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Found 141 results

  1. Hello, i was wondering where i would put the files for my friends save game so i can continue on it, because when he shared it i got the file, but have zero clue where to put the file on my side, and when i try to play on his saved game (when he is offline but shared me the file) it says unavailable. SO where do i put his file, i cant find a saved game file location, and i am using Steam..
  2. I try to launch the game and it stopped when it first popped up saying starting Ylands.
  3. After I got the free trial I bought the full game on steam but because of the trial it says content locked and I can't install the full game that I just had bought I think they need to delete the trial from my account so I can download the full game from steam.
  4. I cannot get an interactions window with the stone masons station...also the woodworking bench. I have tried the others ( smelter...blacksmith, foundry etc ) and they seem to work, but with the stone masons station all i can do is punch it or walk on it!
  5. Flags will not rotate when using the player role entity offset(You can test this by creating a time trigger and setting the rotation to "Entity Offset" and the entity to "Player Role" and having it repeat every 0.001 seconds).
  6. my problem is I can't play Ylands because my launcher stops Downloading game bin.It stops downloading around 16% the highest percentage It downloaded was in 36%.I even tried deleting :C/Users/Appdata/Local/Ylandslauncher.It downloads but somehow stops again.but if I close Ylands when its stops downloading it stuck at 0%.What should I do?
  7. Hi .. just recently my glass forming station refuses to light... and also refuses to allow whats crafted to be taken. I have space in my inventory, so thats not the issue. Four times i have destroyed and re-crafted the station, and still the issues... also re-logged. Re- j logging now to see if the problem is transient or still there. ..
  8. Hiya, Just encountered this bug/glitch where the auto detect for the controller/keyboard is freaking out. As soon as I stop moving the mouse or pressing keys on the keyboard it jumps back to gamepad and the camera flips up and spins straight away making it very hard to play. The only way around it has been to change the Active Controller setting to just Keyboard & Mouse rather than auto detect. I have no gamepad/controller plugged in or active and the mouse and keyboard are generally working fine on the desktop and on other games like Minecraft as well. I've got a video recording but I can't upload .mp4 files here unfortunately. **EDIT** I did have a PS4 controller plugged in via USB and didn't realise at the time and this seems to be what caused the issue.
  9. harcosgoogle

    DEV ANSWER Black screen

    Message:Hi!Friend bug Yland game. (1 hours free,and buy.)Please check photo (sorry,advanced prntscr)Black screen Menu and game.1gb video card Geforce 210,DualCore Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 , 2333mhz 7x 3334gb Ram DDR2 (2gb ram game use)yland ini fileb analytics.enabled=0f audio.master.volume=1b audio.music.customEnabled=0f audio.music.volume=0.6f audio.sfx.volume=1f audio.sfx.editor.volume=1f graphics.resolutionScale=0.520352364f graphics.camFOV=40i graphics.preset=-1b graphics.enviroDynamic=0b graphics.cloudsVisible=0b graphics.waterReflectionEnabled=0i graphics.AOType=0f graphics.farclip=160i graphics.levelOfDetail=0i graphics.shadowQuality=0b charCreation.favorite.created=1i charCreation.favorite.hair=1i charCreation.favorite.hairColor=1i charCreation.favorite.head=0i charCreation.favorite.skinColor=2b charCreation.favorite.isFemale=1s charCreation.favorite.name=Yob misc.showTutorialHints=0b graphics.gameWindowed=1v graphics.resolution=1280 720v graphics.windowPosition=37 9v graphics.resolution.windowed=1280 720i misc.lastPlayedSvnRevision=34323i misc.lastPlayedSvnRevisionMinor=24s lastPlayedGame=Play;676c3551-dabd-4b74-a209-836b3ecb6393b codexTopicRead.charpanel=1b codexTopicRead.cube=1b codexTopicRead.crafting=1s lastGameSaved.dayTime=Days runtimeSeconds=166.349863267038Thanks info. Please fix bug. win 8.q And buy 2 game
  10. Hello, I installed the trial version of YLANDS and attempted to launch the software and received the following error: YlandsLauncher.exe has stopped working. Shortly afterward, I also received the error: QtWebEngineProcess.exe has stopped working I reboot the PC and received the same error. I deleted the YLANDS software and downloaded a fresh copy and installed and reboot the PC and received the same error. I have attached the DxDiag file. Is there anything that I may have overlooked in my troubleshooting? DxDiag64bit3_30_2017.txt
  11. Miguel Preguisa

    DEV ANSWER Replicator missing

    I wasn't able to find it in the catalogue. I do really think it's just not there.
  12. Miguel Preguisa

    DEV ANSWER 32bit Windows

    Is it possible to run Ylands on 32bit Windows? I tried to run it after instalation and Windows told me to check if I have 64 or 32bit system. So, is there any way to run it on that computer? (I dont understand computers at all )
  13. Doors dont seem to like wooden panels, difficult to explain so heres a video instead
  14. When trying to smelt 'Iron Ore' to produce 'Iron Ingots' they show up as if they are smelting with the 12s next to them but they do not smelt nor does the time count down next to them. output_log_smeltingfurnace.txt
  15. After try to place torch on the ground (TAB pressed) torch cannot be placed. Also it happens to bug mouse inputs and is impossible to change active slot as well as interact with items on ground.
  16. The aim of this subforum is for players to have another method of reporting technical issues. When opening a new thread please include the following information to better assist you with your issue: 1. Explanation (as detailed as possible) of the issue you're experiencing (if it happens in Single or Multiplayer, if you're running a Dedicated Server etc.) 2. output_log file and output_log_clean, you can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data 3. Screenshots of any errors 4. DXDIAG report To gather a DXDIAG on your computer (Windows 8), please follow the steps below: Press and hold the Windows key and the letter R on your keyboard You will see a Run box in the lower-left corner of your screen Type dxdiag in the text field Click OK This should load the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Then choose "Save All Information", save the file to a location on your hard drive and then attach that with your reply. It can happen that you might be asked to provide the game version (you can see this in the left bottom corner in the main menu in the game) or your save game file (stored under Steam\userdata\<your_steam_id>\298610\remote\SaveGames) If you do not want to post out publicly that information, feel free to send @Nikki Severin or @Aleš Ulm a private message with your files. Thank you!