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Everything posted by V-Alfred

  1. V-Alfred

    Dev Diary #28

    yep thats definitely in their to do list. Maybe "New world" is coming with that? I'm not sure, lets see in the future.
  2. V-Alfred

    Dev Diary #28

    awesome news, stay strong Ylands Team!
  3. wow, new rare bug? My friend often write a note for me with leather sheet, its saved and I can read the message at later time. Hope you can reproduce this bug, and send the log file.
  4. Hey, I sent pm to her/him the other day, and here is the message.
  5. V-Alfred

    KNOWN ISSUE Swimming on Ship on DS Server

    yep, it happened to me like always when going up by ladder from water. Every single movement on ship is weird, often you teleport while moving on top of ship in MP that is. In Singleplayer every movement on the ship is fine, maybe 1 thing, your body little bit lighter and can be sweep by the wind if you going too fast!
  6. Like @Baz Foobar said, propeller pack can trigger bugs sometime, the way to fix it is reboot the server. And to avoid that bug, now I always use propeller pack only when I really need to use it and after I'm done with it, I always take it off.
  7. Hmmh, and then here.. Sorry I'm detecting something fishy at point 5, your statement there doesn't make any sense. If you can take stuff from dead trader, that means you gain something. And that's example of "exploit". If trader can be dead and respawn with all their stuff, then forever you will kill them and take their stuff, thats how it works. If the trader can be dead but won't respawn, that means you "turn off" someone opportunity to be able to trade with traders, and gain advantage for yourself by looting traders dead body. And in multiplayer games that is big No No. Enough for your point 5, I believe there are reasons why Devs currently make traders 'indestructible'. Here are example of reasons I can think of: Traders/human NPC don't react to damage you give, they can't use weapon to attack you or simply they don't have "aggressive mode" AI behavior. It's new features, lets introduce this to everybody. There can be "game breaking bug" that hidden behind dead human NPCs. Exploiting bug/glitch is sucks.
  8. Yep, known issue since 0.5 or even older than that. Just do like @Energritz_ mentioned, and/or lock all your stuff.
  9. V-Alfred

    Too loot, or not to loot?

    Obviously all depends for me. If you mean loot = kill and then take their stuff, I won't do that. The feeling when you login and seeing dead screen is sucks.. If it's base and I'm currently the only active player around, then I will see if tomorrow or weekend he/she will comeback or not. If not, then thats mean the owner doesn't care, I'll raid everything I can. If it's junk that laying ground at nowhere (dirt, rock, stone, wooden shiet, bark, grass skirt, stone equipment, basically all junk for endgame), I will pick them up, and destroy it by Destroy menu. Someone need to take care the server performance right?
  10. V-Alfred

    Victorian house (WIP)

    finally legit house! total creativity! welldone
  11. Alright, the curse is come back... What in the world is happening to my character... Now I have the logs. Here is what I was doing, first I'm trying to connect PA 17 and got timeout while still at loading scene "downloading server data" which ofcourse "Connection Timed Out" notification pop up. Then second try, I'm successfully get in to the world, but my "immortal curse" is come back. I think you can see that in the log aswell, I still don't know the cause of my "immortal". output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. V-Alfred

    DS - Trade fail, lost items

    which logs? receiver or sender? or both?
  13. Indeed miracle.. I will update and upload log files if the curse is come back.
  14. @Ane Did you guys managed to fix my cursed character "the immortality"? I just relog to the server PA 17, and my health is back to red! I don't know what to react.. I feel sad but relief at the same time..
  15. V-Alfred

    network error 114

    The output_log_clean.txt is really similar with yours @handofthesly. Lets be patient and hope they can fix it soon. Meanwhile, digging the Editor features seems interesting..
  16. V-Alfred

    help:trying to find submarine sphere?

    Is it MP? If it's, there is high chance that someone already took that floating thingy. If not, then try harder!
  17. Did you tried to re-login when that happen? And is it fixed again? I never experienced this case myself, so I'm not sure. It can caused by lag / network delay that makes the game confused which tool that should in your hand. Good luck and Have fun!
  18. V-Alfred

    DS - Trade fail, lost items

    I'm not sure if it's same issue or not, last night I was trying to give my friend "propeller pack" using trade windows. He said that "what did you gave me?", I said "'the propeller pack..". And then I suggest him to re-login, after that the propeller pack show up in his inventory.
  19. V-Alfred

    NPC Logic

    Oh I see.. Awesome news, thanks
  20. V-Alfred

    RESOLVED [YLD-8860] Network Layer Error

    can you attach both logs here? How to get that file is explained in this thread; Based on what I got when looking on the logs from people whose got Network Layer Error[2], all of them get "error=SequenceOutOfBounds", only devs know what need to be done for that, since they made that exception code. My guess, that is related to latency. Before "Cheerful Character" update, I was able to join NA server but with lag anywhere. Now every time I'm trying to connect NA server, Network Layer Error[2] always pop up (last night I was trying to connect my friend's server). I live in Asia and PA servers is always the best place for me to play. To connect to NA Servers, I always get above 200ms ping if thats stable. Thats all is my guess. I could be wrong.
  21. V-Alfred

    NPC Logic

    Thanks @Houp, I have suggestion, how about you guys make videos tutorial? or share open Scenario which have NPCs in it, as for learning source? So we can atleast make something not "brute-force", if you know what I mean.
  22. V-Alfred


    holycrap, thats an art near rubber trees.. Welldone!
  23. V-Alfred

    Translation of Ylands

    @mozila80 and @TZAA hello there! I have been posting "if you need Bahasa ingame" long time ago. But seems they didn't need it. Greetings from wkwk islands!
  24. V-Alfred

    Eating Rocks

    lol. just don't scroll when eating animation still running. In "Cheerful Character", eating animation is running twice now. Seems its because the code (that causing non-edible stuff eated) for eating is done right after eating animation. Thats my guess.
  25. V-Alfred

    Editor Questions

    Hello bb! I've been playing with Editor quite sometime, still learning currently. There are no video tutorial yet. But you can learn some in this thread. And to go back to Editor menus, you need to press O(like O in option). Currently, to access options in "character view" you need to remember the Editor key binding. Hopefully there is UI for that in the future.