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Found 6 results

  1. Hello there! Encountered a pretty dismal bug. Almost every time that I leave my house (on OFFICIAL EXPLORE EU 9), when I come back to the barrier zone the server kicks me out with "Host Unreachable" error. I then have to log back in and do it all over again, and next time I will leave the barrier zone and come back the game will probably kick me again. This is super reproducible and I attached the needed logs. Here's to hoping you can fix this without resetting the entire server, deleting a few days' work... Thanks! Kittemz output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. According to the wiki: "The Protective Barrier Generator first appears in the players inventory as the Broken Protective Barrier Generator which requires to be repaired before becoming functional. Once fixed, this item will grant the player a 30x30x30 cube (or 82x82x82 in blocks) in which they will have several abilities: the power to pick up placed blocks with a hammer after the timer would normally be up, immunity from damage when logged out, placed blocks cannot be damaged by other players, other players cannot place any blocks" I have been playing on the public server EXPLORE NA 48 with no issues until I logged in today. While I was offline, players were able to break a locked door, glass windows and three locked chests inside my cabin. From the description of the protective barrier, I thought this was not possible. Did I not set up my barrier correctly or is this a known bug? I attached some screenshots.
  3. roomie101

    Protective barrier broken

    Has you can see in this picture I died by a bear WITHIN my protective barrier!!!!!!! Now I thought you were save within the barrier but I guess not! Anything you need to fix
  4. [Exploit/Bug/Protective Barrier/Terrain/item/Glitch] Since there isn't much voice about this issue, ( A few similar posts ) today i did a server spawn area clean up, after the CPU idle % was around 35%, from ~5% initially, expecting the worst and i was not surprised. I currently host a Server for the Public if they so choose to use, i have put [Beta] tags on the server title, so people know what to expect. I personally play on the server, knowing full well things can break, however i do not live on the spawn island, so i don't have these issues. Note: All these places in theses pictures are under a Protective Barrier, people have added their own flare to other peoples areas. This exploit would need to addressed ASAP or Dedi Servers ( especially public ones ) will not survive and die out. eventually. ( These areas have now been cleaned up by me in the editor, which took 1-2hrs to complete , thankfully its a small server after the cleanup, CPU returned to around ~8% idle ! ) Below is an example of people not knowing about the issue at hand, unlucky for the owner left a stairway to the roof. These are players who are not at spawn but not far from it either. Another house taken advantaged of A shed house of the first picture.. And lastly a WIP underground base.. now ruined..
  5. So what i noticed is that when i am playing with a friend, i cant edit in his protective barrier. Normally this is a good thing, but we WANT to be able to edit and place in each other barriers. This because we just want to work together en build a nice base. Would'nt it be helpful to make a system so you can add players as friends or as Tribal/Clan mates so that you can work together inside one barrier? that way you can make multiple bases on more islands also. Or simply a system where you can chose who may edit and who cant edit.
  6. According to the in-game help, the protective barrier, when active, will protect the plot owner from damage by other players while offline. However on the official NA 4 server I had an activated protected barrier and was within plot while offline and I was still PK'd. When I logged back in on the NA4 server I was even able to catch the name of the person that killed me.