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Everything posted by Energritz_

  1. Shameless Advertisement? tsk tsk tsk.
  2. Energritz_

    Host unreachable ..MP game

    If it's on the DS i run, you guys need to tell me these things , pref in the discord
  3. Energritz_

    KNOWN ISSUE Map eaten

    Mmm charcoal flavour
  4. His AMD card is considered old now days being a 2012 card.
  5. wait this was on MP? never seen before, interesting
  6. Energritz_

    Will it lag?

    4GB will not take long to reach, as this game loves ram, so probably after awhile from playing. The AMD Radeon HD 5670 is dated, being a 2012 card.. if everything is on low you might get stable 30 fps
  7. Energritz_

    The Start of the Middle Age Castle and village.

    Nice, looking forward to the progress of this.
  8. Looking into those files, everything seems fine from the games point of view, Have you updated the Video drivers to the latest? also try validating the game in the steam library. I would either put it down to corrupt game install or drivers.
  9. Energritz_

    Will it lag?

    laptop or desktop?
  10. Energritz_

    Non verbal chat im MP

    Hearing others scream keep you on you're toes.. Also that FPS... ouch
  11. Energritz_

    When do we get new avatars to buy with Coyns?

    KFC! finger licking good! might need more budging for the secret spices and herbs though
  12. Energritz_

    Non verbal chat im MP

    Needs a global chat...
  13. Energritz_


    Fruit tress will respawn fruit at intervals, plants like cotton, flax, etc will not once picked unless planted after breaking down. When you start a new there is also "young" tress generated that are growing, once these mature that's it, unless they are cut then replanted.
  14. Energritz_

    [Suggestion] Hot Air Balloon

    thats like asking for recode of the game.. although would be interesting, yes leather would make sense for hot air balloon with steam engines, since heat rises and all
  15. Energritz_

    What was your first videogame?

    Atari, some F1 racing game if i remember correctly
  16. Energritz_


    A different way to introduce ones self i guess... obviously doesn't read forums well
  17. Energritz_

    A Definitive Suggestion Thread for All

    what about just fixing the broken things?
  18. Energritz_

    While they were sleeping...

    aww shucks
  19. I'd say the world generation slacked off and only did half a job.
  20. Energritz_

    KNOWN ISSUE Map eaten

    hahah, its happened to me once before.. when i really needed it too..
  21. Energritz_

    KNOWN ISSUE inventory items bugged.

    I've seen my game crash my PC with 15.5GB out of 16GB... the game loves ram..
  22. Energritz_


    Regeneration of farmed/picked items is a requested feature, till then manual planting and harvesting is the only way. This is more of an issue for MP/Servers than SP
  23. Energritz_

    Make The World Round Again [Suggestion]

    oh no... we have a flat earther here
  24. Energritz_

    game crash report

    probably better posting in the bugs forum.
  25. Energritz_

    I'm hungry!

    Not to mention banana's have natural radiation in them, very low levels and safe for consumption, but eating that many surely would make a blip.