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Found 1534 results

  1. I cant find anyone reporting my exact issue, so I will report it. After about 30min of playing the game straight, the screen goes black, I still have full sound of the game, then it switch me to my home screen as if I alt tabbed out of the game, when I did not. The game is still pinned to my task bar at the bottom, but now I click it, it brings up a black screen, still with full sound of the game. When I look at the task manger, it does not show it as frozen, or not responding, but the only way I can close it is thru the task manger. When I reload, the initial picture of the save game looks as though it did not save, however once I actually load the game, it turns out it did save, right where I was when it kicked me out of the game screen. Then it runs great for anther roughly 30mins, till it does it all again. Attached are the two folder that they asked for. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. Hello, i am getting beyond frustrated! i love this game so much but can barely play for very long before it crashes! please help! I think i posted my crash logs to the wrong place but they are here at this link . if i need to send more or post them in a different spot please let me know! Thank you!
  3. There is about 4 of us that play together on a MP Server we are hosting. we have noticed that the ownership of our horses keeps changing between different people in the group. The new owner can't use the horse even though it now claims they are the owner, and the original owner as well cannot use it because they are no long the owner. It hasn't been the same person each time either. different people will randomly get ownership of the tamed horses. No discernible action or pattern at this point.
  4. Hi, I've been playing with no problem for two days and now i cannot anymore. I have a login error code 502, I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, same problem. I have attached the files you ask for this problem. Thanks for your help. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  5. After running a multiplayer setup for some time, the animals will start to freeze up. some of them will move some will not. Unconfirmed but it seems like the entire group of animals freezes. like all Bears or all horses. Hard to say how long it takes before this happens. I also haven't tried to do it without the multiplayer aspect.
  6. Hi, I played third time in Exploring Mode and in every game, after exploring big part of the Ylands, map suddenly stop to be updated. Map shows where you are and what are you looking at, but it's not drawed. It's not showing new places, not removing fog of war. I discovered that it revealed part of the map is always a square... So, map is working properly, you can see your map and then suddenly map "ends". Sometimes you can move explore something to the left West from you, but you cannot do the same on the Eastern part of the map. It looks like half of the map is possible to explore, but everything to the East ofcertain point isn't. Also, I realise that map is cut into tiles. If you are in the same cell, you can reveal some teritory to the West of you, but if you leave that "working" tile" - map isn't revealing at all - nowhere. Another problem with map appears when you die. In most cases map is incomplete and even my own Yland is covered in fog of war again. Additionally sometimes maps shows wrong tiles - I can see fragment of the sea and land of some other yland in the millde of my yland. Tile is square, rougthly 1/3 lenght of middle size Yland (64-128 ground tiles wide?).
  7. When putting food on your action bar there is the case where you can scroll wheel over to a none food item and then eat the item that isn't food. I have duplicated this by eating a map and a flint lighter. It looks like the "Eat" action doesn't change fast enough and lets you eat whatever that item may be regardless of whether it is food or not.
  8. Encountered this oddity since I obtained the game this weekend. In the main menu the game can use my gpu properly, i'll see fully utilization as I'd expect, go into the actual game though.. And GPU utilization drops down to 20-30%, and I see all 8 cores used about 40-50% each. The cpu utilization goes up if I stare at the floor, and FPS goes up as well. but if im looking out into the distance gpu utilization always dips. Is this an issue due to the tech of my particular processor, or is this a known issue with the game? Note: Other games (GTA 5 for example) do not encounter this issue. This issue exists whether im using low medium high or ultra settings. I've gone as far as reinstalled 388.13 drivers, as well as updating them to 388.71 drivers and also ran the game without having any custom profile added, as well as adding one. Sys specs are: amd fx-9590 Asus Crosshair V Formula Z motherboard 16gb ram running game off an SSD Windows 10 x64 Nvidia GTX 1060 Any suggestions or insight into this is appreciated. Thanks!
  9. It happened to me twice now, I don't know why, the game crash when "Exit to Desktop" from Editor, the game will stuck on loading screen if I don't close the "Oops!" notification. even though it's not a big deal, because I wan't to go to desktop anyway. But here is the error report and the logs. I don't think you need dxdiag report since output_log_clean has it anyway. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt 2017-12-25_221200.rar
  10. Game started fine past 2 weeks but now when trying to launch, just get small white Ylands screen that has a newspaper like icon in middle and nothing happens...Steam account says game is running but nothing shows...didnt have this problem earlier...when I close this small blank white screen , it says the game has crashed...not sure what changed to make the game no longer work..tried uninstalling both Ylands and Steam and reinstalling but still wont work...any suggestions? output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  11. Not sure if this is the place to give crash reports but here they are. error.log output_log.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. When crafting wooden stairs, you use one plank, one log, and one nail, and you receive 5 stairs. When you break down each individual stair block though you receive one log and one plank effectively creating infinite logs and planks at the cost of iron.
  13. there is a bug so be careful when opening a deep mine if you place iron ladders on the earth going down a mine 9/10 times when using it you fall through the earth, my little fix is place a massive log longways down the mine and put the ladder on the log.
  14. Help plz, sometimes compositions lost color of some pieces. Any way fix?
  15. When opening the game I am getting a white screen then it crashes. I have uninstalled steam ylands all my other games issue still persist. I have updated all my drivers etc. I have restarted numerous times same issue. Prior to this I was receiving the player cannot join session due to player in game which was in error. Attached are my current logs. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  16. Hey, I came across a weird issue. When I am connected to my friend's server and I walk around a large ship, I get teleported all over the place (even off the ship). I tried to capture the problem on a video.
  17. Hi, There is a random bug (I guess it's caused by missing "drag and drop" during opening boxes, crates and chests) that make "seventh" slot unusable (in 9 slot containters). It's hard to say which one is broken in slots of different containers (different than 9 slots big - I'll let you know). You can easily check inventory slot problems, by filling all the slots - I don't remember which one was it, if I find it - I'll edit my post). Broken slot can be spot simply: slot is empty, but with number in it. Item in the slot is wrongly shown down below the item window. Sometimes you can drag item by drag item from the place you see these "in the air", but mostly you cannot do anything (I'm trying to understand why you can sometimes click on the image - below the window, and use or move items and sometimes you cannot do anything - only reloading helps). It's also impossible to add anything to the slot (of the same kind) or replace slot with any other item. With Regards, Bartosz
  18. Hi, I have a problem with my map in singleplayer survival game. I run around my island and checked how the map is filling and it seems all right at the beginning. Later some parts, that were already found, dissapead from map. I tried to move with the map view, I tried log off and log in, but it kept same. I did a printscreen so you can see it. I checked some other map related reported bugs, but they were about multiplayer mostly. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  19. So i have my horse here... I tamed it. later on i died 6 times because a wolf wont let me alone. I tried to get on my horse but i dont get the ride option anymore. but it still reacts to my wisstle.
  20. Hello! I have been experiencing this problem since the Steam launch where I get stuck on the loading screen on specific Explore servers. Sometimes the revolving loading bar at the bottom of the screen appears, but quickly disappears leaving only the flavor text at the top of the screen cycling continuously. No amount of time spent on this screen seems to have any progress in regards to actually getting onto the server. This has happened to me quite a few times, and on different official servers as well. I have attached my most recent output logs in hopes that it could be of help in resolving this issue. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  21. TheWildCat1982

    RESOLVED Login name changed

    Hi, So i launched the game and looked the pop-up message which said to linke my account with bohemia to get extra coyns. I linked my steam account with the bohemia one just to find out later that the coyn deal was only for those bought the game befor steam launch, ok no problem i went to unlink my account and started the game again just to find out that now my account name got a very long line with numbers on it added. Would you guy please help me i like my normal account name being displayed not that strange number thing. i already uninstalled the game twice with all the files but still same problem.
  22. Heda Beru Kom Trikru

    RESOLVED List of bugs I've encounterd

    Hello there! Just a small list of bugs I've encountered ad the thing's I've tried to do to fix. My game is currently unplayable... Errors I've encountered 1. Fatal error (fixed) 2. Access violation (believe I'm still getting this) 3. Crash when scrolling down creative cube (this is caused by the Ship mass recipe bug you guys are aware of) 4. When painting sometimes I crash just after it has finished painting 5. And the main one that makes my game unplayable game seems to just randomly crash out of no where like every 5 mins I can't find out what is causing this few missing commands in the dump file but other than that Some times when I save my game it just keeps endlessly saving (I know you guys are aware of this and I know it can be temp fixed by closing the game via task bar) Thing's I've tried to fix the following: Allowed though my antivirus Allowed though my firewall Allowed though hips Allowed though auto containment Allowed though virus scope Allowed though Website filter Game is being run as admin Steam is being run as admin graphics card drivers are up to date systems spec have been met have ran it in windows 7 compat mode no other programs have access to it added api.bistudio.com to allowed tryed all diffrent graphics options tried in all modes (creative and survival) cleaned out all traces three times (uninstalled and cleaned) Think I've tried a few other things kinda lost count Ha. I've attached my output logs systems details and Dx-Diag log in there as well along with crash reports and dump files. The output logs are from a fresh install that I did do recently. ~Thanks Azriel Ylands Errors.zip
  23. Hello to all Ylanders. So prior to the last patch this bug was only present for other players in game. Disappearing items such as benches,trees,enemies,ship parts not the hull and so on. Can confirm this because my wife and I play the game together and we sit next to each other.Now after the last update the host's game is bugged. I was mining on a new Yland and I went back to my ship all I could see was the hull. Thought I could jump onto ship but it seems that the deck I built was not there could not get on ship. After reloading the game it reappeared and happened again upon returning to ship after mining again. So at this point I decided to leave the game and have not tested it again. I will try again today.
  24. After the update, I placed the Protective Barrier to a new location where I was setting up my home. https://imgur.com/kqMbCMG I decided to remove my old stuff from the tower that turned into a temporary base. The I've destroyed the smelter but the blacksmith is still there but can no longer be used when I do a 'right click' on it. https://imgur.com/Ow5Y2PI I tried logging in and out a couple of times to see if it goes away, but it doesn't. Here are the out_log: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt P.S. earlier in this game, I was building my large ship when the last piece of the wooden panel wouldn't stick on the ship. There was no warning or anything, it just doesn't want to place. I logged in and out to see if that works but didn't. I just dismantled the panel instead and made a new one.
  25. Hi, Everything was working fine until the update. when I am hosting I can not place any energy things like nodes, wind turbine, yland generator, lights ect. The friends I play with can still place these items but for my character it says either too far away or not enough space no matter where I try to place (including where I have built before). I started a single player and the same thing again. I deleted and re installed the game and run the verify game files many times with no effect. my character is broken but my friends all work fine....... I try in creative and yes I can place the items but not in survival. also when I try to rotate energy items like lights it cancels the craft. Is there a way I can clear my character cache or something to fix this? These issues persist after the patch on 21st dec. If it helps when I try to place the items they lag out and delay when trying to drag it along the ground. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt