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Found 2 results

  1. [Exploit/Bug/Protective Barrier/Terrain/item/Glitch] Since there isn't much voice about this issue, ( A few similar posts ) today i did a server spawn area clean up, after the CPU idle % was around 35%, from ~5% initially, expecting the worst and i was not surprised. I currently host a Server for the Public if they so choose to use, i have put [Beta] tags on the server title, so people know what to expect. I personally play on the server, knowing full well things can break, however i do not live on the spawn island, so i don't have these issues. Note: All these places in theses pictures are under a Protective Barrier, people have added their own flare to other peoples areas. This exploit would need to addressed ASAP or Dedi Servers ( especially public ones ) will not survive and die out. eventually. ( These areas have now been cleaned up by me in the editor, which took 1-2hrs to complete , thankfully its a small server after the cleanup, CPU returned to around ~8% idle ! ) Below is an example of people not knowing about the issue at hand, unlucky for the owner left a stairway to the roof. These are players who are not at spawn but not far from it either. Another house taken advantaged of A shed house of the first picture.. And lastly a WIP underground base.. now ruined..
  2. According to the in-game help, the protective barrier, when active, will protect the plot owner from damage by other players while offline. However on the official NA 4 server I had an activated protected barrier and was within plot while offline and I was still PK'd. When I logged back in on the NA4 server I was even able to catch the name of the person that killed me.