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Found 1534 results

  1. Ashton Tryhuba

    RESOLVED lighting now working

    when I launch the game in the background ever thing is dark when I am in the game you cannot see anything in the night in the morning it is a tiny bit lighter but I cannot make out anything in the game there is also green flashing at my face sometimes
  2. I'm not too sure how to help with files etc so my output log is attached. We have to stop playing for a while until some of these are fixed as it is just too unstable, it has become frustrating and it's not fun as a result. We've played multiplayer locally with my PC hosting for a couple of hours, and it has crashed three times. No connection with what we were doing at the time it just randomly crashes. The password doesn't save / the settings for the multiplayer don't save - when you continue, you have to enter the setup details again. The map doesn't save (which is a known issue). There are random lag spikes which make it difficult to play at times, particularly when it happens in the middle of combat. The main issue is the random crashing - whatever is doing this needs to be fixed before we can continue to play, as it's just too difficult if it is unstable. output_log.txt
  3. So I have been playing Ylands since about 2 days ago and I love the game very much! I have not had many problems or bugs at all until today. I was crafting something (I dont remember what) and the game wasnt registering that i had hit the craft button multiple times and then when i would try to equip things in my inventory it wouldnt work. 2 minutes later the items i was trying to craft showed up in my inventory and the items i tried to equip were all of a sudden equipped. I then thought it was fix but as i tried to mine, the ground wouldnt budge and no dirt or iron ore for example would appear. I would have to wait like 5 minutes for anything to happen. It makes the game impossible to play and I am really sad about it because i was really enjoying this game. Oddly enough, when I go to my kiln while this stuff is happening and i pull up the kilns crafting page, it will temporarily fix it for about 20-30 seconds and ill be able to mine for that long but then it will go right back to not registering my hits on the ground. Please help!
  4. On 3rd day of travelling to near islands we were suddenly stucked - our ship wheel just stopped working. It's connected to ship, it's actually even moving rudder (at least it make animation of it). But totally no steering left / right Shoud we drown out Nautilus ship? Here is a deal: we give you save file - you fix it. No court charges. Link to gif: https://imgur.com/Vunlqjt
  5. I Played with my friend together, we tryed to build a house, but the problem was, that the Wood was there, but no Pic of it and i could not grab it, so it freezed or so, but the game worked just fine, everytime we restart the server, after 5 mins, its happening again so, we cant play, pls fix that, if you need more information just tell me, thx
  6. Hi, I've played the game for around 10 hours now, and I've noticed a few things. Firstly, I have fallen through the world a few times. Second, and most importantly, I have found that, upon filling the inventory, items disappear from the inventory and cannot be accessed. I will include images of my problem. If you notice, the seeds below my hammer are floating in some other realm. It still shows that I have 42 of the seeds in my inventory (3rd column, third row) but I can't get them back unless I relog. While this isn't a huge deal, I would really like to see this fixed in the future. I'll still play whether or not you decide to fix this, but if you do, I will be eternally grateful.
  7. Hi, After dying, going back to my grave, and picking up all my stuff, when I change items in the slots on my hotbar, the hotbar does not seem to update graphically. The item still gets equipped, is usable, and updates the character graphics, but not the UI. It was working fine this gameplay session previously. I died whilst on a horse, I'm not sure if that will have affected this or not. This also seems to happen with moving items between slots in the inventory, with inventory visuals not updating until closing and reopening the gui. Quitting the game completely and restarting does not fix the issue. I looked at /cmdlist to see if there was a command to reset the UI, but there does not seem to be. See this video to see it in action: I've also attached my latest game save, which I believe has the issue currently occurring. Cheers, Rich LatestSave.zip
  8. I am currently unable to save my game because when i press escape to go to the main menu all i see is my mouse but i cant see the 'settings button' or the 'back to main menu' button ect. On top of this I am unable to see my tool bar at the bottom of my screen. Please tell my the game saves automatically and the past 2 hours of game play wasn't for nothing.
  9. Hello together, i have a little problem. I would like to play the game togehter with a good friend. But its not possible that one of us create a game because if one of us want joining the other one, this wont work. Everytime the game says "host unreachable". This happens while joining. He isnt able to join me. I can only join him but the game isnt playable together because of his bad internet . Any idea why the joining dont work (PS: when he trying to join me i lost ca. 50% of data ... Only in ylands. Not in any other game )
  10. I bought the game on steam, when I attempt start up the game fails to start and I receive this message. "Failed to initialize Direct3D. Make sure you have at least DirectX 9.0c installed, have drivers for your graphics card and have not disabled 3D acceleration in display settings. InitializeEngineGraphics failed" I already checked and I am running directX12 on windows 10 64bit and 3D acceleration is not disabled, please help, I just installed and would love to play. Ill include a screenshot of the error as well.
  11. Title says it. I seem to be randomly getting stuck in the looting animation (where your character is bobbing up and down) permanently. I'm not able to do anything or press any keys once this happens and the only way I've found to fix it is to relog. Anyone else experiencing this or anyone know a fix? Win10 64 bit FX-8350 R9 380 16GB DDR3
  12. Vonnie406

    RESOLVED shovel...

    hey there I want a shovel to flatten land out to build house. I have pole, logs, axe (and that's what i read you need here https://ylands.gamepedia.com/Wooden_Shovel ) but I don't get an option for a wooden shovel. Keeping looking for it thinking i'm missing it but it's not there.....did it get deleted from game or something? Made other tools, axes and so on, no problem. Maybe a bug?
  13. Can't provide a screenshot for now, but I will provide it next time it happens. Re-launching the game helps but I hope this will get a fix item picture teleports below inventory and you can't do anything with them only craft and place it they are in your hotbar
  14. First of all, english is not my first language so, Im sorry if I write something wrong I bought Ylands on Steam but i cant play it, the game doesn´t open... well it does but I can only hear the music but I can´t see the game in my screen, I put a screenshot I hope you can help me, greetings from México
  15. Hello, I and my friend are unable to connect to each other's games. Sometimes if we are "lucky" he will connect to my game and get kicked moments later. Is there any information on why this could be happening? Is there a fix for this? We really want to play together. We would buy a server but no one is hosting them yet. What do we do?
  16. Hello all, Yesterday I linked my steam account to my Bohemia account so that I may have access to the mod shop. After doing so all of my save games are now requesting that I create a new character when I load them. I'm assuming that my account now has a different UID than when it was a steam only account. At the very least devs should be aware of that one. Is there any way that I can alter the saves to contain the correct reference for my avatar to the new linked account? Any help there would be magical as I had quite a few items beyond my means on my character that are lost to limbo. Thank you. [UPDATE] While the issue is still a bug/issue that should be considered and resolved I was able to recover my saved games. See second post. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. Hello! I noticed a little bit of an annoying thing with the inventory: if you are moving items between inventories, the same items will not stack together until they first enter the inventory. For example I have a chest with 5 grass, and want to move the 5 more grass in my inventory to the chest. Regardless of whether I right-click it in or drag-and-drop, it never stacks with the existing grass, and goes to a new slot, and only then I can click and move them to stack them together. Similar thing with the seedbox for example - if I am moving seeds from a chest to a seedbox in my inventory, I have to first move the seeds to my inventory and then to the seedbox, it cannot be done in one drag-and-drop move. Fixing this would be a nice QoL time-saver. Thanks!
  18. Halle everybody, i bought this game at steam launch and played only multiplayer at the offical servers. I encountered some problems during playing i want to share. some recipes didnt show up, although i had the material in my inventory. my character died from starvation when i was offline. picked up iems didnt show up in inventory. trees disappeared after cutting them down. other players and animals did not move after some time, although the server was online.
  19. Hello i bought your game on steam , but it wont start .
  20. my friend's game crashes after opening the craft menu section, here's the output files for the investigation, it's happens in the middle game, not in the early stage. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  21. Shadow72

    RESOLVED Memory leak

    I have recently started running a server that i keep up 24/7 and have noticed a giant performance decrease after around 6-8 hours. When i launch Ylands and get ingame it is using around 2.5gb of memory and after 6-8 hours it is using 4.5gb of memory. After 6-8 hours the game is nearly unplayable due to the lag even at 800x600 resolution with low settings. It takes around 5 minutes to save the game and quit to the main menu and while at the main menu Ylands still uses 4.5gb of memory. Players have also said they get lag spikes around every 5 minutes(autosave maybe?). Specs: i5-4690k GTX 950 8gb Ram internet: 800 down 800 up
  22. Began where I had an axe and could not change to any other item. Selecting them on the bar did not change the fact that I was holding axe and it still performed as an axe. Couldn't pick up any object from ground. Eventually could not even change the selected object in the toolbar.
  23. Hello, I've noticed that when you drag an item to the hotbar replacing another one, the replaced item sometimes get bugged in the inventory, making it impossible to select it again until reloggin. You're going to see it clearly in the image attached. Thanks for the hard work!
  24. Even though I have over 60 FPS, my game is very stuttery. Not smooth at all, as if I have 30 fps. My regular FPS is 70+ I have i7-4790 CPU, 64bit operating system, 16GB RAM, GTX 770 Anddd... Why is the game devouring my CPU? O_O Anyways, I just bought the game and can't even play it because of the stutter-ness