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Found 6 results

  1. FoxPater

    Help make a script pls )

    Hey guys. I'm new to this. Help me make a script (out of tiles) for flickering light bulbs. 1) I switch the lever 2) Light bulbs begin to flicker in different colors. Ps I know that it is very easy, I am baobab, but in this Thank you in advance!
  2. Marco Oliveira

    Light with Flint so snapshot =/

    Hello, I had already commenting on this in the topic "0.10 Clever Coding" about leaving the flint stone loading bar to light things up, and more advanced items to do it instinctively. I thought that was a charm of the game, I felt immersed when I was putting wood and lighting the stove to prepare food
  3. Too often I'm working at night with the light of my helmet on and POOF!!!!! It goes off because it's "morning" although its pitch dark. Please let me manually turn the helmet light on and off. Another place that we HAVE to be able to manually turn it on is in a cave or hole. It gets dark but the light doesn't come on until you're much further down. Thanks!
  4. Hey, I was messing about with energy networks earlier and found that it's not possible to create a loop in a network. I was trying to create some sort of clock/pulse generator using a series of not gates to make lights auotomatically flash. Allowing loops in networks would also allow us to create flip-flops/latches (great when creating mazes/puzzle maps - storing user inputs). If allowing loops in networks would be too difficult an alternative would be creating a pulse generator object and a latch object. I think that either of these would hugely improve gameplay. Sensors would also be really useful - proximity and light - to create warning systems for NPCs or other players, and to make it so that streetlights only come on at night. Hopefully it's possible to create some of these. Cheers.
  5. I've been finding that both the Mining Helmet and Guardian Helmet torches don't turn on soon enough. It is pitch black and you can't see anything for a while before they turn on. Maybe even add the ability for the player to turn the light on and off when they want?
  6. BigBoss87

    Energy power line

    Hi!! I want to make a small suggestion. In relation to energy. Show that power line only when we were with Linker in our hands. It's kind of weird doing lamps and getting those power lines. Thanks