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Found 1534 results

  1. Steps to reproduce: 1. Walk up to sign to display content. For example in Siege walk to the sign that says "Destroy the Castle" 2. With the sign text still visible in the middle of the screen, open Inventory. 3. The inventory items that should overlap the sign text do not get drawn correctly. (Se screenshots) Severity: Minor - Does not prevent game play, and is only seen under specific conditions. Repeatable: Always
  2. when you pick up a lamp and then drop it. it falls through most obects and lands lobbed side, in the x & y-axis co-ords so the stand up properly . You can't place them on top of objects, like benches tops. eg prison parapet. I would of fought it be better if you can use lamps to light up rooms. or areas . thanks
  3. Gracekain

    RESOLVED Tool Durability

    I feel that the iron tools break too fast. When building my house, I felt that I spent more time remaking tools then actually building. I haven't accurately counted, but it seems that my saws break after making the 10th beam. Then I have to stop, go to my storage, get a stick, get some heated iron, if I dont have heated iron, fire up the forge, wait a min to get the heated iron, hold on another min to make the tool. If the tools are going to break so often, then I suggest we have the ability to make them on the fly. Maybe require a tinkering kit in your pack to craft tools? As long as you have the tinkering kit, iron bars, and wood in your pack, we could make tools on the fly.
  4. This is just one hole. It is a perfectly square hole. There are two holes just like this one not too far away. From what I can tell they are the same depth. These holes are around my start point on the island. They go down below water level. I hope I don't lose my home to one.
  5. As stated above, I kept trying to get into the western scenario and was spawned under the floor with no way to escape. Tried multiple times with same result.
  6. So I was sawing down a tree and how the tree was falling it bugged me in some way and my avatar got the falling animation. After a moment I just died... Luckily I copied save file to my One Drive before playing so I hope I lost "just" a few hours and not the entire world. Can I also ask if you plan to add option to save the game? Output log if needed: output_log.txt
  7. JustinAdams13

    RESOLVED Help with tabs

    Whenever i click on the crafting tab nothing happens and i stay on the inventory screen, am i doing something wrong?
  8. Ricky Luckette

    RESOLVED Crafting Bug

    In the explore game mode my crafting tab always gets stuck. whenever I use a forge, tanning rack, anything like that my crafting tab will always be as if i opened one of those objects to craft in. (first picture) Even when I restart the game my crafting tab looks like this (second picture) please help.
  9. Hello, I don't know if you're the best person to tell them about that but I spotted a problem on the BIS Shop. I hope that the people that orders that shirt will not get a Take on Mars shirt
  10. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED Character presets

    Every time I want to create new Yland, I have to create myself a new character. It's a little annoying for me because I play everytime as the same character. And I don't think I'm the only one who have one favorite character. So what about customizable character presets in the character creation menu? I made a little picture as example
  11. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED New tab in inventory

    You can highlight some items in inventory by selecting category in upper tabbs. I tried all of them, but I just recognized that plenty of items are not in any of the tabs. I think tab called "Natural resources" or "Plants" would be great. Most of items I have in my inventory are plants...
  12. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED Dropping items

    Why sometimes when you drop multiple same items they will fall around you in the circle? But sometimes they just stack into a one pile of it on the ground. You can pick them up all at once, use just that you want and drop them back on the ground. Easy. So why its not working every time? Its very irritating to pick all wooden pieces one by one...
  13. Download the Launcher from https://ylands.com/ 3 Times. Every Time the same.... 1. Downloading/patching Files 2. Log In 3. Launcher begins to load and downloading Files 4. Launcher Error (Screenshot Ylands Error 1) 5. Search for Problems in Web --> Login again 6. Screenshot Ylands Error 7. Error Message that says i don´t play with Launcher ????? This Problem is since the last update. I read in other Forum that the Launcher Version on Homepage is the old one and it automaticaly loads the new Version when i start the Launcher. I saw, that the Launcher starts "Download new Launcher" and crashes before it ends. What can i do? Error Information: Problemsignatur: Problemereignisname: APPCRASH Anwendungsname: YlandsLauncher.exe Anwendungsversion: Anwendungszeitstempel: 57ab247a Fehlermodulname: Qt5WebEngineCore.dll Fehlermodulversion: Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 575df7aa Ausnahmecode: 80000003 Ausnahmeoffset: 0000000000d8b1d9 Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601. Gebietsschema-ID: 3079 Zusatzinformation 1: da26 Zusatzinformation 2: da269dd9d61a636254c6a89d9d61c3cf Zusatzinformation 3: f709 Zusatzinformation 4: f7095fdb6ff2c20728bc8a9063205c47 EDIT: I solve this problem by myself. Have found the old Ylands_setup.exe from Purchase and this Launcher will updating to the New Launcher. There must be some Problems with our setup.exe on Homepage!
  14. Hello Dev Team. I recently found out about this game and because of that I wanted to try the free Trial. So I decided to create an Account, and download the free trial game. I opened the installer, which had no problems to install the Launcher. But when I logged in at the launcher itself, it failed downloading the Assets. The Error was: DOWNLOAD FAILED ACTOR_UNISEX Could you please help me or fix that? (I allready tryed to reinstall the game, but it didnt work) Thanks
  15. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED Non-pickable keys?!

    I was doing a game, where your goal is to find keys. Unfortunately, I discovered that you can't pick up any keys. You can pick up most of the items in Ylands, but not KEYS. Why? It's so annoying...
  16. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED Not every horse is Semik

    There is some things that are not perfect about horses, but I guess you know them and work on them. (f. ex. missing animation of direction where horse is heading) Some saddles, leads and saddlebags would be also useful, but I want to tell you something another. I was pretty suprised by jumps of the horses. I know horses can jump really high, but that ones in game are more like legendary Šemík. I jumped over a wall on the picture below (banana for scale) and I think that is too much.
  17. Miguel Preguisa

    RESOLVED Uncraftable magic dust

    I wasn't able to craft it. I had both ingredients as seen in screenshot but the game was thinking I didn't have Stone mortar.
  18. Game wasn´t loading a while, so I hold Ctrl+Shift+Esc for Task Manager. Then I see I already have one running window with Ylands. The second one (that loading screen) still hasn´t load and it wasn´t normal loading screen. Names of updates doesn´t match. What was that?
  19. I found in inventory (in category "Sealife") both SPONGE CORAL and CORAL SPONGE. It looks absolutely the same and I am just wondering if there is some difference.
  20. Hello, i just going to play and i lost all things from my inventory, even i hvnt clothes...After updating I lose all inventroy items, even in the 2 other maps. I have a copy of the map but nothing happens when I replace it (in saved carpet from documents) Is this normal or this only happen to me? Thanks
  21. Hello. two things happens, not sure if they are connected: When picking up raw meat, dropped by player or by animal upon skinning, there is like 50% chance that the meat will stay on the floor while also in inventory. It gives action hint (RMB to pick up) but doesn't interact any more.When picking up some items (stuck in terrain or explained in 1.) animation stuck in endless loop. Can't move nor can do any other action. It can be solved by going to the main menu and loading game.(working on A3 in Mnišek, if you would need some details, let me know)
  22. So upon joining a Multiplayer session you get the normal character creation screen and when you Click play it pans up to the sky and then just sits there and does nothing. However we worked around this by using 'LogMeIn Hamachi'. I imagine other LAN like programs that simulate a LAN network bypassing port-forwarding ect would work too. I've attached the output_log for a failed connection to a 'Global' session. output_log.txt
  23. Happened in both build 0.02.12564 and build 0.02.12696 Today I tried to join a multiplayer session with 2 other friends of mine, but when joining the server I get stuck on the character creation screen. My friends are able to create a character but when they get past that they are stuck looking at the sky but no loading messages show up. All 3 of us have tried to host but nothing worked, in the end my friends managed to join eachother with Hamachi, but I still got stuck on the character creation screen, video below shows what happens for me. -After enabling local MP server before you create a new game, it will reset the player count and password once you are ingame. You will have to change the max players again through Esc>scenario settings > setup (otherwise the server will show 1/0 players in the server browser). -The passphrase also doesnt seem to work, you can still see and join the server without having to type any passphrase. output_log.txt
  24. Hello, i bought game today with my friends and we can´t see servers in Multiplayer. We tried programs like Hamachi and still we can´t see other server. Can someone give me some advice how to fix it?
  25. So loaded up my world with the new update and the first thing I notice is the ice, It's now blinding