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Help with a Mysterie-Yland: Ember Yland (Potential Spoilers)

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I dont get the solution for a Mysterie-Yland :/ I am supposed to find an 4 digit code for a safe via 4 (or more if I missed some) letters which have the numbers in them, but the numbers I got did not work in any combination =(

Here are the letters:








9 as there are nine steps on the pier

I tried 9448, 4948 and 4498

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Jedno z čísel máš špatně ;) 

one of the numbers is wrong

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  On 7/21/2021 at 7:38 PM, PercyCreeper said:

I dont get the solution for a Mysterie-Yland :/ I am supposed to find an 4 digit code for a safe via 4 (or more if I missed some) letters which have the numbers in them, but the numbers I got did not work in any combination =(

Here are the letters:








9 as there are nine steps on the pier

I tried 9448, 4948 and 4498

you're missing a code, the one talking about the pumps stopping working is just a note from the mayor and not actually a coded number.

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mám za to že ti chybí jeden list s nápovědou 

I think you're missing one help letter

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  On 7/22/2021 at 7:58 AM, Jarda said:

mám za to že ti chybí jeden list s nápovědou 

I think you're missing one help letter

I already looked all over the YLand :/ There is also a door with an 4 Image lock, but I think I get clues to that after I unlocked the number safe :/

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  On 7/22/2021 at 10:44 AM, PercyCreeper said:

Už jsem se rozhlédl po celém YLandu : /K dispozici jsou také dveře se zámkem 4 Image, ale myslím, že po tom, co jsem odemkl číslo v bezpečí, dostanu k tomu vodítka: /

Po tom co jsem zkusil restartovat ostrov a najít znovu nápovědy k číselnému kodu jsem našel stejnou nápovědu 2x, napíšu Nikki ať se na to podívají.


After I tried to restart the island and find help for the numeric code again, I found the same help twice, I'll write Nikki to look at it.

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I got it!!!! FOund 2 more letters, one beeing the same as another one and the other gaving me the number seven. In case you are stuck too, the code is

  Reveal hidden contents

I have to say, I love these Ylands :)


Edited by PercyCreeper
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Swear I tried this code a few times, will have to try again next time I play, perhaps I tried every combo but this one lmao

Glad I got the numbers right at least

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How do i get the code for the controll room?

Nevermind i got it

Edited by Sabrina Paril
i answered my own question
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This was handy. Though I hate to feel like a cheater, I've been trying to figure this out forever, wasting several hours of my precious playtime and suffering 2~3 ragequits in the process. If someone can tell us all the exact locations of the notes, that would make one last handy tip to conclude this thread.

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9478 or 9748 is not the code for the control room as of 5/5/2023 ... i am still trying to unlock the control room .



Edited by blipzero

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  On 5/6/2023 at 1:02 AM, blipzero said:

9478 or 9748 is not the code for the control room as of 5/5/2023 ... i am still trying to unlock the control room .



The code is for the safe in the mayors house, which contains a note that has a clue to the combination for the control room. I've created wiki guides for almost all of the Mystery Ylands, they can be found on the Ylands Fan Wiki

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Thanks for the code! My mind was cought in a loop, thinging about the "missing steps" rather then the actual steps.

I restored the pump but the safe didn't open up :(


What goodies do i miss?

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  On 5/13/2023 at 8:07 AM, Puxdany said:

I restored the pump but the safe didn't open up :(

What goodies do i miss?

This bug has been reported, it's been that way since the update so I don't think anyone but the devs know what is inside of that safe 😂

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  On 6/3/2023 at 5:43 PM, ChristoBal Dvalley said:

How do you open the safe in the Repair room??

I only found one Key at the lake. but is not the correct key, it says.

Screenshot (710).png

It's meant to unlock when you fix the pump and complete the mystery. Supposedly it was meant to be fixed in a recent patch but it doesn't appear to have worked. 

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