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  1. I filled in an in game feedback form also, On first entering the game, after moving to the steam version, from the non-steam version. The controls AUTO-DETECT had selected 'I believe' my joystick x,y inputs and throttle (Which I did not previously use). So I could not use my mouse to select any many item. I could hear multiple audio queues that the like the curse was passing over a menu item. but couldn't select anything. I managed to use the joystick to select the 'mouse & keyboard' only settings. This allowed me to use the menus and start the actual game world, however my character kept rotating. I realized that the joystick throttle input was still being registered and so I noticed that setting my throttle in the center of it's position stopped the spinning. (Full throttle spun the character the opposite direction) We need the joystick device to be disconnected from 'the 'mouse & keyboard' device option.
  2. Hello, I'm designing some buildings now in the editor, and I noticed that when the part count goes up the editor starts to struggle. When deleting an entire group of blocks, only half of the blocks get deleted when you try to delete them, some blocks are unable to delete at all. When grouping a quiet large amount of blocks it can freeze the game for 5-10 minutes. My PC specs are quite good and should be capable of handling this easier, also the functions don't require much calculation I believe (just simple grouping and deleting actions?). The builds aren't that big. Some blocks that are impossible to delete I simply drag all the way under the surface to make them "disappear", but this isn't the right solution I believe Edit: Also notice that this behaviour is inconsistent. When reloading the map and repeating the same action (deleting the exact same group of blocks) it sometimes works flawless, and sometimes gets messed up. I haven't been able to find out what causes either situation.
  3. Generating terrain in the editor with 'normal' or 'lots' of random sites selected seems to not generate any sites at all.
  4. From what it looked like as soon as the weather changed/became more intense the game lagged out and the horse got stuck spinning, I couldnt get off the horse, move or anything like that, this continued for a couple minutes until I relogged. Steam version. Build: 0.5.37772 output_log.txt
  5. So threw digging or using a shovel sometime's it'll cause a small hole to appear in the terrain that you could potentially fall threw, Most the time their only small enough for small items to fit and fall threw but I have created a larger one before that was big enough for me to fit threw. I'm not sure if above was the cause of it but I have the feeling it was as eventually, my game crashed after a while. The log with the terrain hole's that eventually crashed: 01_output_log.zip Wooden Box has 'Pick Up' action text for right click on it while it has the time until it cannot be pickup making you unable to open it in that time frame. While pickup is active: After the timer has ended: Death next to workstations will lead to your items being under the workstation I die next to my foundry and some of my items went under it making it hard to recover without digging around the foundry trying to maintain its height. Can see my legs, dirt and some needles stuck under/near it and I can't pick them up:
  6. Every now and then objects start dissappearing/not loading for the player that is not hosting the session. It happens with invisible animals, lightsources (where it would still emit light but the fire effect or the lantern model would be invisible) and sometimes a whole island would not load. Relogging fixes it. This island was full with trees vegetation (rainforest) for the host, also note the shark nametag next to the mast, there was a shark on the ship hull that I could not see. The video below shows both the invisible objects issue and the sharks trying to hijack ships issue from this thread. Steam version. Build: 0.5.37772 I tried to upload the output_log but I keep getting an error midway through the upload, the file is 50.7mb is there a max size limit? DxDiag.txt output_log.rar
  7. playgamer133

    RESOLVED Launcher issue

    Since the Rainy Roads update my Ylands isn`t working anymore I don`t know if it is a known problem because it says that you`re working on it. I already tryed reinstalling it but it dindn`t work. now I`ll just quote what it says when I press the start button in the launcher. It says: "LAUNCHING ```C:\PROGRAM FILES\YLANDS\GAME\YLANDS.EXE``-LAUNCHERTOKEN -NEW-VERSION` FAILED". and on the upper part of the screen is written: "OH NO, SOMETHING WENT TERRIBLY WRONG! WE ARE AWARE OF THAT, THOUGH, AND WORKING ON THE FIX RIGHT NOW".would be cool if you could tell me if this might get fixed any time soon. thx.
  8. In order to stop myself becoming the victim of floating sharks jumping onto the helm of my ship, i built a cage/enclosure around the helm of my ship. However the sharks seem to become stuck in the flooring, ..or passing part way through the walls. or leaping onto the deck and getting stuck on the mast. If you kill the shark , it then rolls onto its back and becomes a weight that de-stabilizes your ship. The shark attacks seem to occur after you release the helm controls to either view the map or eat. several times i have moved the camera view back to see a shark tale sticking out of the stern of my ship ...and then see the sharks head emerging through the floorboards. This seems to be a materials porosity issue as the building i constructed will also "leak during" a rain storm, even though the roof has decorated stone panels/marble panels lining it .
  9. XillalSecPRO

    RESOLVED Crash on start

    Hello my game crash all time i start it....
  10. WijkagentAdrie

    RESOLVED Rendering issues

    I've found a few rendering issues/bugs: First of, the sleeping mats stop being rendered when they are still in vision. I believe that it takes the rolled up version to "check" whether it still needs to be rendered. Here are some screenshots to show what I mean: I was slowly looking up, and when the "rolled up position" of the sleeping mats is no longer in vision, the entire sleeping mat disappears. The second issue is layering with ice blocks: The angle at which you look at ice blocks makes ice blocks that are behind other blocks look like they are in front. See the screenshots:
  11. Heya! I've found a wetsuit, so I decided to mine some sand/stone from the sea bottom to make an artificial island But what happens is that whenever you mine underwater, "air pockets" get created on the place where you mine, and as soon as you get into one of those pockets, you automaticaly get teleported to the watersurface again. Adrie
  12. Hi all, So I love the updates, they are great fun, but sadly I must post the bugs as usual and bring down the mood If anyone else has something that I've missed, feel free to contribute to this thread. - Ship compositions All ship / boat compositions that I had saved, and all those from the workshop (I've tried deleting them and re-downloading etc), are bugged beyond belief, they appear to be over layering hundreds of ships on top of each other. This causes them to create immense system lag while hovering over them in the editor, and if you attempt to spawn one, the system overloads and freezes up completely (requiring a reboot). You can see the attached picture for an example, or simply try download any ship compositions from the workshop and spawn the composition in the editor to see it first hand. - Ships / Boats in multiplayer (dedicated server) As soon as you step foot on a ship in multiplayer, the screen starts doing a weird shaking thing that does not stop until you relog, and even still then persists if you go back to your ship, I spawned these ships using the cube, so it is possible this is related. I first noticed this while using an anchor on a ship, however, since then it has happened just by landing on a ship. Further, it seems that there is an issue with the interaction between the new waves system and the ship floating, as the ships with these issues, are not moving with the waves. After this bug happens, moving around and trying to walk or swim all bugs out. I can record a video of it if needed, it happened while I was streaming so it can be observed there as well. Most recently, I fell under the map when this bug occurred, and became unable to log back in until I rebooted the server, as it was becoming stuck on "raising oceans 33%". Also, whenever using an anchor, it says "failed", though this bug seems trivial in comparison. Also worth noting, is that as soon as you spawn a ship with the cube, it tends to fall down, land in the water and start floating - this however is not the case since the update, the ship spawns static and does not start floating, this seems highly related to the issue. I've just tested rafts - getting on a raft is just fine, operating a raft works fine (though the waves are a bit odd!), as soon as you get off the raft, the screen shaking starts. This issue persists through a relog, it requires a new character to fix it (/killme). - Energy switches in multiplayer (dedicated server) This is still bugged, though I heard talk of updating the energy system, so perhaps this isn't going to be a bug in the future anyway, but as it stands, if a guest tries to operate an energy switch, on the guest's screen, nothing happens, on the host's screen however, you can see the actions happening from the switching. - Logged out deaths in multiplayer (dedicated server) Are players still able to starve / freeze while offline? If so, they can die inside a locked house while logged off, then have no way to get back inside (as their key is inside). Simple solutions could be to have players disappear while offline (taken out of the game world), or simply stop the effects of hunger etc applying to them while offline. On a positive note, the dedicated server seems pretty stable, good job devs!
  13. If you walk against the walls in a cave you can look through the walls. Windows 10 Professional, Nvidia GTX 1070 *GB DxDiag.txt
  14. I don't play the single player mode, only on my dedicated server. There are many bugs that prevents being sold on the game so far. I understand it is in Alpha but I feel certain things should have been resolved by this point. 1) You die of starvation when you're logged out. I pointed this out before and was told it is a known bug. Very important to fix this. 2) Pieces are too difficult to place. It's very hard to build any type of decent house. The pieces just won't snap where you want them to, even if it is a legitimate position, you just can't get things to line up. You should consider a "blueprint" type system for some more complex objects like houses where you gather all the materials needed, click a blueprint and place a fully built structure. 3) I have 3 players who once joined my server (days ago) and disconnected (according to my Server Monitor) and are still on my map, just standing at the spawn point. Player's avatars are not being removed after they disconnect. 4) The audio/video sync is way off when chopping trees. The sound occurs way before the animation. I have over 120 fps too. 5) Server Monitor is itself very confusing. Clicking "Start" does not start the server. I'm not sure what it does, but the server won't start until you click "Host A Game". The "Restart" doesn't seem to work either. You can't create a server name in the monitor. You create a name, but it isn't used for the server. You have to start a single player game and edit the default name, then quit, copy the file from the Documents/.../...Ylands subfolder, move it to your server, and use that. It's awkward at best. If this were a project by a small Indie company, some of these things could possibly be overlooked, buy Bohemia Interactive is hardly a newcomer in developing games. For me, the game is unplayable in its current state and I could not recommend it to anyone.
  15. Build a boat (large ship one large mast) and loaded it up with all our belongings (i was hosting) including the horse. Started to take off and kept coming to a dead stop. Thought it was the wind but it happen in every direction when moving forward. Moving back worked fine. Come to find out as i looked closer the Horse was parked in front of the mast and would slide slightly as we moved. When this happen the ship would come to a stop. I mounted the horse and the ship glitched around knocking me off the ship, but found out the ship sailed fine after the horse was off. (FYI a horse if faster in the water than a large ship with one large mast)
  16. Hi guys! The only problem I've got with Ylands is the overall performance. I've not got the best computer, but I'm sure it should run a game with not so complex graphics like Ylands smooth at constant 60 FPS, but it doesn't! In not so crowded scenes I've got almost 60 FPS, but while moving it decreases significantly. The FPS while playing online, are not playable anymore (~10 FPS). My computer is able to play graphical more complex games at higher and more stable frames, so Ylands should run more than smooth. Please improve the performance of Ylands and maybe decrease the system requirements a little bit. I think this game would be perfect to run on older machines, and wouldn't it be great to make Ylands accessible to all the pc-gamers, who are playing on low-spec machines? I know that the game is still an alpha, but I think that a game with simple, but pretty graphics, which are not too computationally intensive, should be developed with low-spec computers in mind, beacuse this aspect could be a big selling point for all the gamers with older machines. The games graphics style is so simple (but still very pretty), that it should be possible to make it run smooth on old/slow computers, without decreasing the graphics quality too much. Ylands graphics style is perfect, to make it even accessible to very old/slow computers. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I've noticed a significant FPS-Drop, when my character steps into the water. It's just for a few seconds, after stepping into the water. The game runs smoothly afterwards, even if I stay inside the water, so it's just the moment of going from land into water. Greetings, Snetro!
  17. All items in the world (as in tanning rack, chests, whatever) I can't interact with anymore. My friend was loading into the game (in a multiplayer world), got to 100% and the loading stopped, he couldn't load in. Then all chests etc. were bugged, I can only see all screens opening when hitting exit to main menu. The animations on everything still work but I can't seem to actually access it. I saw that everything loads when I hit exit to main menu, as soon as I click that all screens of the chests, map and stove(s) pop up. Video to see what's happening: He's off for dinner now and I'd like to keep playing this map since we've dedicated a couple hours on it EDIT: Gave savegame file to friend and let him set up the server, fixed it for me and him! But this is pretty annoying if this has to be done multiple times.
  18. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Graphical glitching

    ***EDIT*** I think perhaps I've found the cause of this issue, I had set the date around the wrong way (I did the English default way ) so where I set 27/7/2017 - it clearly says to do m/d/y, so it should have been 7/27/2017! Now I just need to figure out how to change the date on it I reckon! Hi there, I've encountered a strange graphical issue with my game mode - Pirate's Lagoon. It is whenever I move, the shadows or perhaps ambient occlusion on literally every tree / plant that casts a shadow, glitches from light to dark repeatedly, making it very graphically noticeable. Strangely, this issue is isolated to that game mode for me, as it does not happen at all with the regular game modes such as explore etc. The Yland was generated in the editor, with the following settings and has numerous very thick forest / jungle areas: *The fixed date was actually set to 27/7/2017, rather than the default as shown, and I'm not sure how to find the coordinates used for it, though that was not as shown either. Worth noting that I haven't spawned a single tree / plant myself, they were created by the generator, however, I have spawned numerous objects and items, some in close proximity or even attached to trees (skeleton pinned to a tree with a spear and arrows, with a hat on etc). I have also spawned a lot of extra animals over the map, and in selected areas. I guess any of these things could be responsible? A picture won't really show it glitching, so I made a GIF, however, if you want to see it yourself, I would imagine this is not isolated to my graphics card / system, and may be worth trying the game mode or generating it to see. It does this anywhere on the Yland, during any daylight hour (night time no shadows, can't notice! With a Ylandium Torch equipped, I can't notice it doing any glitching). Further worth noting is this only happens when I move the mouse, or press the movement keys, if I stand still, the plants all sway to-and-fro without any glitching, likewise the shadows from those movements don't glitch. Just in-case it is card related, my specs: GTX 1060 6GB + i5 7600k + 8GB DDR4 I was hoping to record some footage of the game mode, but this has proved to be an issue! Further, I've tried adjusting all the graphics options, from low to ultra, with no success.
  19. So this has happened a few times, after we finish playing, i carry on exploring and build a propeller pack, then when my friend tried to join the next evening, the game kicks me off my whole internet and my friend cant join and we have to start a new game. I am not sure if its because of the propeller pack or because i explore new lands without him and the game glitches
  20. Hi, I'm hosting my own server. Unfortunately, I have the problem that my character is always starving. That means that I'm really logging myself out in the evening and when I get the next day again with the server I get a message that my character is starved. So I must always responce my character. Is there already a solution for this? Cheers
  21. I've played Ylands in Multiplayer on a dedicated server for 2 weeks now and this is what I've found so far (that I can remember). Server spec: Intel Core i5 (7th gen) 16 GB DDR4 Ram SSD Drive 100/100 mbit connection Client #1 Spec: Intel Core i7 (5th gen) 16 GB DDR 3 Ram SSD Drive Geforce 960 100/10 mbit connection Client #2: Intel Core i5 (7th gen) 16 GB DDR 4 Ram SSD Drive Geforce 1050 100/10 mbit connection Client #3: Intel Core i7 (4th gen) 24 GB DDR 3 Ram SSD Drive Geforce 1060 100/100 mbit connection Bugs: 1. Version in launcher says 0.4.3423 but news says the latest version should be 0.4.35021 rolled back to 0.4.34289 ? 2. Breaking a tool causes the server to crash (sometimes) 3. Built two large ships, climbing the ladder on the 2nd ship made me enter the first ship. (sometimes, a server restart solves this issue) 4. Placing items on a ship, last item disappears. Eg. If placing 4 cubes on a ship, the last cube would just disappear. (client restart solves this issue) 5. Sometimes the server launcher get stuck at starting. (soleved by exiting all instances of Ylands.exe in the task manager 6. A client restart is sometimes needed when dying on a ship to make all player items visible. Edit: 7. Launching the server monitor via Windows Remote Desktop and then exiting Remote Desktop and reconnecting to the server via Remote Desktop causes the server monitor to be displayed in maximized state.
  22. Jason Kummerfield

    RESOLVED Large ship wont turn

    So I finally built myself a large ship and I decided to set it up a little before setting sail. I built a small cabin frame on deck, placed a smelting pit a cooking stove and a small wooden bed. My ship now unable to turn at all. It sails in a straight line forward and backwards. My ship has a large mast and the helm rebuilt at front of ship and if flags show wind direction wind should be at my back.
  23. mcspacecash

    RESOLVED Error Streaming

    Ylands minimizes when I open my GeForce Experience panel to stream causing the stream to fail. It doesn't do this with any other game.
  24. Aarrghh

    RESOLVED [exploit]

    in 3rd person view backup to a mast on a ship until you can see through your avatar. switch to 3rd person and step away. you will be able to view the bottom of the ocean threw the map model.
  25. I am unable to access the checkout to pay for the game. This site can’t be reached The connection was reset. Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall Running Windows Network Diagnostics ERR_CONNECTION_RESET