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Everything posted by Ane

  1. Ane

    0.10: Clever Coding (27/08/2018)

    I believe the issue with the compass should be fixed in this update.
  2. I believe this issue will be fixed in the 0.10 update (released this upcoming week), if not we'll take a look at it
  3. Ane

    Better mining?

    Definitely sounds cool
  4. Because the fix is not public yet - it will be once the update is out
  5. Ane

    Dev Diary #44

    Yeah, we'll probably create some summary once it's over
  6. Ane

    Dev Diary #44

    Reporting from Gamescom! A little sneak peek of 0.10 (we're showcasing it here already, so soon you'll be able to play it too!)
  7. Glad to hear that it's working fine now that you got the Steam controller!
  8. All the coyns were sent yesterday - congrats, you classy people!
  9. ESPMiguel - I need your exact Ylands Name (top left name in the main menu or in HOME), so that we can send you the coyns
  10. Ane

    RESOLVED [YLD-11528] Starting issues

    Perfect! I'm glad to hear that
  11. 20mbs for ycp files and 2mbs for an image
  12. Ane

    RESOLVED [YLD-11528] Starting issues

    Hi there! Could you tell us how many and how big your save files are?
  13. No, the forum is completely separated from the game
  14. Can you try logging off and in again?
  15. Could you please attach the following files? output_log and output_log_clean, you can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data
  16. Yeah, the issue was fixed a couple weeks ago.
  17. Why can''t you launch the game? Any error message?
  18. Hopefully this issue will be solved by 0.10
  19. Do you have an older AMD (ATI) card?
  20. This is not going to be part of the Editor 2.0, I'm afraid, it's not a small task But it is in our to-do list, I just can't really say when it will be implemented (perhaps in Ylands 1.0, but I can't really tell at this point). Thanks for the suggestion!