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Found 14 results

  1. TiboterGames1

    BI account issue.

    When I linked my bi account with y lands, all my worlds disappeared and I lost my coyns. How can I fix this? Tibo
  2. Tracat

    DEV ANSWER Compass?

    Not sure if it's because I've not found the recipe yet, but if not could we get a compass and also have it that it's shows up on the ui somewhere so we can see the direction we're going. I can understand if you make it a ship mounted item but it would be nice to have for use with the propeller pack too?
  3. This game would highly benefit from some type of mod support or Steam workshop integration. This game could become massive if there is an option(way later in development) for people to produce their own content easily and add awesome stuff to the game.
  4. CoolPrius

    DEV ANSWER Scale?

    First off love the new Ships update but I want to address something that has been kinda bothering me since day one. The scaling in the game feels a bit crazy. What I mean by that is I feel like either the islands are way too small or the players are way too big. A big aspect of adventuring is kind of gone for me when the entire island can be traversed in under a minute and can be entirely seen from some angles on the island. When I play survival/exploration games I love to feel like I dont know whats ahead or whats going to happen. With the islands being so small its very easy to just land on an island and know you're instantly safe because you already know where everything is because from the boat ride in you can see everything. I also think the big ships update made the situation a little bit more noticeable too because now the ships are about 1/100th the size of the biggest island. Maybe this was intentional and Im missing the purpose of the game but from my perspective it just feels off. I just believe that a huge part to any exploration game is the ability to be able to explore through all kinds of different biomes and continents throughout several days of walking on a map as opposed to sprinting between the coastlines and maybe having a slight shift in biomes. I have been neglecting to post about this on here because I feel as if its something that cant really be fixed which would be really unfortunate. If it is fixable than I would love to see some type of like procedural generated map for the "Explore" gamemode. Also this is a very extra thing but it'd be awesome to see some kind of railway system later in the game. Maybe with engines powered by the electricity in the game.
  5. Hello, so i've been trying to learn how energy works in the game and unfotunately one of the first thing i made is the tesla coil. Obviously i have placed it right in my camp and it kills me automatically. How to /remove/destroy it? Any help please?
  6. Miguel Preguisa

    DEV ANSWER On working with Editor

    First thing I want to mention is that when you enter character mode you do no longer have inventory like in Create. And you cant really browse for something in the Editor catalogue. You must already know what you want and how its called to find it between all of those items which are sorted just alphabeticaly. So its harder to work with (for me at least). But the more important thing is that Im really missing Replicator. I know you can use COPY & PASTE in Editor but thats not working absolutely how I would imagine (look at that nice house ). Is there any chance on getting it back to the game? Building in Create scenario was easier with it too.
  7. Miguel Preguisa

    DEV ANSWER Adjusting Explore scenario

    Why we are unable to set anything about an Explore world? We were able to adjust height of an yland, number of Places of Wonder generated and now I cant even name it? Or am I the only one with this issue? I click on PLAY, then EXPLORE and I can set how my avatar looks. Then the world starts to load.
  8. Dear developers, I am currently enjoying your game a lot. I finished the learning ysland and the other one where you have to free the engineers and I had a lot of fun in the process. However, now since I'm spending time in the explore game mode, I'm finding that there's a serious lack of guidance right now. There's no real indication of how to build a forge for example and crafting looks really confusing, It could really be improved to be more aesthetically pleasing as well as easier to understand. I know survival isn't the primary focus on the development in this game, as it is more about creativity and creating any type of game mode you'd like, but the survival aspect is really fun already and I believe you can get a big audience for just that aspect of the game. Things I like: Building is absolutely brilliant! It's the most precise and easiest building mechanic in any survival game. The graphics are amazing. I'm loving the creative freedom Your humor. There are so many items, I love it! However, these things need some work in my opinion: Stack splitting and being able to drag, destroy or drop a stack of items. The overall crafting needs more work, it's just not clear how I can progress with items and gear. Animations - some animations are very stiff, lacking or not aesthetically pleasing. Walking sideways makes your character appear like he's moonwalking for a second. Also, chopping wood could use an animation that gives more feedback on if you are actually chopping wood or not. Sometimes I find myself hitting the ground before realising that I have to find that sweet spot to chop a tree. If the character would take on a different stance, it would really be more immersive as well as easier to see if I'm actually chopping a tree or not. Animations overall could be more fluent. Performance - I think the game loads the whole island at once, I'm not a programmer, but right now the game requires a lot of processing power. I hope the UI will change in the actual release of the game. Overall, I'm really enjoying this game, and I truly hope it will catch on. I just was immediately intrigued after playing the tutorial, I'm curious about future updates. Here are some pictures of my little shelter that I'm working on right now, even though the survival experience doesn't yet feel complete, I'm having a great time. It takes a while to create a shelter, but it actually feels more worthwhile than in for example; Minecraft. Don't be discouraged by the more present list of things I dislike, I'm loving the game, thank you for developing this piece of awesomeness. I wish I could somehow be more involved in the creation of this game because I'm really feeling it. isn't there a way to help out using my graphic design skills or something? Haha, anyway, cheers and keep doing what you do over there.
  9. Hello, Actually, I really enjoy playing Ylands. But I'm alone... I understood that we can create some sort of LAN servers but it's not easy as just connecting to an IP adress. So, could you make some PvE dedicated servers avaible during the devlopment of Ylands to make to players able to play together and try to have the most sofisticated base ? I think that it could be very cool if we could have some auto-restarted servers on the Medieval map to make some attack/deffense game. Ylands is really cool, don't let us only play alone
  10. starwarss

    DEV ANSWER Modding Support

    Hello Ylands Dev. Team ! I recently played the Trial Version of Ylands and I thought that was a really cool game. Then this morning I bought the complete game. I'm an actual Modder of the game Unturned which use the Unity 5.4 engine. I really enjoy making mods for the Unturned community. I alereday saw that the modding support is not avaible in your Roadmap. So I would like to know when will we be able to make mods and how ? I'm an user of Blender and Unity 5.4 so if Ylands uses Blender, I would really enjoy it Thank you for redaing my message.
  11. Probably something you will hear requested allot is Infinite Terrain Generation, Have you though about this or if not Infinite much larger than the current Sizes available? Mixed Biomes, So having more than one biome in the world? I know currently we do have Tropical and another to which I forget that we are able to get in a single world but will we see the possibility have having possibly all the biomes in a single world? Cave Generation, Will we see the possibility of Caves being in the terrain generation? This actually could open up the ability to have Ore Veins in caves systems giving a large source of Ore's to obtain, Cave dwelling creatures and ores only obtainable at deep depths. Flat World Gen? So flat world without water for creative/map creation stuff.
  12. First of all, great game. There are some performance issues (which will be resolved in future I believe), but mostly the game is bugless. Now, onto feedback thing. The terrain tools need to be all in 3D, including flatten/paint/smooth ones. The current ones would be fine if the terrain would be a heightmap one, but it isn't (which is great, by the way). As it is now: The flatten tool fails to work properly if there are empty (air) voxels between the level you try to flatten the ground to and the terrain above.The material paint tool is hard to aim properly, even in first personSimilar to paint tool, smooth tool is hard to aim properly AND it's very hard (to the point of impossibility, although I think you can agree that there are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill needed to complete the task) to smooth out layered terrain, like e.g. when sculpting (example being dragon shown in the trailer, although I don't know whether it is terrain work or a prefab)As a Unity game developer myself (won't plug my game here, even though it also does low poly untextured, unless specifically asked by the devs/mods), I'd like to thank you for creating such easy to use and powerful building system. As a person who wants to do something similar in the future (although in more realistic setting), i.e. building from single building materials, such as bars, planks, bricks, etc., instead of slapping prefab walls, floors, etc. like e.g. in Rust, I'd like to ask you if you're using some tricks like combining meshes or if those are just freeform prefabs connected by nothing. Finally, one thing I'd add to the building system would be more kinds of bricks. Or at least ability to select material of one. Those sandstone ones can easily get boring, we need clay and stone bricks (and different kinds of stone). So far you've made great progress and I wish you best of look.
  13. It would be great to have some help and info about items and blocks in game. Its difficult to guess where to find some of these items, or how to do some important blocks. Picking up random things from ground, crafting everything and watching if you could craft something what you actually need is little annoying. So something like encyclopedia of blocks in Ylands would be very helpful.
  14. MyMumIsAstronaut

    DEV ANSWER Borderless window

    I'd be great to play Ylands in borderless or maximized windowed mode. Is it possible?