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Found 7 results

  1. Before saying anything, I don't know what the main purpose you guys are following with this game is, so I'm not sure if you wanna pursue simulation or you are creating a sandbox with no realism more focused on the amount of things you can do, but I have noticed you have put some hard work into making the ambient and the feeling of some artistic parts of the game transmit a nice realistic vibe (rain, torments and the awesome sky colorings), if I were you guys, I would go for a bit more simulation with this game (the potential is there and is REALLY BIG). Non of my ideas or comments are meant to offend anyone, they are just described as I have thought them. * After clarifying that point, here we go with some things I think need changes: 1. During long ship travels, alone or with friends, you mainly get nothing to do apart from seeing the beautiful sky (with friends even worse in the sense they have nothing to do at all apart from maybe... looking the map?), the ship doesn't lose its path even if you leave the rudder alone, the wind as it is right now has no effect (or almost no effect over the ship apart from the speed), I would recommend to implement a sailing system where you can have and control different kind of sails and even have to rotate them depending of the wind direction making that to have a real difference on how the ship behave on each situation, then you could make use of your friends as ship crew and give them some kind of utility, if you are alone, well, to handle a big ship alone IS a really hard task, so the idea should be to reflect that in the game, you should be able to pay for some NPC to control parts of the ship and maybe live on your ship in the case you don't have any friends to play with. ***This whole point number 1 would create something that has more logic to me: "The more sails you set in your ship, the faster you go but the harder is to control it properly"*** 2. Doesn't look that placing the sails on the ship's sides has any wrong effect on it, the center of gravity of the ship doesn't vary, that's not cool and doesn't feel logic at all, you should be able to sink a ship totally bad constructed. 3. The water simulation is off, so I will wait to comment on that in detail, but I am expecting something cool from it, something that really affects the way swimming, ships and boats work in the game. 4. Some stamina system is necesary, there is no sense that you can swim faster than a ship the whole time. 5. there is no risk of die during a torment if you are swimming apart from dying frozen being near to a pole. Maybe you should or could drown if you get out of stamina? (point 4) 6. The AI (artificial intelligence) of the game is poor at the moment, feels bugged and not responsive at all in most cases (plus some animals, specially tigers or wolves should have an special evasion movement as well). Maybe add serpents on deep forests when getting plants? (venom risk, etc...), I won't comment on sharks, I am sure you already know what happen with them. 6.1. Ground animals can be EASILY killed if you go to water and even punch them to death, and viceversa, sharks can be EASILY killed if you go to the seashore and punch them from the solid ground. Maybe you have seen more than one of this comments or ALL reviewed before by other users, but I hope they really help to create an awesome game, because it is, and I repeat, the potential is there. Have a great day and I will keep tracking issues when I have time.
  2. How about a craftable buoy that we can place in the water to mark shallow reef in areas we frequent with our ships and boats. I think about this a lot when I am headed back from adventuring and avoiding the same areas.
  3. Kieran_mac


    Ive been sailing for a good 8 ingame days and still unable to find anymore ylands? Theres no birds. No sharks? how do i solve this? or am i just playing it wrong? Am i best waiting for it to get an update?
  4. Asmodeus_KH


    Hello. I would like to see submarines that would be able to swim not only on the water on ships, but under the water on a submarine, even if they will be a small size, you can even be the most primitive to start with. And based on the fact that there is a video where a person found the wreckage of a submarine at the bottom of the sea, it can be argued that the developers plan to add them in the future, whether they are electric or steam engine, it does not matter, the concept itself is to swim under water, where you are not afraid neither storm or pirates.
  5. Set off on our first voyage in multiplayer, and I'm trying to ascertain whether we've made a mistake or not. We only have one helm and we sailed through probably a day, night, and maybe half another day so far. There are no birds to look at to track our progress. I don't recall ever seeing any. Do we keep sailing, and there's islands further away, or did we just sail past everything into an endless sea? I don't know how stuff spawns in this. If we aren't anywhere yet, how will we ever know? Will birds suddenly appear?
  6. OpalTeenee

    How to sail a big boat.

    Hello! me and my boyfriend are loving Ylands and we built a big boat with a sail and everything it needs, anchor, wind indicator. BUT we can't get the boat to move or sail, how does this work?
  7. So I made a grand journey to reclaim my stuff from the jaws of a mighty shark and once I achieved this, I hopped back on my boat. Feeling as if I should call it a day, I quit to main menu while I was sailing. My character was still manning the helm as I quit. The save screen is now stuck and is spinning perpetually. Help? EDIT: I forced quit and reloaded the game and my save appears to be intact. I guess you don't want to do anything while on the boat other than sail.