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Adam Snellgrove

Update 1.5: Enhancing Exploration

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Explorers of Ylands rejoice! Update 1.5 - Enhancing Exploration - is finally out for you to try and enjoy, and it brings a host of new goodies and improvements for Exploration, many of which had been requested by the community for a long time.

We have reworked and revamped the Exploration experience from the ground up, offering a truly engaging and exciting adventure, in the veins and spirit of what we originally envisioned for Exploration many moons ago.

Players can now travel to and explore countless different islands, in different biomes on their trusty ships, linked to their person for the first time ever - creating a new bond between players and their vessels.

And this is just the beginning! Update 1.5 is but the first stepping stone for an amazing Exploration experience - over the coming months, we will keep updating Exploration until it is as good as we can make it and the community is happy with it.

Of course, we have packed this update with some other goodies, improvements and fixes as well - read on to find out more!

Update 1.5 - Enhanced Exploration - major features

Exploration update first phase: the beginnings of the new and improved Explore experience is here; players can now use the brand new world map to sail to different biomes, where they can explore (and exploit) procedurally generated islands. Ships will now be tied to players so they can use their favourite vessel to explore the high seas.


Native American assets: we have added a whole slew of new assets for both players and creators!


Custom bitmaps in the Editor: creators will now have the option to import their very own bitmaps into the game, opening up a brand new dimension of customization options.



Shooting weapon improvements: we have made major improvements to how bows/crossbows & grenades are handled within the game; make sure you try them out!


....and hundreds of fixes, improvements to every aspect of the game!


For more detailed information about the changes and additions, head over to our new Exploration Feedback section with a handy FAQ made by Aleš ? - we would love to hear what you think of the new Exploration and how we could improve it. Also, check out the changelog for all the juicy deets ?

To keep track of all the latest news, follow Ylands on Steam, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Until next time, stay classy!

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I am not able to progress because I get "I am not ready" anytime i try to eat despite having the "hungry" icon showing.

I was initially able to eat some raw food but later tried to eat cooked foods and now cannot eat at all despite an icon showing I am hungry. I tried relogging, no luck.

Not able to generate a new world, only play a premade one,, but i assume that is intended for now.


Hopefully they will fix whatever is giving me the constant "Not Ready" messages. Or if I am in fact full, please make the "Hungry" status go away.

** Actually I am apparently starving to death and screen is flashing from loss of hitpoints even though inventory says "I am Fine" while ingame icon shows me hungry and rapidly losing health.


Also, it won't let me quit and start fresh, only continue the bugged game. I wanted to restart in a different biome but I am not able to start over, or to delete my current game

Edited by Sprout
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  On 12/14/2020 at 7:19 PM, Sprout said:

I am not able to progress because I get "I am not ready" anytime i try to eat despite having the "hungry" icon showing.

I have exactly the same issue. Not even 10 minutes into playtime and I’m starving to death.

Aside from this little ‘growing pain’, you guys have restored my confidence In the direction of the game! Keep it up guys! Thank you very much!

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  On 12/14/2020 at 10:30 PM, Deadeye_Rob said:

I have exactly the same issue. Not even 10 minutes into playtime and I’m starving to death.

Yep, we're looking into this bug and in the morning QA will pounce on it ? Thanks for the feedback ?

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Awesome! I can't wait to have huge explore party  :D Comonly known as Pluto's missadventures ? It's really great to see community's voices are heard.


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  On 12/14/2020 at 10:57 PM, FavoryPluto said:

Je pravda, že je to takový náš náš dárek předčasný : D?

Je to super, hraju s mellem a jeho kamarádem, a je to super, i tvary těch ostrovu až na ty chyby, ale to se určitě opraví. Toto Ylands hodně změní k lepšímu.

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  On 12/14/2020 at 10:54 PM, FavoryPluto said:

Awesome! I can't wait to have huge explore party  :D Comonly known as Pluto's missadventures ? It's really great to see community's voices are heard.


Let me guess, more ships upside down on the ocean floor ?

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Já mám problém když vykopu třeba uhlí, nebo železnou rudu, někdy nejde zvednou jako by tam nebyla. 

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  On 12/14/2020 at 11:02 PM, jar.janca said:

Je to super, hraju s mellem a jeho kamarádem, a je to super, i tvary těch ostrovu až na ty chyby, ale to se určitě opraví. Toto Ylands hodně změní k lepšímu.

Je lepší pro tohle založit post v bugách apod .? Je to velká změna a bude chvilku asi trvat než se to pořádně vše otestuje. Každopádně by jsme měli být rádi za to co máme a náležitě si to užívat :D:D Já hraju od bety a je neuvěřitelné vidět kam se hra posunula během let ? ?

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  On 12/14/2020 at 10:33 PM, Adam Snellgrove said:

Yep, we're looking into this bug and in the morning QA will pounce on it ? Thanks for the feedback ?

Just another heads up! Ive noticed that when acquiring Elven relics such as the Lifegiving Staff, it’s effect/ability no longer works when taking it to another island location.

I found this out off the back of the starving bug! I was using it to prevent myself from starving to death until I visited another island! ?

  • Haha 1

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  On 12/14/2020 at 11:23 PM, Deadeye_Rob said:

Just another heads up! Ive noticed that when acquiring Elven relics such as the Lifegiving Staff, it’s effect/ability no longer works when taking it to another island location.

I found this out off the back of the starving bug! I was using it to prevent myself from starving to death until I visited another island! ?

Thanks for the heads up, will investigate ?

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I have a problem, when I die in multiplayer on a level 2 island, I am offered to continue or to continue from a less risky island, when I click on continue I do not come back to life and I am blocked. I had to disconnect and reconnect to come back to life on a level 1 island
Thx for this update it's on a good way, hope you'll fix eat and death problem asap for a better experience
Stay classy ❤️

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Is there a way to delete our savegame as it won't let us restart on a different island.

I hope that eventually we can generate fresh new worlds for restarts and not always be trapped forever in this one.

I couldn't find a path to a local singleplayer save so I assume it is saved as if multiplayer.

I tend to restart games a lot so I hope this is temporary and part of the playtesting and not a new "feature".

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  On 12/15/2020 at 12:07 PM, Sprout said:

Is there a way to delete our savegame as it won't let us restart on a different island.

In options you can "Delete Progress" which will restart your Exploration experience. 

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  On 12/15/2020 at 12:12 PM, Adam Snellgrove said:

In options you can "Delete Progress" which will restart your Exploration experience. 


  1. Is this a permanent new thing, where we can never ever have more than one save game or world at a time, or is this temporary and part of the testing for the 1.5 update?
  2. Will we be able to generate our own unique worlds later on, or will we always need to use the single pregenerated  "world" that is currently there?
  3. Under those options, what does enabling/disabling "Legacy Exploration Visibility" mean?
  4. Are all singleplayer games now ONLY possible under a "cloudmode" with no local saves; meaning if Bohemia Entertainment ever goes under/is sold/stops supporting the game, we cannot continue to play at least singleplayer for years and years to come?


Edited by Sprout

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  On 12/15/2020 at 12:12 PM, Adam Snellgrove said:

In options you can "Delete Progress" which will restart your Exploration experience. 

I started playing the new 1.5 experimental exploration on Steam for a few hours yesterday and now when I try hop back on it makes me start a new game when I click on the button for exploration (experimental).
I can actually see my save in the recently played games section but when I click on it I still get prompted to start a new exploration save. The save file is in the Steam > SaveGames folder on my PC too. I didn't use this Delete Progress feature at all.

So I follow the prompts anyway and when it loads the new game I have my original character and inventory back but with what appears to be a newly generated map. It has spat me out at sea in a random location on the raft I had been using prior to exiting the session yesterday. I also have acquired the "I am not ready yet" bug and cannot eat and strangely can't reload my corn rifle.

I quit this session and exit the game. I relaunch Ylands and now when I click on exploration it instantly loads up this newly generated map with my old character in it. Even when I click on my old original save, it still launches this new save.

Is this an intentional feature of the experimental exploration or is this a bug that I need to report?

Edited by handofthesly

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