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RESOLVED Compilation of known issues [UPDATED ON 30/08/2018]


Here I'm gonna compile the most common issues reported so far in the last few days. Note that we are aware of these and we are working to fix them. Some might take more time than others to fix, depending on the difficulty and/if we are able to reproduce them.

Once they're fixed, you'll be able to see it in the changelog. Be aware that this list doesn't contain generic issues like server issues, lack of optimization etc.

[UPDATED ON 30/08/2018]

* Items not stacking in containers
* Ship losing control (ie: when hit by a seagull)
* Crashes when using crafting panel (possibly related to older AMD (ATI) cards)
* Items being invisible when placing them on ships
* Rain/snow getting through buildings/caves
* Crashes in rain storms
* Ship ladder falls and when clicking on it, character falls through the earth

PS: If you can think of any other issue, feel free to post it here!

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Closing, most of these issues were fixed (all critical ones at least), few particular issues are present but with much lower rate and in different manner.

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Leaving and reconnecting to some servers causes players to remain where they logged out, and those players receive a "host unreachable" message when they attempt to reconnect to the server. This persists per-save, and even reloading the map/restarting the host's game client does not cause the player model to disappear.

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Placed a computer on my ship while at sea, computer disappeared and ship can't turn anymore. I've gone in the save editor and the ship's entity box is massive, so I'm guessing the computer teleported stupidly far away, but I can't even find it by flying in the editor. Losing 6 hours of progress is not very encouraging.

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When I press in the house to climb up the stairs, I hit the sky on some kind of cubes and kills me with an electric current. Checked many times. How to pick up my loot?




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- In Survival mode, when flattening a surface some parts still floating in the air, these parts are big enough to collide with the character but small enough to be impossible to target.

- Chopping trees, same deal as above, sometimes the logs, seeds and etc... still in the air.

- Stuck sharks: Some get stuck literally in the air, some other in land.


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- Sometimes the water "disappears" and you can see the land and when you go in it it makes that swimming animation

- I also found that sometimes when I try to mine it doesn't work, it makes the animation but I don't get the resources

Edited by PirateLemon
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  On 12/10/2017 at 5:39 AM, King0fgames said:

Placed a computer on my ship while at sea, computer disappeared and ship can't turn anymore. I've gone in the save editor and the ship's entity box is massive, so I'm guessing the computer teleported stupidly far away, but I can't even find it by flying in the editor. Losing 6 hours of progress is not very encouraging.

Exactly the same happened to me (as a part of a series of unfortunate events). I've posted this on a Steam discussion thread:

[...]Today I've spent many hours building a huge ship with many masts, a cabin and a bunch of other things and I sailed. All of my stuff was on that ship. After few minutes I've encountered a floating thing and discovered it to be a "computer". I've placed it on one of my crates and it instantly disappeared. After 10 minutes of sailing (I got pretty far until now) I've discovered that my ship won't turn and I could sail only straight north-east. Nothing helped. I was stuck going straight and surprisingly there are no islands appearing in front of you, only left and right. [...]

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Sometimes when I quit the game Windows 10 says the game is not responding so I have to force close to exit. All seems well in my game when I restart so it's not a big issue..however I did want to mention it.

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Ok, my two children and I have played this game for a few hours today, and have observed the following issues:

1) Inventory items on my PC (host) slowly get messed up, as in they appear to be in between the item slots and I cannot interact with them or drop them out of my inventory.  As mentioned with the OP, I have to restart my session to fix the problem.  It is annoying, though, when you have this issue and you're the MP host and have to restart everything to clear up your inventory.

2) There appears to be an occasional Host/client update glitch that causes the clients to not see item/avatar updates on their end until they relog.  This may be related to using and operating ships/boats/horses.

3) We've also observed the dismounting glitch with horses where control was lost for your character until you toggled 1st/3rd camera.  This may be related to host/client latency, as we've only seen this happen with hosted games - I've never had this happen in SP.

4) We've also observed floating structures over the ylands, that appear to be metal and have electrical thingys on them, but not sure if that's by design or a spawn glitch.

5) We have observed cases where harvested trees leave remnants of their harvested materials far above the ground (and out of reach).

6) Lastly, we traveled to a nearby yland via ship (the 3 of us), and exploring the yland, I found and tamed a local horse, which then got head-planted into a mountain side.  I mounted the horse, tried to back away from the mountain, only to find myself stuck in the mountain while mounted.  I couldn't back up, dismount, or equip any tool (that's saved for another post - see feature suggestions), so I summoned one of my kids to come dig me out of the mountainside.  As soon as they did that, I and the horse insta-died, and the game froze (clients as well - though they reported blinking landscape and still being able to move around their local area) as it was trying to load me back at my original land spawn.  I had to kill the game process, and reloading it locked up again.  after a 3rd attempt to reload the world in SP mode, I finally respawned, but could no longer interact with any chest/forge/etc to see their interactive GUI.  I suspect that world is broken at this point.

I can provide screenshots and copies of files if you're interested in them.  I plan on starting a new world at this point, preserving that one for debugging.

Edited by Ethan Gordon Wilson
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  On 12/10/2017 at 11:41 PM, Ethan Gordon Wilson said:

Ok, my two children and I have played this game for a few hours today, and have observed the following issues:

1) Inventory items on my PC (host) slowly get messed up, as in they appear to be in between the item slots and I cannot interact with them or drop them out of my inventory.  As mentioned with the OP, I have to restart my session to fix the problem.  It is annoying, though, when you have this issue and you're the MP host and have to restart everything to clear up your inventory.

2) There appears to be an occasional Host/client update glitch that causes the clients to not see item/avatar updates on their end until they relog.  This may be related to using and operating ships/boats/horses.

3) We've also observed the dismounting glitch with horses where control was lost for your character until you toggled 1st/3rd camera.  This may be related to host/client latency, as we've only seen this happen with hosted games - I've never had this happen in SP.

4) We've also observed floating structures over the ylands, that appear to be metal and have electrical thingys on them, but not sure if that's by design of a spawn glitch.

5) We have observed cases where harvested trees leave remnants of their harvested materials far above the ground (and out of reach).

6) Lastly, we traveled to a nearby yland via ship (the 3 of us), and exploring the yland, I found and tamed a local horse, which then got head-planted into a mountain side.  I mounted the horse, tried to back away from the mountain, only to find myself stuck in the mountain while mounted.  I couldn't back up, dismount, or equip any tool (that's saved for another post - see feature suggestions), so I summoned one of my kids to come dig me out of the mountainside.  As soon as they did that, I and the horse insta-died, and the game froze (clients as well - though they reported blinking landscape and still being able to move around their local area) as it was trying to load me back at my original land spawn.  I had to kill the game process, and reloading it locked up again.  after a 3rd attempt to reload the world in SP mode, I finally respawned, but could no longer interact with any chest/forge/etc to see their interactive GUI.  I suspect that world is broken at this point.

I can provide screenshots and copies of files if you're interested in them.  I plan on starting a new world at this point, preserving that one for debugging.

If needed, that world might be salvageable, however it would require deleting the affected horse in the editor, or killing it in-game.

All in all, a good assessment of the current issues, thanks!

*Edit - you said the horse died :( well... not sure then! This sometimes happens with a living horse, and removing it makes things work again... but... no horse!

Edited by John - NEXFER
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Hello, I have an EVGA GTX 960 SSC 4GB and I have attached my DxDiag Output as well. I use the EVGA PrecisionX program to Monitor my hardware and OC normally but I noticed with my OSD that in game I was always getting 100% GPU Usage. I did some tests tweaking some power settings and other 3d options but to no avail. I did notice however that when I do go into /freecamera and fly away a bit the GPU Usage goes down to around 50-60% which seems normal. I was gifted the game on 12/8/17 and this did not seem to be a problem until 12/9/17 if that helps at all. I hope this information helps as I enjoy this game with over 30 hours already I'd just like to not fry my GPU :P

Thanks, PeteFromStargate 


Edited by WoodenEels
Corrected Dates
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Interesting, I always find that the PC is always at full fan speed when I’m playing, didn’t think to check GPU usage. Running a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780.

Edited by handofthesly
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  On 12/12/2017 at 12:45 AM, handofthesly said:

Interesting, I always find that the PC is always at full fan speed when I’m playing, didn’t think to check GPU usage. Running a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780.

Yes, this is actually what I noticed first but then it was confirmed by my On Screen Display. My OSD isn't the greatest so for some games it won't pop up sometimes which is maybe why I didn't notice it till later. I was reaching temps of around 72 Degrees Celsius which is why I was concerned about my GPU considering for my card make around 80 Degrees Celsius is pushing damaging temps. 

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Posting some bugs we experienced in Multiplayer (from a post i did before):

  • The wooden raft begins to float in the air when the water level gets lower due to digging and building.
  • Sometimes when picking up items, plants etc. you're character gets stuck in the picking up animation or completely freezes.
  • Map resetting when disconnected (known bug)
  • The water has a very weird behavior when the sand beneath it is modified. Sometimes it completely disappears. It also sometimes generates holes in the water.
  • Every time i walk past a sail on a ship i get teleported to the side and fall from the ship. The ship is a little glitchy in general, when im not in control of the ship. (This doesn't happen to the host)
  • Another bug from the ship is that when i climb up the ladder, it keeps the swimming animation until i jump. (This is only visible for myself, not for other players)
  • Sometimes items that are picked up or crafted are not visible until you scroll the inventory.

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  On 12/11/2017 at 5:28 PM, John - NEXFER said:

If needed, that world might be salvageable, however it would require deleting the affected horse in the editor, or killing it in-game.

All in all, a good assessment of the current issues, thanks!

*Edit - you said the horse died :( well... not sure then! This sometimes happens with a living horse, and removing it makes things work again... but... no horse!

I'll see if I can open the file in the editor and remove the horse remains, but when I and the horse died, it was simultaneous, so I am not sure if it'll work.  I'll give it a try, at least. ;2)   Thanks!

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  On 12/10/2017 at 9:38 AM, predator[rus] said:

When I press in the house to climb up the stairs, I hit the sky on some kind of cubes and kills me with an electric current. Checked many times. How to pick up my loot?




Same thing happened to me. My house was not far away and when i used a ladder it teleported me to the same place & died. After creating a new character I cannot access containers or hotbar ever since.

***UPDATE - After reading other threads about tamed horses causing the non-access to containers issue, I deleted my tamed horse in editor mode (since my hotbar was empty and could not place anything into it). It worked and everything is back to normal.  Hopefully this bug is addressed in an upcoming update.

Edited by zegs112

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I also had another weird ship glitch yesterday - and it's probably related to the whole 1st person on ship issue. But I ran my ship aground getting too close to an yland (whooops :D) and I jumped into the water to dig out and make a trench to be able to sail on. I went into 1st person to be able to hit the right places (which is almost impossible because you can't see much under water anyways) and it then glitched me right through the ship hull until I was standing on the deck again. This happened several times, trying to get the ship free again :) 

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  On 12/13/2017 at 6:26 PM, hallie said:

I also had another weird ship glitch yesterday - and it's probably related to the whole 1st person on ship issue. But I ran my ship aground getting too close to an yland (whooops :D) and I jumped into the water to dig out and make a trench to be able to sail on. I went into 1st person to be able to hit the right places (which is almost impossible because you can't see much under water anyways) and it then glitched me right through the ship hull until I was standing on the deck again. This happened several times, trying to get the ship free again :) 

I have had this experience also.. it almost seemed like the anchor chain was acting like a ladder. I always teleported while I was near the chain up to the anchor switch on the deck.

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It happens  close to the bow....   i suspect it is to do with the  collision physics  at the ships  bow... don't   jump  there  or  you get  kicked  skywards ... resulting  in fall that will  end your life!:o

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- game is freezing in the crafting menu -> happens allways -> waiting for longer after freezing causes a crash of windows-system. normally i am not waiting so long. I just restart the PC.

- Game is freezing while picking up a specific bamboo-stick -> (i tried it two times - same thing happens. now, i am avoiding this specific bamboo)

- Game was freezing while digging in the water with a pick -> happened one time -> waiting for longer and my windows-system crashed. I am afraid of digging in the water now.

- Wanted to look at the sandbox-mode to see, what is possible (in survival, i can not do much without crafting a lot) -> was flying above an island to look for a nice spot. -> Game was freezing, when i accidently hit the Inventory-Key. Next time, i was looking for how to build stuff in creative. I could not find anything to place... hit the inventory key -> Game was freezing again.


It is hard to do something so far. I hope, i can really play it soon. ;)

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Hi Ane,

I'm also having issues with the map saving in my single player world. (I'm referring to the map craft item that fills in as you explore- not the terrain map for the overall game). It fills in just fine while I explore my yland while playing, but all the progress I make filling it in is lost every time I save and exit the game, meaning the map becomes blank and I have to start filling it in from scratch every time I play. This is frustrating because it has deterred me from travelling too far from my base for fear of getting lost the next time I play. Any suggestions for a temporary fix?

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I have an issue similar to the "Damaged saves where players can't interact with anything" except I can't place anything on my hotbar and I can't I can't drop anything along with not being able to interact with anything. this seems to occur do to another issue by going into first person and bumping the wheel of the ship which sends the ship flying.

this also makes the game save unplayable for that specific player and can only be resolved by making a new save.

Edited by Multysmoke
additional information

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  On 12/14/2017 at 5:41 PM, DivingQueen said:

Hi Ane,

I'm also having issues with the map saving in my single player world. (I'm referring to the map craft item that fills in as you explore- not the terrain map for the overall game). It fills in just fine while I explore my yland while playing, but all the progress I make filling it in is lost every time I save and exit the game, meaning the map becomes blank and I have to start filling it in from scratch every time I play. This is frustrating because it has deterred me from travelling too far from my base for fear of getting lost the next time I play. Any suggestions for a temporary fix?

Are you playing in Singleplayer? Or are you in one of the servers?

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Unable to rotate or move energy items (and some others) while placing with the "G" and "H" keys. The item just vanishes when I hit the "G" key.

I also have the Alchemy glitch mentioned above, I will try it now without the herb bag.


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