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Everything posted by John - NEXFER

  1. John - NEXFER

    How to get pass force field?

    Just a tip for anyone that gets in there legitimately, if you take in some stacks of hay or another item that animals will eat, most of the mutated bears seem to be starving down there - Drop a few down and wait for them to swarm... and then... Sneak passed them... Or Drop a grenade or two on them and kaboom!
  2. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED [YLD-8084] Host Unreachable

    Seems all related, mind if we merge the threads for the devs?
  3. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Continue a saved multiplayer world

    Possibly related, mind if we merge the threads for the devs?
  4. If needed, that world might be salvageable, however it would require deleting the affected horse in the editor, or killing it in-game. All in all, a good assessment of the current issues, thanks! *Edit - you said the horse died well... not sure then! This sometimes happens with a living horse, and removing it makes things work again... but... no horse!
  5. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Cant join server, stopped at loading screen.

    Sorry shall we merge for the devs?
  6. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED [YLD-8021] 100% unlimited loading

    Hi there, This seems to be an increasing issue right now and I can't really offer any solution to it sadly A work-around if you are desperate could be to load the game in the editor, and delete the characters that are affected, while you are in the editor, you could spawn in some of the things that character might lose in the process, perhaps even a shiny new ship to get you back to where you were. Failing that, a new save game - not a solution at all! There is some bug whereby characters will become unable to load in, a new character should have no issue. Sorry I can't be of further assistance, I believe they are working hard on multiplayer fixes at the moment.
  7. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Game not launching / black screen

    Have you tried to uninstall / reinstall at all? Have you installed the pre-Steam client on this machine as well at all? If you haven't tried uninstall /reinstall, you should try uninstall it on Steam, if you have both clients installed, could try and check in control panel - uninstall a program and get rid of the non-Steam version. Your system seems fine and capable, seems like something going wrong with the files.
  8. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Game not launching / black screen

    Hi there! This seems like a rather unusual error, I presume you play other games on your system just fine? You should be able to find the output_log_clean here, is it not there? C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data Is your GTX 1050 running on the latest drivers as well?
  9. John - NEXFER


    No problem! Double click a sign (or most objects) in the editor and it brings up a menu.
  10. John - NEXFER

    Large Ship Width OCD (DEV/Design Team)

    I agree! And you cannot centre the dang ship's helm on a fresh large ship!
  11. John - NEXFER

    how to transfer sever saves to other players?

    Hi there - Step one, shut down the current game and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<YOUR STEAM ID>\298610\remote\SaveGames on the current host PC. Step two, copy your save game file, send it to the new host somehow. Step three, place the file in the same location on the new host PC. Step four, load the game on the new host, enable multiplayer in the options. Step five, have a party around a bonfire! *Both game clients should be closed while transferring, to avoid sync issues.*
  12. John - NEXFER

    Building Blueprint system

    Just a point as I do enjoy a good BP system, however, if it's a bit confusing to read and explain, surely it would be less user friendly? Simpler tends to be more user friendly I thought! I play several other games that use a BP system that is easy to understand, but just as complicated lacking the initial how-to knowledge. Currently, Ylands seems complicated because the initial how-to knowledge is - obtain all the required materials, or a new recipe won't unlock. If you don't know this prior, the whole things doesn't make much sense at first. However, as you play and explore, you will inevitably notice that more things are unlocking, and those things require materials that you already have - making it a fairly straight forward learning curve - which is actually quite realistic, if we presume that the player has no knowledge of making any of these things prior to becoming stranded in the explore mode. Having a few different objects in your kit, will allow you to think up new and useful ways to put them together, seems kind of life-like. Similarly with the BP systems, if you don't have some prior knowledge about the system, some new players will likely be equally confused about how to progress.
  13. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Multiplayer

    It's possible that exiting the game completely, and loading back in might fix this issue if it's occuring - specifically, which recipe should have unlocked but hasn't, and have you checked on the wiki to see if you have all the requirements to unlock it? The wiki is still new, and is being updated at the moment, but you can usually find a recipe list by searching Google for 'Ylands wiki <NAME HERE>".
  14. John - NEXFER


    Yeah, signs can be edited in the editor, but I hadn't tried to in game, I presume if you could, an option to write on it would pop up when you are close enough. Regarding the letters, drag one in to your hotbar and press 'V' to enable manual placement of objects.
  15. John - NEXFER


    Hi there, Once you unlock some devices that can generate energy (electricity), then there is a range of powered lights and lamps that can be created, complete with on/off switches! Until those things are unlocked however, it's cave-man style!
  16. John - NEXFER

    How to: the Extended Editor

    Hold right click on mouse and strafe with your WASD keys Shift will speed up WASD movement
  17. John - NEXFER

    How to save the process?

    Exiting to the main menu should initiate a save game - you can then locate your save game files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<YOUR STEAM ID>\298610\remote\SaveGames
  18. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Teleporting Ship to Ship

    Certainly not meant to work like this, certainly a bug - but certainly handy! I sure wish they could add a teleport system to the game (besides the randomly generated one)! I think one could be made in the editor, but not on an explore mode because it does not allow you to edit game logic objects for explore mode Two in game build-able items would be ideal. Teleport Pad Sender and Teleport Pad Receiver - place the sender at the new player spawn, place the receiver elsewhere, even make them password protected or something neat!
  19. John - NEXFER

    Concerns about the editor

    Hi there! So the first point - I've had an issue with painted blocks on my ship saving as well, I painted a ship all one colour, saved it as a composition and loaded it in to an explore mode, only to find that each different map I load it in to, it appears as a different set of colours! I think they may be aware of this, if not they are now! On to your second point - there is a kind of trick to this, not sure if they meant for this to be tricky on purpose, but here's how you go about doing it! First - select the ship's hull object (large green box around everything should show up). Second - hold Ctrl and click on any block that you have added to your ship. Third - now that your ship hull and single block are selected, right click on the single block and choose "Save as composition" - it will save all the blocks as one. Spawn in your composition to test before closing to make sure it works fine (you can click back button to remove it again if all is well).
  20. John - NEXFER

    Ylandium generator

    I find if you make a Small Ylandium Generator, and Charging Station, you can build your 5 Small Ylandium Engine in range of the charger, and never have to worry about powering again (perpetual energy).
  21. Sounds like something is loading into graphics memory, and not being unloaded - leak. Some form of programmed assessment by the developers, of which resources are not unloading could likely help identify the leak. Just a stab in the dark though really, as still much optimisation to be done etc.
  22. John - NEXFER

    Ylanders Yonderland v1 - Released

    A large multiplayer game mode I've been working on is now ready for release, and I've added it to the workshop - https://ylands.net/asset/97 Check it out! I'm hosting it on my server for now - password is 'ylanders'.
  23. Hi there! 750w should be more than sufficient for your setup, unless you have multiple disk drives or other devices consuming power? GPU - approx 177.81W under gaming load CPU - approx 125W under load RAM - approx 2.5W per stick It seems likely that if the issue stopped on changing your PSU, that the original PSU had become faulty, and showing its effects when enough power was being drawn through it (on starting the graphics in the game)? Second to this, I would have gone with an overheating CPU or GPU as the primary cause of a random system switch off (internal thermostat triggers this to protect the system). Overheating is fairly simple to fix, however, would require opening up your device, dependent on if you are referring to a tower PC or a laptop, this could be fairly straight forward, or a tad more complicated! Plenty of YouTube videos on how-to's for this sort of thing, the primary concerns are the heat cooling systems - the fans and the heat sinks. Thermal grease / heat paste might need to be re-applied to the CPU, this is likely the most difficult task in the process, however, in general, you can just get in there and clear out all the gunk and accumulated dust-wads that are likely blocking up your fans and heat sinks! Doing this should greatly improve your CPU's potential and life-span. If you are using a laptop, you could invest in a coolant pad, that attaches via USB and has fans inside it - you sit your laptop on it, saves your legs getting hot, and efficiently cools the laptop. Good luck!
  24. John - NEXFER

    Spoiler - The Submarine Sphere

    Don't watch if you're new to Ylands, or even if you're not, it might spoil a pretty cool puzzle for you! P.S I don't show what is actually inside it, just how I went about getting it open!
  25. John - NEXFER

    Spoiler - The Submarine Sphere

    Sailing around, keep your eyes open for flotsam and debris floating on the surface, dive down below it and check for a submarine, keep on till you find it!