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Found 1534 results

  1. and impossible to play ... @Adam Snellgrove even after repairing the files with steam
  2. Partly due to the sleep bug, and also I like to be able to check lighting in my builds, I usually build guns to change time and weather in game. I used to do this using the visual scripting command "on range attack." This command does not seem to exist any more. Where did it go? And how do I script this now?
  3. If you have an item in an NPC's hands and you try to recolor it, it won't happen. when you are confirming the color, I requires you to double click it. When the color square is recolored and you leave the game and rejoin, the coloring is back to normal.
  4. exactlytheBen-2558f0b8217dc7a7

    RESOLVED Skins gone

    Hey, so I bought the game right when it came out and I had a lot of skins. A bought some for the "coyns" and some were free. I remember the X crossbow skins and swords and the hoplite armor and stuff. But now, I installed it and lauched it again like 4 days ago and almost all of the skins are gone. I can't see them in the store anymore so my question is: Did you delete them or should I have the skins? My Ylands nickname is: exactlytheBen Thanks for answer.
  5. Tea leaves are showing the incorrect name. They say "larch seed"
  6. ~ KEY CAN not longer be used to remove UI
  7. Today I am unable to upload the game to Workshop at all. I've attached the error message and the log files. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. Hi guys, I just thought you might want to know that Firefox is indicating that your websites have expired certificates. I am getting it for both the workshop and the community sites, but based on your site schema and the likelihood of certs all being done simultaneously, you may have more than just the two. It's no big deal for me, but a more basic user may not know how to get past the security threat blocks that prohibit a user from getting to your sites (at least in Firefox, presumably other browsers also some form of risk management). Just an FYI, for you to pass on to your web admin team.
  9. Exactly what the title says, when I add new terrains or entities and export using quick export the newly added stuff don't appear in the game when you host it with rental server and join it. The only fix this to this is actually doing the EXPORT & UPLOAD then they appear properly. I am attaching the client side logs here and sending my scenario to @Adam Snellgrove over Discord. Quick Export Bug Logs.zip
  10. 1. I grouped a bunch of game logics and saved as composition. 2. Placed the composition in another game and found that all tiles that were attached to certain trigger zone ON ENTERED are all gone. Also unique grenades ON EXPLODED lost all its tiles as well. Unfortunately I don't have the client logs with me because I loaded the compositions couple days ago thinking that this would just work flawlessly and did not keep the logs there. Is this a known issue? I understand this one is a tricky one to reproduce because.... only a couple out of some 50 logics had this issue happening...
  11. I want to cotinue building with my friend on his sharegame, but it's just endless establishing connection. We tried to restart game/steam/PCs and nothing helped.
  12. Pretty serious game breaking bug here. In my new game there are 2 teams. When you hit a player on the same team as you, you don't deal damage to them but still see the hit connecting with particle effects showing up. So whether they are on your team or not, you should be able to hit them. And that's how it happens correctly most of the time In multiplayer, some players just become not collidable with hits. Arrows go through, bullets go through, and melee swings go right through them as if they are ghosts. If you ask the player to rejoin the game, they become normal and get hit. Even if the player is indestructible, they do get the hits collide and GFX shows up. In this case, players just completely become like a ghost and nothing connects. If you would like to get the scenario of my new game, you can contact me on Discord.
  13. I put a discussion in through Steam months ago, at which point a dev said they'd get back to me when they found the issue and never did so here I am. Launch game through Steam, game window loads up and sits on a white screen and my pointer becomes a loading icon. It'll stay white screened with an inifite loading wheel pointer until I click something, at which point it says the game is not responding. I've tried verifying game files through Steam, reinstalling, etc. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. While waiting for Guton Forest to be fixed, I went and created a new Capture the Flag game. And this time whenever I try to launch the game in Elementary server, a lot of the times I get the following error screen. Please take a look at this as frustrated users are messaging me that they can't play the game. One thing I am doing differently in this particular mini game is that I am creating exactly 4900 tiles of trigger zones during run time, at the start of the game launch. I do this because I do not want to waste time laying 4900 tiles one by one manually in Editor. Once the tiles are created, game runs smoothly even with that many tiles (SO GOOD JOB YLANDS TEAM! your triggers are efficient. I'm impressed) This makes it impossible to run the test run game in the Editor, I had to work around it by creating much smaller grids and test it that way. Because of this long running tile generation at server launch, I am wondering if this launch error is simply a "Time Out" on server join attempt. But sometimes even after 20 mins, server doesn't get made. Anyways, once the server is launched properly and 1st person is able to join, all the rest of the players can join properly. I hope above observation helps. If you need source code (scenario) please DM me on Discord (Kurdiez#6222) and I will send you there.
  15. How's it going. I have a private Multiplayer server I rented that we have had a long term Custom Exploration game hosted on. Today when we tried to join the server loaded up an entirely different map that was spammed with P1 everywhere and was saying "public servers don't last long blah blah blah" and some other crap. To me, this is basically saying : 1. We just lost our world to some backend server glitch that deleted our world and made the world convert to some crappy P1 Multiplayer Tutorial begging others to join their Discord. 2. I just lost the $30 I have now spent on this games currency, and once again, it was all for nothing. This is entirely unacceptable. Between the failed server payments that never go through, the terrible performance and now my game getting corrupted to nothingness I am beyond peeved. This is hours that we have spent making our perfect little word just gone down the drain. I have always supported Ylands since the very beginning but this is supposed to be a real release and I am nothing but disappointed. I don't mean to sound rude but at this point I don't know what to do. I would either like a full refund back of all the useless currency I have now purchased for MY SERVER that was corrupted into this piece of crap Multiplayer Discord Begging tutorial, or I want to see some form of backup from THE SERVERS END with my world on it. Thank you.
  16. I can’t remove my hat from playlands
  17. Hi there, I have a game that was created long ago. I have not touched it for a while but it was my latest play-through. When I now try to load it I'll just see the loading screen. The same thing happens both when I try to load it in editor mode and explore mode. I have an even older play-through that opens fine. gamesave.rar
  18. I have purchased all types of servers and experimented with my game Guton Forest. Currently Ylands has 3 types of servers: Elementary High Performance Official Dedicated 1. Problem with Elementary server When people join a game that is hosted with Elementary, they can play for some brief minutes until the server kicks you out due to inactivity even though you have been actively playing the whole time. I'm guessing this automatic mechanism was put in to save computation power on economic servers but please find a way to detect player inactivity properly. 2. Problem with High Performance server People play roughly about 40-60 mins and then it says "Server Maintenance" and kicks everyone out again. This consistently happens every time. Hard to believe it would do that when I pay much more money for such "high performance" server... Please I've already spent money on this game and I am willing to continue to do more but these issues definitely have to be fixed.
  19. Some things to note here are: 1. (Shown in video) Animals always try to re-position themselves to surround the player but some animals don't attack after positioning. 2. (Shown in video) Jump-attacking the surrounding animals force them to flee. 3. (Shown in video) Standing on even the thinnest colliding object and off the ground, AIs don't know what to do and just stares at you. 4. (Could not reproduce but I have had this happen time after time) After animals surround you they stand still and stare at you not doing anything. This happens both animals and the golems. Seems to happen to bigger animals than small but not 100% sure.
  20. Hi after the latest update 1.2 I can't load my old save that I've put a lot of time into. The game was created long before update 1.0 but worked fine after it. The last time I did some work on it was in December last year but when I now try to load it I'll just see the spinning thingy in the middle and nothing happens. The same thing happens both when I try to load it in editor mode and explore mode. What to do?
  21. I rented a dedicated server and tried to run my game but I keep getting this INCOMPATIBLE GAME VERSION error. How do you fix this?
  22. I was trying to start a new explore map. I started one in the main screen, then opened it in editor to add a few buildings and such. I was trying to place a composition, but wanted to remove an item from it. I clicked on edit group, and the trouble began. The edit group function did not want to work. So I deleted the building and was going to add another different one. I keep getting the error "group cannot be empty" inside the map, it says hit escape to cancel edit group. This does not work. I deleted the map and was going to start again. I keep getting the error. I tried to get a screen cap, but apparently that isn't working either. WTF. log_userscripts.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  23. My game is Guton Forest and this error happened precisely at 14:39 on April 14th 2020 in London, UK time. This used to work fine until just now when I can't do this anymore. Is it becomes people are actively playing my game at the time? Anyways, please fix this issue I need to upload new version of my game.
  24. Hello since the new update I went back to my camp on explore mode and everything has been erased. Since i was not surpised and motivated i made another one. The only thing is i've been playing for at least 3h and i have not seen the sun rise up once ... Any Help please?
  25. Bonjour, Depuis la dernière mise à jour, impossible d'envoyer un scénario pour en faire profiter les joueurs, ça m'écrit : Unable to verify uploaded creation: Scenario group sg_738c0c6b-c48d-47d5-8db3-e97192442f3b not found. Et lorsque j'essaie de recréer le fichier pour export vers le workshop ça me met une erreur 400 Je vous envoie mes fichiers logs output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt Savez vous d'où ça peut venir