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A Definitive Suggestion Thread for All


It would be nice if we could have a single Thread to reference for suggestions so I figured I'd try and make one. It's my hope that the other folks with suggestion lists post in this thread and we can edit our posts here as we think of more things to add. If we can maintain this simple to read format as well I think it would be easier for the Developers to read through and increase the chances of our ideas actually being seen but it's going to require us to proactively up-vote one another so the suggestion lists make up the first page of this post. 



  • A two minute recovery timer for the seeds after we've planted them
  • Mushrooms should break down into Spores that you can plant like Seeds (Require water and wood pulp for authenticity)
  • When opening containers, have the interface default to 'Inventory' rather than remember the last open menu.
  • Various compass recipes (Wooden needle on Leaf in bowl of water, Iron needle and glass/iron housing).
  • Dirt has a chance of  providing x1 Sand every so often upon dismantling/destruction.
  • A Run/Walk Toggle
  • Opaque diamond texture in windows needs to be more transparent.
  • On sub inventory containers (Seeds bag, Jars etc.) - 'Open' should be "Right click", and 'Pick up' should be "Hold E" or give users more remapping options.
  • Chisel tool to be used for quicker destruction of Clay blocks, perhaps require hammer and have Hammer and Chisel animation when being used (Destroying brick walls doesn't take very long IRL after all).


Minor Issues and Bugs

  • The collision boxes need adjustment, currently we require high ceilings and wide doors otherwise the collision meshes of objects interfere with the characters movement.
  • The Wake-up menu is intermittently buggy sometimes preventing players from waking up on demand.
  • The Furnace does not emit light.
  • Turning off the hud prevents the switching between of hotkey menu items.
  • The "G" movement mode seems hyper sensitive for users of a high DPI mouse, perhaps have it take control of the mouse, bypassing users sensitivity settings when enabled.
  • The Auto detection when placing objects gets confused after detecting too many different building plains, requiring the re-selection of the piece to restart the auto detect process (perhaps an intermittent memory purge for that system would mitigate this issue).


Desired Blocks or Systems when the Devs can get around to it)

  • More remapping options
  • More Corner blocks for Walls and Roofs
  • More medium sized containers
  • A Randomized variety of Stone and Stone Chunk models
Edited by iinRez
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7 replies to this bug / suggestion

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This is not a bad idea, but also, how will the best suggestions live their own lives and go to the top votes to finally have a chance to attract Devs eyes? That is my question...

Other than that?

  • -Make the World round again (if exiting one side of the map, reappear on the other side so that the planet is spheric)
  • -Taming and breeding animals (i want a Noah s ark, for that matter i need to be able to visit all biomes and bring back all species, like a true zoologist, which implies taming and breeding and feeding according to the food chain)
  • -Plant growing on Ships (not only do i want to be a learned zoologist, i also want to be an expert botanist, and to also be able to feed my herbivores on ship too, i would need to really use the flower pots to grow Plants (not trees that would be stupid) on board and that they STAY with the pots when i move my ship away)
  • -New colors for Avatars (since we have a very detailed color picker for any and all objects, why not use the same color picker for the skin tones and hairs, i m a bit tired of being "pink")
  • -More Inventory Containers (how about MORE containers for: Tools, Stones (stone chunks, marble, sandstone...), Ores, Crystals, Meats, Furs, Wood (logs, sticks, bark, wooden pieces), Fruits, Vegetables, Ammo? This would not only clear the inventory but also give a sort of classification by type that would not be bad... like categories, but by containers.)
Edited by YadNiMonde
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  On 2/4/2018 at 7:09 PM, iinRez said:

When opening containers, have the interface default to 'Inventory' rather than remember the last open menu.

+1 for this idea, it is so enfuriating each time I want to quickly chuck some stuff into a chest and it opens the crafting menu instead ?

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Good try but i dont think it ll work, some ideas have a true legitimacy, a real appeal, while others are simply put, useless, a list bundling them all together, burrying the genius ones in the stupid ones, man, i dont think it ll do... Good try though.

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  On 2/5/2018 at 10:09 AM, YadNiMonde said:

This is not a bad idea, but also, how will the best suggestions live their own lives and go to the top votes to finally have a chance to attract Devs eyes? That is my question...


Up votes. If more people end up participating in this we just up vote one another's lists so they appear as the first responses to this post. I envision this one thread having an entire first page full of the most comprehensive suggestion lists on this site pretty much. Single suggestion replies I suppose I'll edit in under a specific header in my first post, accrediting the user of the suggestion so they don't get buried.

Edited by iinRez

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