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White Skull Mr.Friendly

RESOLVED Boats (Stuck)


this is kinda a bug and a suggestion but can you ylander devleopers make it so we can push our boats if they get stuck on the land and some reason I was riding my boat near the shore and I got stuck like it stopped moving and the front when into the water even thoe there is no land touching the bottom.

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Should no longer be a problem in new adventure, since you can unsummon/summon your boats/ships at will.

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I agree completely.

I'd only just built my first ship and managed to beach it almost straight away.

Only way to get it out would be to dig a huge channel around the coast of my island, which would take way too much time, easier to just make a new ship.

Maybe a feature like in other games where you can flip your vehicle back up right when you roll it or drive off of the track.

Or even if you could make a tug boat to drag it out of sticky situations.

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Thanks for the feedback, guys!

We are already implementing a lot of ships-related improvement/fixes in 0.4 so you may want to check if things got better with the upcoming update. If this thing doesn't work better after you get your hands on it please do let us know. Thanks!

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in stranded deep you hold right mouse and can move things around.this would help.


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This is the price you pay  for playing the $ 10 ALPHA game  guys. :P

I have dug out my boat three times before I smartened up and stopped sailing near shore-immersion complete!

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My ship has been stuck also several times (and a long time on my 1st time), i also picked up a spade and started digging a path (canal) in the ground below the ship (you can go reverse with the boat), and even with a raft you can give it a little push ;) (tried that also and that worked but do not think to much of it, it goes real slow ) :) 

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7 hours ago, bigblockhead said:

This is the price you pay  for playing the $ 10 ALPHA game  guys. :P

I have dug out my boat three times before I smartened up and stopped sailing near shore-immersion complete!

I have lost at least two large ships that were 

1) Quite a long ways from shore but there was a small sand bar offshore much farther than expected

2) Could not be dug out because the sand bar was very narrow and most of the area was too deep and water was FREEZING and I was not able to even dig one action 

3) In cold climates you cannot get to shore to make a raft before you die from the cold water

I like the idea of somehow being able to "rock the boat" free -- perhaps make it   time consuming  enough that people are wary of sand bars, but not as time consuming as losing a ship AND needing to quit or die to simply get off the stuck ship. 

Looking forward to some improvements in the next update. (Yes we KNOW it's an alpha and that's why we are giving developers feedback, so they know where the dividing line is between "challenging immersion" and "unneeded frustrations"...)



Edited by Sprout

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Don't worry, guys - as I said before there will definitely be a way of "unstucking" your boat in the upcoming update. :)

Putting a lot of effort into building a ship that would run into the ground a few moments later and become unusable is something we don't want to see in Ylands. We have a super long way ahead of us with tons of features to be implemented, but there is one thing that will always have absolute priority over anything else. Anything that is bugged or designed so poorly that it results in you losing something you created or your time or effort will be fixed as soon as possible. Just tell us whenever that happens - we are always here, listening to your feedback.

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I think beaching could be a risk/danger which is normal to sailing a boat. Maybe the map could show water depths or something similar so we can navigate through shallow water? Also, have you tried simply digging the sand away below the boat?

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The  new    boat physics  etc  make for  interesting sailing..   big   ships  need   deep water   so     unlike   the previous  versions,  now  you have to sail to avoid  shoals.

The only  issue is that its  difficult to reverse out  if you get stuck ...in some cases near impossible.

What needs looking into  is the  "slipperiness"  of the  hull when reversing....


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