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Found 1534 results

  1. I know having an option to remove them was mentioned by several people, but is this a new "feature" to have no gravestones? ?
  2. So I've encountered this issue recently where one minute the editor is working fine, the next (whether its testing a game or exiting one) the editor for some reason stops responding to keyboard/mouse inputs. This includes everything from trying to click logics with the mouse to moving around with WSAD. Any input from others? [UPDATE] Upon further examination, this appears to occur because of custom windows. If you have a custom window open in the game, and exit back to the editor BEFORE CLOSING the custom window, the editor no longer responds to your keyboard/mouse.
  3. Several of us have had this error since this last hour (after the game kicked us out) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. Both within my editor tests for FEAST and on a new editor map, Set Character State for hunger does not do anything to the player. For example, this will show 0 in the console no matter how many times I flip the lever. It also does not properly change the other states, such as freezing. I double checked, and hunger simulation is checked in the game settings. P.S. Can FEAST be judged using update 1.4 until this is solved? It entirely breaks the mini-game because it is based on manipulating the player's hunger state.
  5. Enter the trigger zone, and your respawn point changes. It works fine every time. Unless you sleep in a bed first. Then, you respawn at the bed always and it will not change anymore. Happens like this on two different trigger zones. Once in bed, always in bed. Any thoughts? In a new map, make 2 spawn points A and B. Put a different marker by each, so you know which is which. A trigger zone with script to swap from A (original spawn) to B, maybe with music, so you know you triggered it. A bed. A monster. Spawn at A. Die. Spawn at A. Trigger the swap. Die. Spawn at B. Sleep in the bed. Die. Spawn at bed. Trigger the swap. Die. Spawn at bed. Spawn at bed forever. Music plays each time, so the trigger is functioning. It just won't change the spawn point anymore. P.S. I came up with a work around for the problem, but it remains broken.
  6. If I try to set the owner of an animal to an NPC (something that worked in 1.4), it does not work in 1.5: Poor Santa, no more deer for him.
  7. When trying to despawn one item out of the stack in the player's inventory, this worked for 1.4 but is not working with 1.5: It drops it and but does not despawn it. It gives this error message: I assume this is related to the fact that with 1.5 there needs to be an item to despawn or you will get an error message. In most cases, this is easy to work with (adding an if statement to see if the item is there first), but I am not sure what to do to "fix" the example above.
  8. Can you please show more lines for the Editor Error log. The window is smll and long messges are wraped and hidden in upperlines :(
  9. Like the title said. I really like the improvement we got in update 7.0 but the streams still bug me and I know that a lot of people feel the same way. I think we should remove them completely unless we're holding the linker.
  10. So this is a little funky, but sometimes editor won't allow you to zoom in/out when you work on editing scripts. It's very inconsistent too. One second, it works, but when I exit "edit script" mode and re-enter, it no longer zooms in/out.
  11. Encountered this problem trying to launch the game, the loading bar reaches 100% and then hangs there for a minute before this error pops up. Fatal Login Error Backend Request Error (-100001) Occasionally it will sit there at 100% for a few minutes and then finally load into the main menu. It seems to give me this error several times before letting me into the game, it took 15 minutes of trying once. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt
  12. If you use a for loop to loop through the players equipment and save the definition id of the item to game storage you get the error: "Unknown internal error, type isn't supported by server variables". For some reason this only happens when you get the item from equipment. If you loop through the inventory and try to save the exact same items definition id to game storage everything will work perfectly.
  13. I was under the impression that if world saving is off, it will spawn automatic servers. Did I need to set it as "protected" for it to spawn automatic servers? If that is the case, I will update the wiki... when I get access. ? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ylands_Monetization_description#3._Game_doesn.27t_have_world_saving_enabled_and_on_workshop_is_unprotected
  14. Сheckbox "This creation is protected" does not work on the site
  15. Hi guys! In our efforts in fixing as many issues as possible, we'd like to specifically focus on Multiplayer issues as well. When receiving reports in this regard, we often get very vague descriptions, like "there is lag" or "Multiplayer is broken!". So in this thread I'd like to ask you to report all Multiplayer issues you can think of that are ruining your game experience, and please be as specific as possible Thanks a lot!
  16. If you use the random tile to generate a random number between 2 values it will never be the max. For instance if you use random to create a number between 1 and 3 it will only generate random numbers between 1 and 2. Current workaround is adding + 1 to your max value.
  17. The "Group Editing Mode (ESC to cancel)" icon in the top middle isn't going away when it should, and sometimes it doesn't appear when it should. This has happened on multiple maps. I think it might be related to the undo button, but it happens quite a bit for me. Please let me know if you want files for this.
  18. When using custom controls, plant is actually part of "building." If I uncheck "plant," I am still able to plant as normal. If I uncheck "building-place block" I can no longer plant ?‍♀️ along with all the other building functions that I wanted to keep. Speaking of planting, I also can no longer free-place seeds as just items (not planting) no matter what map (sandbox etc.) ? ...I did some more testing and discovered I can scroll through V, then select a different object, then select the seed, then press V again (just watch the video lol). That is definitely not functioning as intended.
  19. So I was trying to make script with a Crude mace that, on a heavy attack, would launch a large rock forward to hit and damage an opponent. I have made similar scripts a multitude of times, but I wanted this one to deal crushing damage since it is launching a large boulder. I noticed that when I set the damage type to crushing in the throw command, nothing would happen, and nothing in the "On entity hit" and "On ground hit" parts of the throw command, such as particle effects and sounds, would happen either. I tested the same script on other weapons and it was providing the same results, so I changed the damage type next, and after changing just the damage type to Pure, everything started working as intended.
  20. I was trying to edit a path, and when I was done it wouldn't exit the editing mode. Neither the Esc key or the "Done" button would work
  21. Before i start, understand i've done the following: After uninstalling Ylands, i wiped out the directory it left behind in the game directory, i wiped out the bohemian interactive directory left in the subdirectory off APPDATA/LocalLow. All my video drivers are up to date, i ran CCLEANER to remove any possible left over junk in the TEMP directories. I even created a new game save and attached it to the server I'm renting from Bohemia Interactive. My system is as clean as it can get and i reinstalled Windows 10 days previous to make sure it was 100% clean. Issues: Things are lost when dropped. Things are lost from digging. Things are lost when mounting them on walls (torches for instance). Can't use "hold down" rotate for things like doors to get the angle needed to make them fit perfectly. The single button push rotate works but it's useless on certain angles because it's limited. Crossbow just stops firing and refuses to reload. And i made it "new". Sometimes i can't pick up or drop bait or flowers. When i log back in, the crossbow is reloaded with 1 shot and the stuff (that was lost before on the ground) is sometimes visible. If i'm on a ship, when i come back in the game, i'm in the water "under" the ship. I shouldn't have these problems and i shouldn't have to keep going out and back into the games to solve certain issues and it won't solve the crossbow/blunderbuss issues my other players are having with them having shots they can't load into the blunderbuss that came with it in the chest when found after shooting a few rounds. I've gamed for over 40 years and i deal with computer repairs daily. I'm not a coder but i can't believe the issues are on my (and my other player's) ends. PS - It's been two game attempts and we have yet to find a single piece of copper ore or any kind of vein. We both though that was highly unusual. Also, AI people would die and leave nothing when dead....is that normal? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  22. So I was going about my business, just finished smelting a few hundred iron, then when I go to make some nails I go to click the feed button and it is grated out. Not only was the feed button grayed out but so was the little eye in the top right. I checked my other stations and it is the same thing with all of them. I can use the ones that don't use fuel but the eye thing is still gray for those too. I left and came back, replaced them, and even checked if I had my lighter. Anything I can do? NEVERMIND I needed wood
  23. On the left side of the boat, the mast will not place next to the other mast. In fact it "forces" the placer to move to the left and won't allow to place against the other mast. On the other side, it works perfectly. The whole ship, on both sides, is made exactly alike. I can label this as a "game" issue. Three will fit on the right perfectly while, on the left, they won't come close and go "red". The left side was snapped after it moved but, trust me, it won't place on the left side next to the back mast.
  24. The editor is behaving weird. Watch the video and you'll see what I mean. Maybe someone else can try this too and see if that happens aswell.