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Found 1534 results

  1. Hello, I do not know if the account links work but personally not because when I want to connect to it always displays this message to me (in NPC below) thank you for your help.
  2. Hello! I have a problem,i try start the game,but i can't. " your graphics card is not compatible with Ylands " someone can help me? Sapphire HD 4670 New Edition 1 GB GDDR 3 128 bit
  3. I keep getting this error message, "Construction Mode Required" when trying to build on my boat, and I am not able to place anything. I have my boat anchored as close as possible to shore, and I am within my protective barrier. When I step off my ship and am standing on land I have no problem placing blocks, but on my ship it will not let me place blocks. I am toggled in place mode the whole time. Anyone else having this issue, or have any suggestions?
  4. Hello, Ever since the new exploration mode was released I have been unable to play it. When I get to the confirm window I can click confirm all day long and nothing happens. The legacy and sandbox modes work fine. I have tried removing the game and reinstalling via steam. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  5. 1. after pressing the windows key, the game is not minimized on the sheet. 2. again the problem of scrolling during visual scripting, after a while the scripting window cannot be delayed or zoomed in. 3.twice it happened to me that I could not create a variable in the new controler logic.helped me restart the game, if the problem persists, i will attach output logs here. 1. po stlaceni windows tlacidla sa hra neminimalizuje na listu ak je v rezime celej obrazovky. v rezime okno sa minimalizuje spravne. 2. znovu problem zo skrolovanim pri vizualnom skriptovani.. po chvyli skriptovania nieje mozne oddialit alebo priblizit... 3. v novej logike ovladaca sa nedala vytvorit premenna, pomohol iba restart hry... stalo sa mi to viac krat po sebe.. ak sa problem zopakuje pripojim vam sem aj vystupne protokoli.
  6. I dashed off my ship and activated a kayak at the same time. My character didn't sit, just stands there holding the ore. still functional but not animated. releasing controls made him sit down lol then I was able to get up like normal nothing game breaking here
  7. I was flying the 9-10 seconds and then glided down, but it isn't going back to the normal, green state, even when I put the creator cube back on. If I try to fly, it fails. I have also tried taking it off and putting it back on. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  9. New legacy maps don't have co-op settings and single player legacy maps also have the error "Only mayors may capture blueprints."
  10. We have played together before 1.6 but on the new exploration mode. but when the new update came we decided to start over and redo everything. but now i cant invite her and she cant find me in the list of servers. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. Hi Bohemia Interactive, Is there any chance to start a game anew? With the recent updates there were new biomes included and I didn't get to choose in which one to start as I already played since the early stages of Ylands. Sorry to bother, looking forward to hearing from you!
  12. I absolutely love the demolition sledgehammer, and it works wonderfully... except on the log stool. The demolition hammer (normal one) also doesn't work on it. It gives an error saying my inventory is full even if it is obviously not. I was later able to destroy it with a normal weapon. This happened with multiple log stools in Random Encounters. I didn't try crafting one and then trying to deconstruct it.
  13. I am not sure how many blueprints this is affecting. I attached the one from the video. I did have a different blueprint (I think I deleted it several months ago though) that looked like what the boat turned into (several fore and aft pieces). I do have a duplicate in my blueprint folder, if that makes a difference. If I filled the blueprint without wearing the creator cube, the boat formed normally. This was happening both in the 1.6 experimental build and in 1.5. This might be related to this other error, since the blueprint filled with the creator cube can be destroyed with one hit: SHARKY_THE_FRIENDLY_SHARK.zip
  14. I get an error for every single tile for skills and resources. I tried adding the resource and skill using a player role, but that didn't help.
  15. The "show warning" tile (without the player) gives the error message Unknown Internal Error 700. The other tile works as intended. The "Default Key Action Enabled" tile doesn't seem to work at all (set to true or false). I tested it with Eat and Climb Ladder and it didn't work for either. It gives the error Undefined variable "YCustomControls". I have tried putting this tile in a lever or putting this tile in a custom control game logic, and it gives the same error for both.
  16. If I exit out of the building stations building mode, I can still only place items inside the building radius of the station. I get the message "location too far" when trying to place something outside of the radius. This happens even after completely removing the building station. I have only tried this in legacy and sandbox. Both had this game breaking bug. output logs below output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt edit: exiting out to the main menu and going back in seems to fix this
  17. Died on my ship which is the large ship blue print, and most of my stuff despawned
  18. When reversing the rudder goes to the right regardless of the direction you are turning. When you have the sails all the way up the rudder will always go left regardless of which way you turn.
  19. When holding a tool like the terraformer (with the spacial camera angle), the character starts spinning around when holding left or right movement keys while gliding down.
  20. Yo HasLEGO

    RESOLVED 1.6 suggestion

    So far i'm loving the new building camera. It would also be great if we could connect energy lines while in this mode, or even paint blocks and items. Talking about energy lines, they should only be visible when holding an energy linker or when in builder mode.
  21. It seems you can't instantiate a instance of a custom class outside of the event functions. Doing so results in the error: Undefined variable "{0}". However you can instantiate a new copy of a class such as YVector3 outside of the event functions. var x = new Test(); var p; var v = new YVector3(0, 1, 0); function onSwitchOn(triggerEntity) { p = new Test(); YEntity.spawnEntity(YEntityType.get(35), 1, v, v); YDebug.localConsole(p.doSomething()); } class Test { constructor() {} doSomething() { return "test"; } } var x gives the undefined variable error when loading the script var p has no errors and setting the variable in the onSwitchOn function gives no errors var v has no errors
  22. @Mello1223 and @NaruTheHuman wanted even more explosions, but we found another bug. Picking up a lit gunpowder keg (or bomb) causes it to never explode, even when placed. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  23. So this is an odd one. If you have the creator cube equipped and make a blueprint, it automatically creates it....BUT if you damage the structure in any way, almost all the blocks disappear except for the blocks that you can interact with such as doors, etc!! If you unequip the creator cube and place the blueprint table, then re equip the cube to get the materials for it...once it is complete the blocks function normally. They do not all disappear this way once they are damaged. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  24. Is this a bug seems like the square line don't match with the item