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I had a bug last night.


I have a "mobile base" ship that has smelteries and all that jazz on it, Went yland hopping last night, and came back to my ship missing 1/3 large masts, 2 smelteries, 1 blacksmith table, 1 kiln, and 1 foundry missing. There was also a placed lantern on the ship that is no longer there either. I tried to log off the save and log back on and it is all still missing. where did all my crafting stuff go?! the chests, and all that stuff is still there, Along with my weaving loom and tanning rack and stuff. Just those few items are missing and I will have to remake them all i guess. 

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Very old issue, most of the systems are obsolete for a long time. (issue was caused by several thing mainly incorrect synchronization of ships with world simulation). Ships and world simulation are now saved differently and problem is fixed for very long time.

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Also, Are the wind indicators bugged? Every time I place one.. It jsut blows to the stern of the boat... no matter which way im facing, Moving or standing still.

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Try opening the world in editor mode and locate your ship. Can you see all of the items in this mode? Other people have been having problems with items going invisible but they are still there.

The wind indicator isn’t functioning at the moment. More for decoration

Edited by handofthesly

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Could this be because i made a big flat tabletop using bamboo panels on the ship to make it wider/longer? The smelteries and stuff were all placed on that instead of the ship... But in editor mode.. there is NOTHING on the ship its just a hull.. No chests no bamboo no nothing...

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Yeah that shouldn’t happen, your stuff should be there in editor mode. It may have something to do with the bamboo panels but that really shouldn’t affect anything. This sounds like a bug for sure! Hopefully the devs get to look into this. Attach your output_log and output_clean files to help them out

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Yup that’s a big bug, attach those files and hopefully a dev gets to look into it for you

Edited by handofthesly

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13 hours ago, FullTwist said:

Also, Are the wind indicators bugged? Every time I place one.. It jsut blows to the stern of the boat... no matter which way im facing, Moving or standing still.

This will be fixed in the upcoming update.

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Could you please also attach the save game where you're having the issues?

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We are still looking into it, hopefully I'll know more soon.

  • Thanks 1

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Just happended to me and i cant asset nothing on my ship. So all my chest with my gear and stuff all gone

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Ahh man, just had the same problem with making all the inside of my ship decorated, somethings were free placed others weren't. Hopefully the team can work on this, as it'd be great to add things to ours ships without them disappearing :)
Good luck, and cheers 

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Any progress? Been a while now and im afraid to play this game.... let alone build a new boat. Dont need my progress going backwards..

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Maybe in the mean time spawn yourself in a new ship in the editor and keep playing? And hopefully the disappearing workstations doesn’t happen again. 

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Im not sure if its the bamboo or not... Shouldnt have anything to do with it... And by the sounds of it others are having the same issue.. Idk if they also used bamboo too but yeah.

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i made a boat with just wood and stone chests and never had any problems. a full decked out ship no problems. then on a online server that wasnt mine, had a few wooden pieces and bamboo chests, and half the time i would climb the ladder,  I would get teleported to other places. even under the map where you just die and loose everything. 


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Hi Fulltwist, This seems like a problem with garbage collection. This game is written in a language that uses automatic garbage collection. If you move to far away from an object, like to the other side of the island from your ship, and there's no one there to continually render in those entities, the base code (underlying the game [the programming language] not Ylands itself) may delete objects on its own. If the classes and functions aren't written just right sometimes things like this happen in games unfortunately. You can try to just go ahead in the editor and add them back in with the creator cube. It may or may not be the "bamboo" btw, from a programmers perspective it all depends on the engine, language, and code with gaming mishaps like this.

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