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About leo_chaos

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  1. leo_chaos

    Dev Diary #246 Listen, Playlands, we need to talk

    So glad, the couple of times I've tried this it was empty, boring and really took away from my opinion I had of the game from before.
  2. Swear I tried this code a few times, will have to try again next time I play, perhaps I tried every combo but this one lmao Glad I got the numbers right at least
  3. leo_chaos

    Cinder Mystery Yland

    If so I don't think that's a particularly good way of doing it as once you pick them up you don't necessarily remember where from, I'm used to breaking down items to make space too which could have caused issues yesterday I have however written them all down and marked my map where they were and every other thing I saw which could have had ANY relevance to anything. Still can't solve it lmao
  4. leo_chaos

    RESOLVED [YLD-32265] Beastbane encounter

    I've just got this spear too, the name and damage are the same as on the wiki but it's got the iron spear visual
  5. leo_chaos

    Cinder Mystery Yland

    Nope lol I know the door code from destroying the safe last time but I can't work out the safe at all
  6. leo_chaos

    Cinder Mystery Yland

    Update: Today it's unlocked again and I don't need to repay, don't know if something changed or yesterday was a bug
  7. leo_chaos

    Cinder Mystery Yland

    I spent some points and unlocked one of the ylands (had Cinder in it's name), I'm not sure what I was missing. I'll put some in spoiler so I can't potentially ruin anything (this bits not a spoiler and potential warning for others) I left and clicked reset so I could retry from the beginning, which relocked the whole yland and I now need to spend the points again to go back there which I'm not too fussed about but I didn't expect it and wasn't warned that I'm aware...
  8. leo_chaos

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    I'm glad, I like the new map change, how the random encounters are set up is good and I'm glad they're back to exploration finally. I'm used to EA games and I'm happy to wait for things to improve etc, 1.0 versions which have long standing issues are a bit of annoyance for me though since it should be the quality of a finished product regardless of more being added and changed in the future so I definitely judge harsher after that point. 100% which is why I...
  9. leo_chaos

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    The editor I thought was a really good idea, making it free wasn't a bad choice either but the amount of focus on that instead of the game was a failure. I got Ylands cause I thought it looked like Minecraft without the block style which I don't particularly like. There's just nothing end game, currently I'm going to new areas (I haven't even been all biomes yet but there's nothing really to do anymore) and mapping the ylands looking for the random buildings so I...
  10. leo_chaos

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    The combat is AWFUL in Ylands, it also forces combat on those who don't want to. Apart from how you get them, adding new mats just for something like this or needing more seems very tedious to me, perhaps needing Ylandium or Zirconium and them not being so abundant could help. Ylandium used to feel like a massive achievement and effort to get, yet now I have too much. The issue is fun and tedious are individual tastes. If I was stuck fighting...
  11. leo_chaos

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    Yup, I think the Playlands and making the game free but with exploration as a "DLC" was supposed to get more people to try the game and end up buying, which IMO backfired quite drastically. The issue was adding Playlands and so much focus on anything BUT exploration meant the players that WERE playing got bored and stopped, so anyone trying out the free stuff had a multiplayer part of the game which wants you to spend money for minigames...
  12. leo_chaos

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    I don't think it's AS easy for new players, my first playthroughs it took me a while to get end game stuff, then you learn what's pointless to build and what's worth it and massively streamline your progress. I think even in its current state the prop pack's OP, I now just hover to move quicker, hover to kill stuff to I can not get hit, fly into caves landing to charge up occasionally, grab what I want and get out, I don't even have to waste time killing them in there. The...
  13. leo_chaos

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    I agree, patience been chipped away at from years of mainly updates which added nothing to exploration and so much effort put into the lobby type stuff which seems few players have any interest in though, my old suggestion posts had common complaints at the time which are still common enough 3 years later but since those posts Playlands was added which most I've ever seen was 3 other people in there, I just joined and was on my own, it makes...
  14. leo_chaos

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    1. Did people stop playing because of the music ? I stopped due to exploration being ignored and left to rot. 2. First person's a weird one since it seems to work fine, I assumed they took it out due to seeing through walls etc though that seems hard to do now, possibly as the caves are less random and cramped. 3. Some parts seem a mess, crafting menu is just all over the place and doesn't even update when you get an item like crafting a rope means...
  15. leo_chaos

    The developers are no longer part of the community

    My old share works fine and I can still make new ones for up to 8 players, only reason someone would rather a small server is so the game runs constantly I suppose. I was much more active before compared to now and the same with others I speak to, it was early access and we had done the content in the game a fair few times both single and multiplayer and play other games too, but we've still watched the updates and occasionally jump on to see...