc and transfer one of your items to the container content window on top of an item it transfers the item no matter what it is. eg: Stone,tools,food, etc
  4. Started Ylands up this morning and saw this. Not sure if this is a bug or he is just mad at me EDIT: nvmd i just found out that you can rotate the character in the main menu. im retarded.
  5. Hello guys! First of all, awesome game, congratulations to the developers, keep up the great work. So my friend whenever he tries to open up the craft menu , randomly after some secs the game crashes. Is this a known issue? thanks! His CPU is Pentium G4560, 8GB RAM, GTX 1050 graphics.
  6. Every time i die, I have one of two options.. "main menu" or "new game".. I don't respawn in the the world with nothing on starting island with the ability to retrieve my old body like in previous versions. Instead when I try to continue, I simply load the save point of my death. Please advise!
  7. So, when I get into the main menu, none of the menu buttons work so I can't play. Haven't seen this bug anywhere so apologies if this has already been answered. The input area when you start the game by pressing play ang shift is showing a whole bunch of joystick inputs but if thats the problem, i haven't got the slightest clue which ones to change. Any ideas?