Adam Snellgrove 1452 Posted September 5, 2019 CHANGELOG Playful Platform - 05/09/2019 HIGHLIGHTS Playlands - Enjoy our new communal area with fun(ny) mini-games and bling yourself out in our spiffy Fashion Room. By playing mini-games you’ll increase your personal level and thus be able to obtain even more exclusive attire! Support for mobile devices – By saving your scenario as 'universal', it can be played both on PC and mobile versions of Ylands. While the latter is not yet available, it's good to be ready for when it comes! Persistent user data - Creators can now keep data (such as game progress) on game servers and keep them relevant across game sessions, servers, and platforms! Imagine the possibilities! UI Editor – Even more customization options for Creators! Now you’ll be able to create custom UI’s with panels, buttons, input fields and images. Monetization – Creators will be able to monetize pretty much any element in their game for the in-game currency: Coyns. Character Visual overhaul – All animals and characters are receiving a face-lift to keep them fresh and beautiful. AI overhaul – Animals and character also got a brain-lift and will react much more naturally in the future. So no more overly aggressive penguins thinking they’re predators! Custom controls input – As with the UI, Creators will also be able to customize player controls in script to really make every game unique. Path Editor - Ever wanted to see a building block move in a tangent line? You can do it yourself now in the powerful & fun Path Editor! Horse controls overhaul – Horses will be much more controllable and won’t walk in circles or head down in the ground…hopefully. Who’s ready for the rodeo?! Various gameplay improvements - We touched up on some of the existing systems, making sure they play nicely with the new ones and kept working on enhancing the overall feel of the game. Chat improvements - It is now easier than ever to tell the world about your newly dyed ship. Avatars screen overhaul - It's like looking in a mirror. Codex – Your trusty companion in Ylands is much more informed lately and you’ll find useful explanations and links to our ever-expanding wiki. ADDITIONS/IMPROVEMENTS [YLD-17684] [Editor] Added: Impassable barrier toggle if barrier should also block camera or should not [Editor] Added: Each entity has "interactable" property in object properties now [Chat] Added: /clearchat console command, which removes all messages from chat [Visual Scripting] Added: Is colorable color 1/2/3 [YLD-15972] [Visual Scripting] Added: VS: Entity "Is type" tile [Visual Scripting] Added: "New line" constant tile [Visual Scripting] Added: New End game tile added [YLD-17614] [Visual Scripting] Added: Support to show and hide codex categories for certain players in visual scripting [Visual Scripting] Added: Tiles for hiding hotbar/hearts/several character ui tabs [YLD-17977] Added: There should be upper limit for what character can eat at once [YLD-17978] Added: possibility to mine boulders with pickaxe [YLD-17629] Added: Build mode needs to be always in 1st person camera view [YLD-17267] Added: Blocked players aren't allowed to trade with a player that blocked them Added: New Random encounter [YLD-17645] Added: Game cursor should indicate if current tool can be used on a distant object [Editor] Tweaked: In non PVP games you do not focus other players in combat now [YLD-17633] [Editor] Tweaked: History button is disabled when there is no undo/redo history available [YLD-18128] [Editor] Tweaked: Export to workshop will always optimize game for export. (it will weld entities) [YLD-17934] [Editor] Tweaked: On control start/stop events are called for both helm/ship now [YLD-17513] [Editor] Tweaked: You can now pick entities/game logic outside of the edited group [Editor] Tweaked: All new maps are playable on all platforms by default [YLD-17291] [Editor] Tweaked: zones shows preview of their color when they are marked as visible [Editor] Tweaked: "Scale grid" button removed from the footer. Water/Ground alignment and coordinate system buttons added [Friends] Tweaked: Reduced network load when kicking a player from clan [Visual Scripting] Tweaked: Better indication of "missing entity/game logic storage" error Tweaked: Added and reorganized cube item groups Tweaked: Sound of doors opening and closing [YLD-18260] Tweaked: Increase the distance players can interact with objects Tweaked: Made softer transition from static jump to idle Tweaked: Fixed hands and spine in Spear and Unarmed melee animations for new body model [YLD-18048] Tweaked: Burning torch can no longer be crafted instead there is an "ignite" button when inspecting a torch (and "extinguish" button for burning torch) [YLD-17151] Tweaked: Player won't be able to see online / offline statuses of others who are not his friends [YLD-18039] Tweaked: When pvp is turned off, player melee attacks pass through other players [YLD-18038] Tweaked: Bullets, arrows and bolts no longer show notifications when they are loaded into a weapon [YLD-18002] Tweaked: Sleeping pad is unpacking automatically after it is placed down [YLD-18001] Tweaked: Torches no longer get extinguished in rain or inside of the players inventory [YLD-13383] Tweaked: Focusing objects is really hard and inaccurate [YLD-11973] Tweaked: Digging indicator was changed to a cube which highlights the modified voxels [YLD-17644] Tweaked: Digging done by repeated clicking Tweaked: Reduced the cooldown after eating/drinking action to 0.5s from 1.5s Tweaked: Changed digging with pick loop animation Tweaked: Melee to default animation transitions for a new character Tweaked: New default 1H run animation Tweaked: New 1H default idle, idle jump and pickup animations [YLD-17391] Tweaked: Dragonling inspect cage sound volume Tweaked: Drastically reduced the amount of network communication when refreshing your friend/clan list Tweaked: Big + small mammal footsteps sound [YLD-18214] Set stick as a weapon that deals some very low damage [YLD-18234] Matchmaking panel with red exclamation mark looks like something went wrong [YLD-18552] Tweaked: Horses will now receive fall damage only if they fall from real heights (five times larger threshold than with player characters) Tweaked: Camera distance in 3rd person view [Animals] Removed: Shark was temporarily removed to receive an overhaul to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Arctic Wolf was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Black Bear was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Boar was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Brown Bear was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Goat was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Horse was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Leopard was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Panther was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Polar Bear was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Puma was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Rabbit was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Wolf was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Ostrich was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Mutated Bear was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Mutated Bear Alpha was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Mutated Leopard was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Mutated Leopard Alpha was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Mutated Wolf was remodelled to work with the new AI system [Animals] Tweaked: Mutated Wolf Alpha was remodelled to work with the new AI system NEW ASSETS [Animals] Added: Tiger [Animals] Added: Deer [Animals] Added: Honey badger [Animals] Added: Camel [Animals] Added: Sheep FIXES [YLD-17866] [Blueprints] Fixed: Blueprints of door objects now have proper visual bounds, resulting in more proper thumbnails and correctly positioned overlapping red block when they cannot be placed [YLD-18195] [Blueprints] Fixed: Entities with multiple colliders would spawn multiple times in a blueprint. (Fix will apply only for newly captured blueprints.) [YLD-17511] [Blueprints] Fixed: Blueprint can be placed inside of car [YLD-17378] [Blueprints] Fixed: Blueprint can be placed on and inside ships and cars [YLD-17417] [Camera] Fixed: Switching from building material to ranged weapon in the hotbar activates combat camera [YLD-18429] [Editor] Fixed: Undo/redo of edited weld did not correctly updated selection box [YLD-18540] [Editor] Fixed: Deleted NPC did not reappear on Undo/Redo (you had to save and load game again) [YLD-18155] [Editor] Fixed: Transform gizmo could have been deleted when doing batched undro/redo [YLD-17621] [Editor] Fixed: Bulk undo/redo of creating/deleting entities and energy links among them did not work correctly [YLD-18074] [Editor] Fixed: in editor the "SYSTEM: Saving..." message appears with a significant delay after clicking the save button [YLD-18003] [Editor] Fixed: Spawning and despawning of the same type of game logic object was slower and slower [YLD-17957] [Editor] Fixed: Deleting of empty template could cause missing objects after save [YLD-16300] [Editor] Fixed: Event listener listening to reading specific entity did not trigger [YLD-17899] [Editor] Fixed: Ask player prompt stops working after pressing "NO" on answer confirmation [YLD-17910] [Editor] Fixed: Save scenario pop-up does not appear when opening another scenario [YLD-17699] [Editor] Fixed: When copying Storage game logic objects referencing each other then they should reference their copies not to original object [YLD-17613] [Editor] Fixed: Undo of entity deletation did not recover correctly its relations to other objects [YLD-16569] [Editor] Fixed: Cancel of editing empty weld froze the game [YLD-17563] [Editor] Fixed: Child animated objects did not trigger in trigger zones (child non animated objects will not trigger - no change there) [YLD-16418] [Editor] Fixed: Editing parameter is loosing focus [YLD-16543] [Editor] Fixed: Copy/paste/cut did not work while editing group/weld [YLD-17507] [Editor] Fixed: If you destroy the trigger entity in animated trigger zone it could stop to trigger again [YLD-14039] [Editor] Fixed: Custom interaction hints were mixed if target entities were to close to each other [YLD-17215] [Editor] Fixed: Objects animators are not stored properly in compositions (or when copy-pasted) [Editor] Fixed: Objects in preview of composition being placed could be wrongly rotated [Editor] Fixed: When making more than 50 changes while editing weld then it was not possible to exit weld edit mode properly [Editor] Fixed: Loading your game with active redo steps in new version of Ylands could cause problems [YLD-18327] [Editor] Terrain keeps disappearing on the first scenario in editor [YLD-12910] [Editor] You can not write decimal numbers into Vector3 literal while using Spanish [YLD-17640] [Editor] Quit to main menu button does not ask you whether you want to save changes [YLD-17559] [Editor] Restarting the game via script does not rejoin the clients [YLD-17197][Editor] You can delete all the entities while editing weld, which leads to stuck [YLD-18052][YLD-18051] [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Providing wrong type to Set property tiles will now show proper error message [YLD-16835] [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Spawn entity instruction error messages were not helpful [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Adding new parameter to existing storage instruction could cause a problem in calling the instruction from different scripts [YLD-17491] [Visual Scripting] Fixed: There is no error message when using Entity storage without adding it to an entity [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Animated entities were not detected by static trigger zone (entities part of group/vehicle will still be ignored by static trigger zones) [YLD-17247] [Visual Scripting] Fixed: transform position/rotation instruction tiles did not work on dynamic objects correctly [Visual Scripting] Fixed: On movement/rotation instruction end is called even if target position/orientation is same as the initial position/orientation [YLD-17349] [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Player events were not called in the same order for the first player and for the others. Now is order same. (On start, On create, On awake, On team spawn, On role spawn, On spawn point spawn, On team connected, On role connected) [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Get Loaded ammo did not work correctly [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Subtracting wrong types now shows proper error in the log [YLD-17250] [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Calling "Move to" on an object which ended its movement in the same frame could cause that second move to was not executed [YLD-17285][YLD-17276] [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Picking buttons in visual scripting can be clicked when puzzles are in the left bar [YLD-16444] [Visual Scripting] Fixed: Second particle effect played on the same spot overriden the first one [YLD-17483] [Visual Scripting] Tile window size is changing incorrectly [YLD-17478] [Visual Scripting] Variables created after using object, entity, logic or color picker are invisible [YLD-17466] [Visual Scripting] stuck when pick group from search bar [YLD-17272] [Visual Scripting] Deleting delay tile deletes only tile contents, not the tile itself [YLD-17270] [Visual Scripting] Deleting of script tiles in custom instruction can cause game stuck [YLD-18323] [Items] Bark armor boots model has no back-faces around the toe and ball parts [YLD-18317] [Items] Armor_Bark_skin01_body has emitted/shone the flare-like fx when being hold in hands [YLD-18295] [Items] Armor_Leather_skin02_legs is distorted when equipped [YLD-17224] [Items] Fixed: Iron axe skin no particles on heavy attack charge [YLD-18069] [Items] Painting Wrong Carpet [YLD-18031] [Items] Pirate boots have strange shadows [YLD-17442] [Items] Visual glitch on engine indicators [YLD-18286] [Items] Armor_Stone_skin01_feet is not visible when worn [YLD-17048] [Friends] Players are not able to send another friend request after the first one is declined [YLD-16985] [Friends] You get asked for password if you accept Invite to Game with password [YLD-17505] [Friends] Fixed: You would get a message sound whenever a player went online or offline [Friends] Fixed: Fixed a problem where if a user accepted a clan invitation while the clan leader had their detail open, the detail would not immediately update [Friends] Fixed: Fixed "current game players" and "previous game players" lists not counting your own character in (your character won't display in the grid, but the player count will count you in now) [YLD-17179] [Friends] Fixed: Blocking player that you sent friend request to breaks friends behaviour [YLD-17221] [Friends] Writing message in friend list will focus out from chat after moment [YLD-16127] [UI] Fixed: Server managment: No indication of promoted player [YLD-17263] [UI] Fixed: Creator cube: all flora groups have seedling or sapling icons [YLD-18185] [UI] Inventory and crafting windows can be open at the same time [YLD-18508] [Hints] Fixed: Hints for entering combat mode are not present [YLD-13454] [Combat] Fixed: Possible to toggle combat mode [YLD-17544] [Camera] Fixed: After switching to and from freeplacing mode with high tech tools camera does not return to aiming mode [YLD-17655] [Random Encounters] Fixed: RE buildings spawned in the same place clipping [YLD-17076] [Random Encounters] Fixed: Some RE buildings are generated misplaced [YLD-14274] [Random Encounters] Fixed: Blocks levitating in the air around Random encounter [YLD-17578] [Environment] Fixed: Islands generate with very steep transition to water [YLD-14550][YLD-14736] [Environment] Fixed: Underwater spawned items are levitating in the air [Environment] Fixed: Sea Urchins are spawning underground on the shallowest level of water, and still damage the player [YLD-17634] [Vehicles] Fixed: You can place blocks and ship / car parts outside construction mode via freeplacing [Audio] Fixed: Timed explosives now use the correct audio definition [YLD-17465] [Audio] Fixed: Padlock sound source position [YLD-15669] [Audio] Fixed: Missing placing sound of boats and rafts [YLD-16266] [Building] Fixed: Deconstruct of blocks doesn't work on Dedicated server [YLD-16745] [Building] Fixed: Building on vehicles can falsely report "Location is inside other player's protective barrier." [YLD-17251] [Building] Fixed: Broken construction mode (wrong dissolved entity positions) [Chat] Fixed: A problem where after reconnecting to the chat service, the game would not properly show other player games info [YLD-18246] [Chat] System Warning message about ALL chat is not shown in main menu [YLD-18133] [Chat] Change formatting of /cmdlist [YLD-18073] [Chat] Can't close the chat after testing game in the Editor [YLD-17468] [Chat] Hints you get from /help command won't disappear once you send a message [YLD-17356] [Chat] There is a wrong System message when writing to All/Game chat in Editor [YLD-17308] [Chat] Chat stops working after saving the game in editor [YLD-17246] [Chat] Chat without cursor after someone offers you trade with chat open and you ignore or accept and cancel the offer [DS] Fixed: Fixed an issue where rented/dedicated servers wouldn't properly start up in some cases [YLD-17454] [Multiplayer] Fixed: Client can get kicked from server, when ship exits from lagged construction mode [YLD-18405] [Multiplayer] Problem with sleep in Multiplayer [YLD-18330] [Painting] Third channel is not working on Bear hide skirt [YLD-18127] [Painting] Belt of southern uniform pants color does not match in inventory and inspect view when wearing [YLD-18037] [Painting] Shirt has one channel that does nothing [YLD-18029] [Painting] Third channel is not working on Pirate shirt [YLD-18257] [Costumes] Alien costume is too bright [YLD-18256] [Costumes] Polygons attached to incorrect bone and deformed hands [YLD-18072] [Notifications] When dropping a first stack of items into a chest, no Item Removed notification is shown [YLD-17681] [Radial Menu] "E" shall also close the radial menu [YLD-18018] [Controls] Inventory (Cube) doesn't open when using Tab key [YLD-17949] [Welding] All the stair blocks and some irregular blocks have no collision once welded [YLD-17232] [Forums] Fatal login error [YLD-17213] [Animations] Character is holding cold resistance potion in wrong direction [YLD-17296] [Trading] Two players trade when their package are full. The item they choose is inconsistent with that added into the trade bar. [YLD-18428] Fixed: An issue where players would be shown twice in the social tab if you added someone and immediately blocked them Fixed: Hit detection did not worked correctly on items placed on vehicles [YLD-16405] Fixed: there is no support for "custom" video settings Removed: glass sphere item was removed from the game [YLD-16607] Fixed: Sound volume change of objects when going into a cave Fixed: Impact sounds for cactus and umbrella Fixed: An issue where a corrupted rented server game could freeze the game while removing the game from the server [YLD-17530] Fixed: when trade is initiated, client will not see the UI Fixed: Fixed shoulders for new character on Emote_Shrug animation [YLD-17570] Fixed: Set missing mask on two-handed melee animations Fixed: Seed planting would always emit sounds as if you were planting the seed on grass Fixed: When a player accepted your friend request, their game info would not be sent [YLD-17300] Fixed: issues with "recent game players" [YLD-17173] Fixed: Terrain Generation: cliffs are too smooth Fixed: Game names in social tab are not translated [YLD-17241] Fixed: Rented server game type not translated Fixed: VS: string literals with '\' inside a text did not work correctly [YLD-16449] Fixed: When scrolling trading can break [YLD-17068] Fixed: Tripple key tap should not be count as 2 double taps (Start flying and going up immediately did not work correctly) [YLD-17039] Fixed: When offering items one by one trade fails Fixed: Clients don't receive "inventory full" warning Fixed: Egyptian sickle sword is now held correctly in hand [YLD-18476] Terrain grid was generated on the same height as treetops when there was a tree nearby [YLD-18452] The newly created game name can be too long [YLD-18418] Player data was out of sync in multiplayer rooms, and players who joined the room could not see the homeowner player's character [YLD-18392] In the creation mode, the character riding a horse will have an abnormal Angle of view [YLD-18294] Show small loading popup with cancel button on cancelable connection events [YLD-18220] Extract resin makes the player perform an attack after an action is finished [YLD-17929] Specific scenario can not be exported for workshop [YLD-17673] Ladders are not working [YLD-17542] Blueprint allocates an unreasonable amount of memory [YLD-17469] Game stuck in return to the main menu [YLD-17360] Trade breaks if you offer 7 items and scroll [YLD-17359] Remove Codex alerts reset option [YLD-17301] When using a cannon, the up-and-down direction is reversed [YLD-17299] On AMD graphics card, the screen blinks black when looking at specific structures or models [YLD-17143] Underwater wall creates a small pond [YLD-16243] Hair is visible through pirate captain hat [YLD-18673] Terrain under sea broken and plants floating [YLD-18697] Players cannot enter the game directly by entering the room number [YLD-18273] All DS servers shown as hosted by Ylands (temporarily deactivated feature and will be reintroduced later) 7 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Indian Chief 239 Posted September 5, 2019 Thanks Adam, I haven't checked out all the new features... but who ever made the new animals... big tick... they're AMAZING 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedEagle_P1. 905 Posted September 5, 2019 (edited) Nice! Edited September 5, 2019 by RedEagle_P1. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jchob 354 Posted September 5, 2019 Why you always update ylands when I'm at work? ? Can't wait to get back home and try it ? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spyler.X 625 Posted September 6, 2019 Very happy with everything. But was it necessary to remove the glass sphere?? I hate them a little every time they remove an object? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miguel Preguisa 443 Posted September 6, 2019 ??? <= Why did everything wrote turned into this? Normal text into, well, this after just typing and not entering any flags? Also, why can't I just delete it? This text editor on this forum is haunting me in dreams for a very long time now. Also, do you know yet if the mobile version of the game will have to be rebought, or if we will be able to "claim" it once we have it on Steam? Not that it would have stopped me from playing on the mobile though. My recently bought new phone, that's great for gaming, was a good purchase afterall :D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bojo2736 1016 Posted September 6, 2019 I can't add logics in standard explore. Everything is a waypoint. I can't use editor explore because there is a green box and nothing exists out side the box. I assume it has something to do with the impassable barrier toggle. But I can't toggle it off. I do like the animal changes. I wish camels were tamable and ridable like horses. Speaking of horses, Thank you. Horses are fun now. Waiting for the inevitable hotpatch. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bojo2736 1016 Posted September 6, 2019 Oh, and I like that the terrain has regained some of it's ruggedness. Excellent 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miguel Preguisa 443 Posted September 6, 2019 On 9/5/2019 at 9:41 PM, Adam Snellgrove said: Removed: Shark was temporarily removed to receive an overhaul to work with the new AI system No flying sharks for now Also, it seems that seas are now completely safe? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Christal 425 Posted September 6, 2019 @bojo2736 uncheck these 2 options Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Christal 425 Posted September 6, 2019 But it seems impossible to place an object outside the area ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Houp 237 Posted September 6, 2019 Hi, by default you create a game which will be playable on both PC and mobile. (Restriction to max 3x3x3 game blocks) If you want to create for PC only you can check that option in game settings. It will "unlock" all terrain as you were used to but bare in mind that it will not work on mobile phones. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miguel Preguisa 443 Posted September 6, 2019 First look at the mobile UI! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miguel Preguisa 443 Posted September 6, 2019 On 9/6/2019 at 5:53 AM, Houp said: Hi, by default you create a game which will be playable on both PC and mobile. (Restriction to max 3x3x3 game blocks) If you want to create for PC only you can check that option in game settings. It will "unlock" all terrain as you were used to but bare in mind that it will not work on mobile phones. What does the restriction to 3x3x3 game blocks mean? From the picture above (the green box) it seems like we will be very very limited in map. But I don't understand the "3x3x3". It's morning and I haven't woke up yet so I can't comprehend anything 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bojo2736 1016 Posted September 6, 2019 What about not being able to place the simple logics in standard explore? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brbrmensch 32 Posted September 6, 2019 still no water? another half of the year we wait 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miguel Preguisa 443 Posted September 6, 2019 I really enjoyed the first look on the update and the Playlands look great but I'm a bit disappointed that there isn't any solo game If I have to wait for five people to join me, I may as well not play at all right now. I joined and nobody was online so I found a minigame that I liked, joined a queue, jumped around a few minutes. Somebody joined the same queue but stayed for like three minutes not doing anything. Then he, of course, bored, logged of. If there was anything for solo gaming, people would stay longer on the server and maybe even played together after enough players have gathered. It's sad that the real multiplayer can be tried out only by such groups as P1. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam Snellgrove 1452 Posted September 6, 2019 On 9/6/2019 at 6:03 AM, bojo2736 said: What about not being able to place the simple logics in standard explore? If you have 'Universal' mode ticked off (which is done automatically and means that in the future this map will be accessible to mobile players) you can't place logics outside of the green box. If you untick it or keep it inside, it should be fine. On 9/6/2019 at 6:07 AM, Miguel Preguisa said: I really enjoyed the first look on the update and the Playlands look great but I'm a bit disappointed that there isn't any solo game If I have to wait for five people to join me, I may as well not play at all right now. I joined and nobody was online so I found a minigame that I liked, joined a queue, jumped around a few minutes. Somebody joined the same queue but stayed for like three minutes not doing anything. Then he, of course, bored, logged of. If there was anything for solo gaming, people would stay longer on the server and maybe even played together after enough players have gathered. It's sad that the real multiplayer can be tried out only by such groups as P1. Unfortunately, because of server availability, we have to restrict it to five-players only games ? Hopefully the public Playlands will fill up soon and there should be players to play with. And maybe a forum topic about this would be fun for people to meet up and plan some mini-game fun ? (I'd definitely jump in ?) On 9/6/2019 at 5:27 AM, Miguel Preguisa said: No flying sharks for now Also, it seems that seas are now completely safe? Well If you don't crash into any rocks ? And sharks are in for a rework ? On 9/6/2019 at 4:31 AM, Miguel Preguisa said: Also, do you know yet if the mobile version of the game will have to be rebought, or if we will be able to "claim" it once we have it on Steam? Not that it would have stopped me from playing on the mobile though. My recently bought new phone, that's great for gaming, was a good purchase afterall :D The mobile version for iOS and Android will be free to download, but you won't be able to create in this version, just 'consume' the games created ? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Houp 237 Posted September 6, 2019 On 9/6/2019 at 5:59 AM, Miguel Preguisa said: What does the restriction to 3x3x3 game blocks mean? From the picture above (the green box) it seems like we will be very very limited in map. But I don't understand the "3x3x3". It's morning and I haven't woke up yet so I can't comprehend anything World is divided into big blocks (each approximately 100 metres wide in all axes) Until now it was not needed for you to know about this. You encountered it only when loading/unloading part of lands in game. Always whole these blocks are loaded/unloaded. You do not need to think about blocks even now. You see bounds of "universal" area by green box On 9/6/2019 at 6:03 AM, bojo2736 said: What about not being able to place the simple logics in standard explore? Not sure what do you mean. It was never possible to place game logic object in game saves. It should be possible to place them to "explore like maps" created in editor. I tried that and I do not see any problem there. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bojo2736 1016 Posted September 6, 2019 Why is it automatically set to make as game type that does not exist yet? Shouldn't that be opt in, not opt out? Where is this universal switch? Communication really isn't a BI strength. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bojo2736 1016 Posted September 6, 2019 On 9/6/2019 at 8:41 AM, Houp said: Not sure what do you mean. It was never possible to place game logic object in game saves. It should be possible to place them to "explore like maps" created in editor. I tried that and I do not see any problem there. Forgive me if I don't use the right words. But it was very possible since about 0.12, maybe 0.11. I am not sure. I was able to put scripting on things like chests, doors, etc. For example, sitting in a specific chair would transport a player from on place to another place. Opening a chest or a basket could place an item in player inventory. I couldn't do fancy things, but I could do very specific and simple things. All them helped make this game more playable. Now I can't. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bojo2736 1016 Posted September 6, 2019 I was also having problems with quick save and save in editor. I was having to exit to main menu and then save to get the save. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Houp 237 Posted September 6, 2019 On 9/6/2019 at 10:04 AM, bojo2736 said: Why is it automatically set to make as game type that does not exist yet? Shouldn't that be opt in, not opt out? Where is this universal switch? Communication really isn't a BI strength. It is this way because it is always better to start making a game which will work on all supported platforms than to make a game and then hear "sorry, it will run only on PC". Putting scripts and game logic objects to game save was never supported. If you were able to do it then it was possible only by mistake. Many things would not work correctly. (maybe it would not be seen on the first sight) We do not plan adding this feature to the game. (to be able to modify/add scripts/game logic objects to existing play saves) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bojo2736 1016 Posted September 6, 2019 Wow. So Bobby Ewing was just in the shower this whole last two years? 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MyPa553ng3r 72 Posted September 6, 2019 So then... all those times we took a map from the server and edited the scripts in our teleporting chairs.... was just a mistake? Then that might be a mistake you want to keep. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites