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Found 1534 results

  1. Hey, There was a offline player that came onto my server but they were glitched and doing the weird stacking thing: and they were duplicated so I deleted them. After a few minutes I saw their nametag flying about the map (not attached to the player) and they were offline. Here are the logs: output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt I really hope this island isnt haunted
  2. Hi, On my server (Rhino's Flavory land) I have a stone chest that where I show text above the entity like this: However, there is a chance that if you place a stone chest whilst playing then it will also have the words "SHOP" written over it. It honestly seems quite random. The same thing also happened to a needle which contains the same script. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt Thanks
  3. Hey, If you place explosives on a duckboat then you are able to sail through terrain. Gotta say, it was the best ride ive had in ylands, especially when it shot into the sky ?
  4. When using a custom control camera, sounds generated are "heard" by the player position, not by the camera position.
  5. Hello there, I have found bug where droped items (mostly building blocks act like solid) and I'm not able to pick them back up - happened twice already Save file included How I managed to do it: 1) droped items on the floor 2) went to chop some trees 3) came back to pick them up 4) some of them acted like placed blocks Eddit: in edditor output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  6. Hi, there is a small bug while wearing heavy armor, such as "Guardian Armor". By default, wearing this armor will slow you down slightly. When setting the character movement speed to -100 (zero movement), the character begins to move backwards instead of staying stationary. I propose that equipping and un-equipping changes the values of the players bonus movement speed but not the base value. So if a player wears heavy armor, and I set their bonus movement speed to zero, they will start moving at the same default speed as every other player.
  7. I built a ship, and on it I placed some 1x1x1 blocks. After some time, I installed a protective barrier and realized that I could use a hammer to disassemble the blocks. I decided to rebuild the ship, sailed on it to the protective barrier zone and disassembled the mast, steering wheel and chest. Then I started on the blocks, but they do not understand. I thought that this was due to the fact that a lot of time had passed and decided to destroy them first with an ax and then with a sledgehammer. But none of this helped. They seem to not even react. Help me. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. There's support for controller but it's not complete and cannot be used in most games such as Sandbox. I ask you to complete the mappings for controller.
  9. Some points to fix (or maybe there is already a solution?) I have stuttering when I look around with the mouse (feels like 15 FPS), when I use a controller I can look around smooth with the right stick (no stuttering!) It stays the same when I lower the details and resolution, so it doesn´t seem to be a performance problem I can´t change the resolution in fullscreen mode, only in windowed mode! In fullscreen mode it´s only "Custom" available, and I see 3620x2036 as available resolution (but I can´t choose it) The controller doesn´t work in the inventory I can´t choose mouse and keyboard in the control options, only "automatic" is available
  10. Hit a tree without destroying it, and it stays daylight colors at night. Very minor, but it kind of breaks the lovely moonlight effect. On that tiny little starting island, it's like a beacon from anywhere on the island.
  11. I planted about 105 flax plants in the same spot. after they grew into plants, I walked across them and fell through the floor, causing me to die of cold. This glitch has happened to me before when I planted a ton of bushes in one spot and stood next to them. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. Hi, I was on a multiplayer map when I died and when I wanted to revive all what happened was my character re spawned at the start of the map but I was still dead. I had to exit the current game to fix it. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt Here is a small video of how it looked like ( + the invisible horses ?)
  13. @kimbuck: "Also the two mountain tops either side of base have become "phantom" near the summit and avatars fall through the earth to death . You can also fly through them wearing a prop pack. Reported in game. Also encountered twice the unable to dig / lace objects / craft bug ... thats been reported in game too also by others."
  14. So, I got back to Ylands from a long break, and I started building a ship. When I was building the bow i noticed while placing wedges, that the wedges i was trying to place didnt "lock on" to the already placed wedges, and instead went through to the outside of the ship. I just brushed it off as me being a bit rusty, and thought nothing more of it. Then it was time for painting the damn thing, and unexpectedly, i cant paint the wedges or slopes. It was very annoying to build the ship in the first place because the transparency thing, and now i can't even finish it. Really sucked the motivation out of me. I have been thinking of ways to solve this like updating back to the previous version, but I'm scared it would break the game even more. Hope I explained it well enough, sorry if I didn't. Also the screenshot is probably quite useless since its only a half painted ship, but those wedges and slopes I am unable to paint.
  15. Mobile: incompatible servers show on mobile server list.
  16. Mobile Feedback #2 -- I am able to be in the same account on PC and mobile at once. So I can be in two games at once as the same person
  17. Mobile: Sound settings reset each login
  18. When starting the game all custom action keys are enabled. However setting the Custom Key Enabled to "False" will make the hints on the right side of the screen disappear but not actually disable them from being used.
  19. There seems to be a bug where you cannot hear both background noise from rain and music at the same time. I've tried many experiments but the simplest example is If you could fix this issue it would be immensely appreciated!
  20. All my blueprinted buildings etc do no align with the others items on the grid ... Screenshots attached. No big deal, but fyi ? otherwise enjoying the update ... note in last pic the structure is 'floating'
  21. rufo123-635e97db8687c099

    RESOLVED Falling though ground...

    Planting 200+ Flax seeds into one place. Causes the seeds act as a some kind of a "hole". Therefore stepping on it makes player fall through ground.
  22. Since a few weeks I have Ylands for 2 accounts/ PC's at home, and of course me and the wife (and son)started playing a explorer map together(hosting on my pc) issue is that wenn 1 of the 2 players in in the inventory menu and the other is just picking up large amounts of wood for example (fast) the inventory menu goes all crazy on the moments the other 1 picks something up(or places it in a inventory slot from a workbench). I had a video on my phone but that won't upload so need to transfer it to a other source first before uploading.
  23. When you despawn a car while a player is driving it the game will think that the player is still driving the car. It will despawn the car but the camera angle is stuck and you can still drive around.