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Found 1534 results

  1. When i pass 30 minutes, 20 like that the game just goes entire black screen and unclosable to leave the game and use the computer again i need to restart the computer. I had this error has 3 days of it. I play in steam, downloaded in the steam release and the game is AWESOME, nice physics (except the mountains sometimes it bugs and the person go underground), the boats are SO AWESOME (i love realistic ship games), the graphics are awesome looks like ray tracing.etc I really want to play that game in peace please help me with this error (my discord: MeChamavaArroz#0790
  2. Hello! I looked for the proper support channel on ylands.com and it says the following: Here I am! I just created an account, using the in-game link and I also activated two-factor authentication. Now, when I try to login with my email address and password, nothing works. I tried seconds ago just to be sure. I tried with copy-paste and typing one character after the other. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  3. as the title I can't ignite any workstation I have enough wooden pieces and feeded but can't ignite
  4. Bondedsoup5

    RESOLVED Fatal login error

    Unable to complete backend request error output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt Anyone know how to fix this?
  5. Hello, Ive got a few internal errors in my scripts and I hope @Houp or someone else from the dev team to check them out log_userscript.txt output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt userscript.zip Thanks
  6. Hi I would like to have the ability to easily calibrate the "throw entity" logic in-game. I've spent about 30 minutes (and not done!) trying to get consistent results using an arrow and it's a nightmare
  7. Not much to explain. The title explains it self. When i do the swing, the 2nd attack won't even hit a tree or a bulding (not to mention either enemies). Not sure the verison of the game. I can stream it in discord if you also need that. Any questions you can ask me in discord SSEEAALL#3347 (i'm at the Ylands server also) 'cause i hate fourms <3 DxDiag SSEEAALL PC.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. Horses are ignored by all hostile mobs making it so you can ride down a cave full of hostile mobs and nothing happens i think it should be made that hostile mobs agro onto a tamed horse that you own/are riding on
  9. I am in editor and cannot rotate capsule's. I've tried using fresh maps with fresh logic but it doesn't change anything. As a side note, can you request us to give us Cylinder zone's aswell? @Adam Snellgrove
  10. RedEagle_P1.

    RESOLVED Music problems

    A lot of the players I know mute the music and this was mentioned in the last Dev diary. The issue has to do with the fact that it has a few bugs. Firstly the music seems to reset its volume when you re login sometimes. Moreover, the sound effects seem to be very loud in general compared to the music even when messing with the settings manually
  11. Hi there! So those of you with the account linking issue, I need the following information from you: The Ylands Name you want, the one you 'took from yourselves' The Bohemia Account (username or email) you want the Ylands Name associated with - the one you tried to link/transfer to I'm talking about this issue: We'll reset your names so that you have the name you chose and your BI account will be linked as well, so no progress should be lost. Thanks!
  12. QuantumHero39

    RESOLVED Lost goods

    I've made an accout on this official website, and wehn i logged in i lost my previous character along with 5400 credis, a few emotes as well, and me favourite pet the Gryphone... i had to make a new avater... (previous one was QuatumHero39) and actual avater is Quantum39Prime. i would like to keep this one, cause i made quite some levels on playground, but i would like if you guys could transfer all i had on the previous avatar on the current one (Quantum39Prime) and delete the lost avatar. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt
  13. fivein

    RESOLVED what nonsense?

    I paid 700 rubles for the game before it became free, and now I need to pay 500 rubles again what to play alone?
  14. Hello all, my 1st post here! I had enough coyns to rent a server for 5 months. So, I bought 3 month pass, followed by 2x 1 month pass. I entered into my servers list, and.... they are all separate! One will last until 8 March 2020, and two 1 month subscriptions will die on 8 January 2020! Can I have that fixed, or have one month servers removed and coyns back? EDIT: I just realized Elementary server does not support exploration.... can I just get a refund of coyns, at least a partial one to afford 1 month of high performance server?
  15. I would like to receive a refund for the 1 month elementary server I purchased, thinking it could run the exploration mode, as soon as it is refunded, I will add more coyns to get the high performance mode
  16. Since 0.15 my server does not appear in the multiplayer lobby. To find it, players have to search. It has kept my game largely pristine, but I know there are good players looking for a place to play. My steam name is bbcakes.
  17. steam-76561198165167339

    RESOLVED Change username

    Hello, I played the game like 2 years ago just for testing it. And today, with the new release i redownload the game and found it very good. But, i have an issue, i want to change the name i choosed 2 years ago. So my current name is "Akuuuu" and i want it to be "Gr8Tea". Is it possible? Thank you.
  18. Show bubble is bad for long convos as the bubble does not disappear when a new bubble is pushed when the same object speaks twice.
  19. Mobile: Social: Friends on pc not showing online on mobile
  20. go to merchant offer anything set auto balance button (or however it's called ) see gold being added from npc's offer trade get no gold in that trade
  21. i've encountered this while building a ship in a multiplayer game so other than that: 1 craft some building blocks, like bamboo 1x2x4 blocks 2 start building them on a ship 3 when you get to last one, it will say "-bamboo block" and will not put it where you told it to it also happened to me when i was trying to put torch stand on raft
  22. A problem of not being able to join certain servers even after hotfix.
  23. When exiting a multi-player game, Ylands doesn't go past the blue screen with the alternating color "thinking" circle. I have to manually close the game completely down and restart it. Thanks, Sandy
  24. My encounters so far with enemy NPCs are impossible to win (and impossible to lose). I think it is related to the map option of no damage from other players. This cannibal and I have been swinging at each other for a very long time, and nobody is losing any health. I even upgraded to an iron mace and an iron sword, and turned on his health bar in the Editor. He can't hurt me and I can't hurt him, but he'll still chase me around.
  25. By accident I found a bug that allows any item to deconstruct inside the protective barrier, if placed on the ground and hit with the demolition hammer. (Other hammers might do it too.) Roasted food items will "deconstruct" to the raw version. Roasted meat becomes raw meat, roasted fruit becomes berries (elderberries when I tried it), and so on. A pole will "deconstruct" and become a stick. Rope will become grass. Leather will become boar hide. Cloth will become 3 yarn. Yarn will become flax. Tools will deconstruct to the exact materials used to create them. Screenshots: If you try this with a stack, it will return the raw form of only 1 of the items and destroy the rest. I don't think the deconstruct ability is meant to be used for this.