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Found 1534 results

  1. So I was searching an abandoned tent (or similar, can't remember for sure) and came across a clay pot which I tried to open but instead it took the pot into my inventory. Inside were two pricky pears or may have been two stacks, not sure, but now it shows one but with a quantity of "0" and it never runs out. I can equip it to my hotbar and it acts as an infinite source of food, but as this seems kinda cheaty, I eat regular food instead =) I also found another clay pot later and this stacked with the first one, but it only opens one (as a three-slot container) in my inventory which just shows that prickly pear at quantity 0. Also pretty sure I can't set the pots down, they are stuck in my inventory, but I will double-check this.
  2. After I share a creation for the Workshop I loose my creation ingame. It disappears from the creation list so I am unable to work further on it. This happened two times to me now. I do not know what I am doing wrong because it does not happen every time. Nonetheless I can definetely say I did not delete anything.
  3. Hello, I was coming back to my exploration, and once at my base i just jumped to my other ship to move it on another place then i got disconnected by the server. I though it was the usual 104 error but no, i got few connection time out and then after 5 min, i was able to come back with this screen : With no particular reason why i should be dead. I'm trying to create a new character (gosh i don't like that mecanic, bref just the usual respawn) but when i create it i have almost the same screen with the GUI bar on bottom. NA 2 server output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. Hey I just got new error report with crash.dmp and error.log in it (Maybe just new directory(?)). Its located in "C:\Users\..\AppData\LocalLow\Bohemia Interactive\Ylands\Crashes" Long story short, My character got propeller pack bug, I tried "/killme" command to kill myself and see if it will fix the propeller pack issue somehow, but nope. The result is game breaking. When /killme command executed, my screen become grey but my character is freeze, can't do anything or move and dead screen don't show up. So I decided to re-login to the server, after that dead screen show up, I clicked "New Character", create character menu show up, but after that menu, my screen just flickering, if I press alt+F4 the crash notification show up.. I tried twice so I have 2 crash report. Here: Crashes.rar [Update] Oh well technically the menu does something, but not like what I was expected..
  5. When you are riding on your horse at full speed and switch to first person, then switch back to third person and start spamming W or/and space bar the camera will zoom really far out. I think this happens because the game still thinks you are in first person, because you can't use the option to re-align the camera anymore. In the gif the effect is not that extreme but I've seen the camera go even further than this.
  6. I've been playing this game for a while now and I've played many worlds, I've noticed that after a while of playing and I've unlocked a lot of recipes my game crashes when i try to use my crafting menu. As soon as i start a new world the game runs fine but then eventually it gets to the point where if i try searching in the crafting menu it freezes my game, while i was trying to craft a large mast if I hit the M key it would just freeze, but this happens if I scroll through the lists too. I also cant use the tabs in the crafting menu if they have a lot of recipes in, as soon as I click them the game freezes. In particular i have noticed that it freezes the most around the section where all the car parts are. All of my graphics settings are on low to try and improve performance of the game, I have an AMD Radeon HD 6670 graphics card, an AMD Athlon(tm) x4 750k Quad core processor, windows 10.
  7. Hi! After the update, making Craftsman's Potion doesn't seem to work anymore. I have 30 Quinoa and 5 Magic dust and more than one flask, plus Alchemy Table - everything there, but it always tells me Missing Required Material. Does anyone else have this problem?
  8. Hello, When digging a place full of sand i dig a lot of dirt with the iron shovel, like 2/3 is dirt.
  9. I'm able to access stuff behind some block wich shouldn't be authorize.
  10. Hello, I have different random people disconnecting in my Barrier and after a while they seem to die (or at least i hear a sound). Like on this screenshot that person was standing (not online) then suddenly i here a sound and i saw all his item on the ground like this.
  11. Hello, i'm trying to build the Propeller Pack but i can't craft it for some reason. Na 2 Server, Currently alone, i try to reconnect see if it change. Not to sure what else i can try i'm trying
  12. Hello, Not sure if it's because i don't know how it work but when changing the color of the light it doesn't work
  13. Not sure where to put this message but here it is : The color of the text, light grey on white is a tricky recipe !
  14. Some chunk doesn't load, but after click on some area of the map it refresh eventually. *Also please save the map in MP (i know you know )
  15. Hello, Trying to open Chests but i have another craft/inventory menu instead. The way i found to go around is click on "Clik here to search" then delete(backspace), clicking on inventory then closing the window, then after i can open chest.
  16. Was using hammer to remove some stone blocks just outside the PB limits....and took a break " to go fishing" ..... opened directory and equipped myself with the fishing pole, however on closing inventory my hammer was still in my hand and the fishing pole has disappeared from inventory ... and its not on the ground. Similar instances happened when building my ship ..i had used the hammer, then crafted some beams, equipped myself with the beams and proceeded to place them ... i aligned them up and selected place and the beam disappeared ... and in my hand was the hammer! all 5 of the crafted beams also disappeared from inventory. Anyone else having this or similar issues? The ship, by the way is in a dock that's within the PB range... and i am playing MP.
  17. So I logged out of the game while I was on my horse (I am naked because I died and was trying to find my body LOL) I came back in to find myself sitting on an invisible horse, which I will pet but I can't move, get off horse, or do anything. I have tried restarting. I have tried calling my horse again. I don't know what to do
  18. Got the dreaded 114 Network Error window while riding a horse and got disconnected. I relogged but I was stuck on the horse moving in one place. I tried the unstuck command but I got disconnected again and now I can't rejoin the DS server I was playing I think I've broken something! Oops output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  19. I was playing multiplayer. And he died. A new character is not born in the same room. The screen is stopped output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  20. I've noticed this bug. Re-entering the game seems to fix it for a little bit, but then it just re-occurs.
  21. KlownHero

    First person visuals

    So after playing the game for 2 days now, there are at least two main suggestions for you guys. One, I'd love to be able to see my hands/tools while in first person! And, second, being able to look a full 180 degrees from 90 degrees up to 90 degrees down would be fantastic! As of right now, you are only able to look down and up at about 150 degrees and it deters most people from playing in only first person. As well as not being able to see first hand what tool you are using. Implementing this would highly increase the immersion of the game. It makes you feel like you are completely in control of your character where as at the moment you constantly have to switch between 3rd and 1st person, making it feel like you're controlling some random avatar (which you are, but immersion is key). Any feedback on this would be great! Whether you are going to implement this eventually or reasons why you are not.
  22. blubberblablase

    RESOLVED Coyns Issue

    Hello everyone! Me and my boyfriend purchased Ylands on the same day at the website before it was on Steam. We both linked it to Steam. He got 9200 Coyns and I got only 4600 Coyns. I already contacted the Support via email and they told me I need to post my problem here. I hope I get help here for my problem. Thank you and have a wonderful day, blubberblablase
  23. I logged off on my ship and logged to find my character dead from cold. When I try to make a new character it just gets stuck on that screen. Not even the "new character" button works. Admin restarted the server, but the same thing happens.
  24. Joseph Ross


    Maybe you should look into the MP mapping system because I have noticed since I am often the host for my friends only my map stays updated. My friends always say that their maps aren't showing what we have discovered I hope you can fix all that soon.
  25. I got some strange things happen to me lately. First I got stranded on another island when my ship got caught by a seagull and ended up stuck in the sky. (known bug) (I got bird flu) When I finaly came "home" the underweter fauna had entered land and I got a new pet. A flying shark. Has anyone seen this before? I promise I have not made this in the editor. It is a bug ingame.