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Ylands Star
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Everything posted by spiritchaser28

  1. I feel your pain here. I also use an AMD . I think because it is used less than others that Bohemia hasn't factored in those types of processors and graphics.....yet. Give them some time and I think they will eventually get around to making it better for our types of computers, as well as macs and linux. (Linux will probably take the longest wait period) I wholeheartedly believe in this dev team because they listen to all our issues and do address them, but addressing them takes a lot of work, and they have priorities to work on before they address things like these. I'm pretty sure however that it's on their list of things to do, but first they have to fix bugs and give the updates they really wish to expand upon on the other types of systems. In it's current state the game is geared more towards intel and nvidia graphics cards or better. I think we just have to be patient before they include AMD fixes and then onto the rest of it....linux, PS4,Nintendo, xbox, etc. I feel strongly those other platforms will eventually be a growing part of the community of players that play the game, and cross platforming will be an integral part of the game. Right now a lot of people play either on mobile or the more common computers but cross platform is available to both types of players. On a side note I upgraded my RAM in my laptop and that seemed to greatly improve the framerate....I was rocking 4gb when I first started playing and have the exact same ram card as you now (Crucial 16 g 3000mhz) When I upgraded I noticed an improvement in the framerate and am now considering 32gb RAM upgrade to see if that acts as a stable balance.
  2. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #214 Update Lore

    I love that you include the Ylands Lore. I'm sure long term players like @Deadeye_Rob will agree. Bring on the fixes and keep up the fantastic work @Aleš Ulm. We are all ready for new challenges and surprises. Awesome pic of Jrock's. He's a master builder
  3. spiritchaser28

    KNOWN ISSUE Unable to move certain items

    Hahaha "a few"
  4. spiritchaser28

    KNOWN ISSUE Unable to move certain items

    The Frost sword is another rare item you can actually remove but cannot harden at all
  5. spiritchaser28

    Blueprint loading issue

    Also I think they are still working on a better way to blueprint.....instead of taking the composition from editor onto a legacy map.....so maybe we are seeing some side effects from what they are working on
  6. spiritchaser28

    Blueprint loading issue

    Try making a new blueprinting map. See if that works
  7. spiritchaser28

    Blueprint loading issue

    I've seen this happen with a few of my blueprints as well.....it's like it doubles the visual effects in some places.....but when I take it into editor it isn't actually there and when I go back to the map they vanished after restarting the entire game. Dunno.....sort of a quirky bug I did get sort of annoyed with it after a bit and made a new legacy map for blueprints and I haven't seen the bug much since then.....so I am thinking since the update it may actually require a new map for blueprinting? On a side note I haven't seen it in exploration yet...but maybe the map you were on was also older and the glitch occurred from it?
  8. spiritchaser28

    Is iron found in starter island?

    I can't remember.....there is a chest on starter island that is underwater. If it's a gold chest it may be possible to craft the vendor banners......but I think it's just a sea chest
  9. spiritchaser28

    Is iron found in starter island?

    That's actually a good idea as well......but you do need gold to make the vendor banners....I'm pretty sure there is no gold available on the starter
  10. spiritchaser28

    Stuck on a buoy

    Press Q....unsummon your ship and summon it away from the buoy......by the way that usually signifies there is something under water you can explore
  11. spiritchaser28

    Power limits?

    @ocnoglittle did a lot of testing with splitters and energy outputs. I know she has some pictures that give a better illustration of how they work. Perhaps you can ask her about it.
  12. spiritchaser28

    IN DEVELOPMENT More detailed HUD

    I just mentioned in another post how I use the dui function as well and would love to see current speed added to the display. I think it would end the debate forever about how fast a ship can be, but it would be nice to see the speed of animals and cars and even walking and running.
  13. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #212 Things that keep coming up...

    Hey that's one of my first houses in the game Thanks for re-posting that old pic. Brings back fun memories of just playing and decorating islands and looking at the pretty lights. I will agree with staying away from NFTs for the game. Monetization is one thing but I think it's sort of ridiculous to incorporate that in this game. I do like the idea of monetizing blueprints and compositions and using those coyns for new pets and the occasional server rental. I know some people may disagree here. It's a fun way to maybe make some real money in competitions, but there are those that got fooled into the idea they could make a living from this by other communities. My only advice to those folks is keep your day jobs, Just have fun playing an awesome game, and don't get stressed out. It's just a game.
  14. spiritchaser28

    Fatal Login Error

    My bet is try running steam as an administrator.
  15. This is generally a steam issue. Try running steam as an administrator....also try not to quote forum posts from 4 years ago....it's a little confusing. No Offense.
  16. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #211 Hide & Seek

    I love the options! Keep it up devs!
  17. spiritchaser28

    Fatal Login Error

    Try restarting steam and check your internet connection
  18. spiritchaser28

    Morley Trading Port

    Shoot me an invitation when you are on. I want to come see it
  19. I am totally for this idea. It would be cool to have blue skin and pointy ears. It would be awesome if they bring this feature. Next step ....dwarves with mighty beards
  20. spiritchaser28

    Sharks have returned to Ylands! Beware!

    Love it! Reminds me of my Orca ship.
  21. spiritchaser28


    Can we see them here?
  22. spiritchaser28

    POSSIBLY Auto sort button

    Oh hmmm I thought it took from the top left first. So if you have sticks or hay in your inventory before the coal basket it will take the sticks or hay to feed first. I'm pretty sure it works because I have had no sticks or planks or hay in my inventory. If you have your herb bag to the left of the coal basket it may be taking the hay.
  23. spiritchaser28

    POSSIBLY Auto sort button

    You can hold the coal basket to fuel engines. I do it all the time.
  24. spiritchaser28

    Dev Diary #210 Sail-abrate good times, come on!

    I know the pain. I play a lot with @Mello1223 and he has some ships that are massive. One he calls his little kayak is so big you can fit 3 steam ship hulls inside it. It's an awesome ship but when he summons it my computer completely freezes.