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RESOLVED [YLD-29460] 1.6(experimental build) Blocks in Older Saves


1. Stone Blocks:

A lot of the 1x1x2 and 1x1x1 stone blocks in older builds have turned into a lighter tint.
Newly placed stone blocks all have a normal tint.


2. Roof Blocks

The roof blocks of this random encounter in an old save have lost their collision.



Edited by Yo HasLEGO
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? (I don't usually respond with just an emoji, but this summarized my response so well)



Edit: Actually, I found something productive to say. They added this message to the changelog: Please note: since we optimizing building blocks (all should be finished in 1.7) you may notice some slight color differences when compared with the original blocks. This is unfortunately something we cannot fully fix - if you detect such a difference, you can adjust the color yourself (these blocks are already optimize and won't further edited)

so that sounds like we will need to manually fix things like this. It will be a pain but at least in editor we can Ctrl+ double click all the blocks the wrong color to paint them at the same time ?


Hopefully they fix the roof thing though. I don't want to fall through on accident lol

Edited by ocnoglittle
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I'm actually happy to read this. Stone blocks before this update were the wrong colors. They were always darker. For instance if you change their color to true white 255 Red 255 Green 255 blue....stone blocks were not true white. They were still light grey. So maybe this is their way of trying to correct that error, or a way of admitting they are working on it?... .....the roof collision thing though....uh yeah that needs some real fixing.

Edited by spiritchaser28

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firstly I apologize for not including the note into the changelog right away - the changelog for Experimental version is always completed in hurry and is not checked as the one that is made public with the official release - we added it as soon as we noticed players mentioned this.

There are two reasons for this change - firstly we  are optimizing the block and we are also (as @spiritchaser28 mentioned) fixing some blocks that were setup in a different way, were always darker and painting them didn't yield the expected results. Those are the blocks that now look brighter.

HOWEVER - we optimized whole groups of these blocks, so where some stone blocks appear brighter, they should all be brighter, no just some. This looks like a bug and we'll look into this right away.

Also if a collision box isn't shaped as the actual objects then it's a bug and needs to be fixed.

Thank you very much for your feedback!

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Hello, can you please send us picture where the wooden encounter is more visible (we need to specify its RE number to be able to fix this). This would help a lot :) Thank you! 


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We have checked the  stone blocks and they all seem to look the same in 1.6 (lighter, but all have the same shade of grey) @Yo HasLEGO - can you maybe send us your scene? Are the brighter/darker blocks setup in a same way? I mean no change in color, intensity etc)


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@Misa_Bondejcgirl, I found an intact version of the tower in the same game. It has an iron bow and some arrows laying on the railing.

I tried blueprinting it and the roof doesn't get blueprinted. It's like it doesn't exist.


@Aleš Ulm, the building in the picture was made on a sandbox savegame. Unfortunately I cannot send .ylandsgame files. ?

So here are the paint codes (with paintgun)
normal stone gray: 135 124 112
light stone gray: 196 183 160

I also don't think the rotation or placement of the blocks matters. But i'm not sure. It's been a long time since I built it.

I hope this helps a little.




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@Yo HasLEGO So some of the blocks are light and some are dark intentionally? I think we misunderstood the feedback in the beginning - we thought that originally you had all blocks painted with the same color, but you had some lighter, right? The problem is, that the light block are now lighter than before? 

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44 minutes ago, Yo HasLEGO said:

I tried blueprinting it and the roof doesn't get blueprinted. It's like it doesn't exist

Could it possibly be because the roof is a weld? Welds do not blueprint.

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@Yo HasLEGO You mentioned you thought block rotation did not matter, but I believe it does. Even in 1.5 and before the stone block was slightly different shades on each side, including both the "smooth" sides.  Check the composition and rotate one of the lighter blocks to see if the color matches to the darker after rotating it.

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12 hours ago, Yo HasLEGO said:

Unfortunately I cannot send .ylandsgame files.

If you mean you can't attach it here, you can always zip it then attach it here (or in a PM) or email it to Bohemia. What is a good email to use, @Misa_Bondejcgirl?

If you meant something else... then nevermind ?

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Yeah he means that file type cannot be attached here on the forums. When Adam was around I sent those types of files to him via discord. Maybe in the future we can attach those types of game files? I would personally love to see .ybp files and .ycomp files allowed as well for for those people that love to share their builds freely. It would be a good alternative way to share aside from workshop and discord and could expand and encourage sharing creations with others. It's good to know that .zip files can be attached though.


Edited by spiritchaser28
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3 hours ago, ocnoglittle said:

you can always zip it then attach it here

Oh I forgot zipping files was a thing, thanks :D

Edited by Yo HasLEGO

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Yeah, I usually said zip or PM Adam on Discord or email Adam... but now we need a new person to bother until we get a new community manager. For files related to bugs, I nominate @Misa_Bondejcgirl (hopefully she doesn't mind ?) but that means we need a good email address. I actually tried to google it for a while but was unsuccessful.

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Hey guys, 

Until we finish building Adam-Tron-2020, you can shoot these to my address: marton.magyar@bistudio.com


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2 minutes ago, Marci Magyar said:

Hey guys, 

Until we finish building Adam-Tron-2020, you can shoot these to my address

Haha! I demand that you make Adam-Tron into a legitimate NPC in the game! ?

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1 minute ago, Deadeye_Rob said:

Haha! I demand that you make Adam-Tron into a legitimate NPC in the game! ?

I'll do my absolute best to make that a reality!

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24 minutes ago, Nikki Severin said:

Hello there!

@Yo HasLEGO would you mind providing us with your save so that we can have a better look into this? 

Thank you! 

Sure, here you go :)

(this is the savefile of the world that has the collision-less roofblocks)

I couldn't come up with a name for it at the time so i named it "dot"

Bugs for Nikki.zip

Edited by Yo HasLEGO
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2 minutes ago, Yo HasLEGO said:

Sure, here you go :)

(this is the savefile of the world that has the collision-less roofblocks)

I couldn't come up with a name for it at the time so i named it "dot"

Bugs for Nikki.zip

Thank you for the bugs! :D

giphy (1).gif

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