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Everything posted by John - NEXFER

  1. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Multiplayer + Cars

    Hi all, So I've just released a multiplayer game mode that has a lot of cars on it, I have built islands with tracks on them using the terrain forming tools in the editor, and have joined them together with roads. However, so far I've lost most of my cars through them falling through the terrain while driving them on these islands / roads. I've filmed a video that will demonstrate. Is there any way this could be fixed pretty please? It cripples my game mode for...
  2. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Animals vs ships!

    Hi all, somewhat trivial bug, but perhaps a fix for the future - If you are sailing your ship/boat/raft, and you bump in to an animal such as a shark/seagull/vulture/horse etc - the animal acts as a greater or larger or denser object than your ship, and the animal is able to push or even throw your ship aside as if it weighed nothing at all. I think if a ship hits an animal, that animal should go flying, or perhaps die? However, I would quite like to be...
  3. Hi all, So I love the updates, they are great fun, but sadly I must post the bugs as usual and bring down the mood If anyone else has something that I've missed, feel free to contribute to this thread. - Ship compositions All ship / boat compositions that I had saved, and all those from the workshop (I've tried deleting them and re-downloading etc), are bugged beyond belief, they appear to be over layering hundreds of ships on top of each other. This causes...
  4. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Graphical glitching

    ***EDIT*** I think perhaps I've found the cause of this issue, I had set the date around the wrong way (I did the English default way ) so where I set 27/7/2017 - it clearly says to do m/d/y, so it should have been 7/27/2017! Now I just need to figure out how to change the date on it I reckon! Hi there, I've encountered a strange graphical issue with my game mode - Pirate's Lagoon. It is whenever I move, the shadows or perhaps ambient occlusion on...
  5. Hi all, I will update this post with known dedicated server issues, and cross them off once they have been confirmed as fixed. The reason for this is that since the increase in people playing on servers, bugs may come to light and the forum may become messy for someone looking for information about them, searching within a ton of different posts. So, I will update this post when I see your posts about dedicated server related bugs, and when the...
  6. John - NEXFER

    Rain indoors

    It's likely been mentioned before somewhere, but could we get the rain to stop going through the screen, while indoors, snow etc too? It is very hard to stay immersed in a game, that has any form of weather systems, that one cannot escape with a roof. Many people are likely to have this experience with it, feels broken. May be a step worth taking to polish the game.
  7. Decided to come back to Ylands and see what's new! As the title reads, I've rented a dedicated server running exploration mode, I've also edited the save game and spawned in 8 ylandium floating fortresses from a composition I made last time I was here (Big Bertha). First come first served, just search Nex in the server list, password is nexfer. Sorry if this post is in the wrong section but I'd rather have 7 other players from the forum community, than any...
  8. John - NEXFER

    Sneak Peek #50

    I did notice, it changes not - why would they at all? Paranoia. Further hypocrisy - first you do what you say I'm doing (did you really need to), now you claim I couldn't read one line? I addressed the point in your post, you have not addressed any of mine. Who's having reading issues here? If my post is "short" - what does that make all of yours? "the explore mode bit" - I presume you mean, that you think they will take it away from the editor, so that they can...
  9. John - NEXFER

    Sneak Peek #50

    Nope. My short reply, has several points brought up from several parts of the OP. Your 1 line reply is a silly question - why would they get rid of a system within the editor, so functionally important as compositions? Did you really need to ask that question / make your post? Nope. Did you really need to make an entire post, about the format of my post? Nope. Did I really need to reply to you? Nope. Do I need to reply to you in the future if you reply with more...
  10. John - NEXFER

    Sneak Peek #50

    I could see this having a potential to expand the coyns store, with entire load-able compositions! I fancy a brand new house, save me some time! And so begins the debate on whether or not an awesome house, or a battleship - is "cosmetic" haha! I guess it's the principal of a chair, scaled up - however, perhaps it would be relevant how much resources these require to build them. A cosmetic change would surely not provide an advantage to one player...
  11. John - NEXFER

    Whats wrong with some people? They have no brain?

    While terrain resources such as ores may be substantially more difficult to "re-spawn" (you dig a cave and it gets filled in, build a house and a new mountain appears inside it for example) - I see no reason as to not follow suit with the mainstream on this - with the majority of resources being node based - where basically they would re-spawn where they were destroyed / picked up / spawned originally - or more complicatedly scripted to spawn at...
  12. John - NEXFER

    Whats wrong with some people? They have no brain?

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience, this is never a nice position to be in, for your self or your players. Sadly, there is a large culture of players worldwide, whom will not take any notice of verbal / written rules, and often, will not even respect physical limitations (finding ways to abuse or break a protection for example). As far as I'm aware, Ylands does not currently have any substantial methods to address this (in an automated way let's say)...
  13. John - NEXFER

    YouTube Live Streams

    Do you watch live streams? I've been working on a hobby project over the passed few weeks - a streaming website written in PHP / HTML / CSS / JS / MySQL and utilising the YouTube Data API v3 for the content. Check it out if you're interested, or nosy about what's going on right now somewhere in the world - or anything else that people stream these days haha! (kittens, bears, the planet, you name it!) The website is https://StreamTube.LIVE - check it...
  14. John - NEXFER

    Big Bertha

    Just released on the workshop ready for Steam release! https://ylands.net/asset/93 The Big Bertha! She's a houseboat, and she's massive! Complete with 40 (overkill) engines, setup on a self charging system, with 3 floors and an observation deck, you could build your entire town on this beauty! There's also some very handy booty in the chests!
  15. John - NEXFER

    Content Theft

    Some thoughts on copyright - Copyright laws are jurisdictional and only loosely enforced on large international issues via treaties; for example, what applies to the use of content by American citizens, does not necessarily apply to the use of content by Chinese citizens. If one nation chooses not to agree to the terms of another nation, or simply ignores them - all that can be done is to ask nicely / sanctions / politically negotiate (which largely won't...
  16. John - NEXFER

    Big Bertha

    I don't think I've surpassed the limits, rather, built right up to the limit! You can place some blocks in a row each direction and get to each boundary, then simply build within it
  17. John - NEXFER

    Lag Lag and More Lag!

    Curious for some extra information if that's okay please? Regarding single player: Is your save game old or new? Is your most commonly used area, cluttered, lots of debris or spawns / placed items? Is your FPS dropping during certain instances or in certain locations only (in a cave, on a horse, on a boat, in your house or build area etc)? Is your ship your home with a lot of placed objects on it? If a brand new save game file, provides you a higher FPS...
  18. John - NEXFER

    What was your first videogame?

    The year was 1991 - I was 5 years old playing Qbasic Gorillas! But... my first real true video-game love was the Quest for Glory saga on my IBM 386 back in 1992
  19. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED My ship wont turn

    That doesn't look very 'normal' haha! Usually it extends to about the height of the large sail and just a little over the extremes of the ship. Your saves can be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<YOUR STEAM ID>\298610\remote\SaveGames My only idea would be to rip it out of the game world, and place it in to an empty space with nothing else, to see if perhaps the computer has been attached to it somewhere other than inside the ship...
  20. John - NEXFER

    Taking local rain really seriouse

    Did a super small storm spawn next to you or what?
  21. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED My ship wont turn

    If you pass me a copy of your save game, I will attempt to fix you. I figure if I rip a composition of your ship out of the explore mode, paste it into a no-world editor, I should be able to see if there is a computer attached to it somewhere. If possible, fix the issue and plop it back in to your explore mode next to the starting island or something.
  22. So, it seems that a tamed and named horse, is a dangerous predator, that you cannot sleep around! Trivial bug really - if you have your horse too close to your house / bed, it will give an error message saying that it's not safe to sleep. Upon moving your horse a small distance away from your house, sleeping works fine. Bring your horse back, dangerous again!
  23. John - NEXFER

    What are your PC Specs? \o/

    My Beast Rig (Mid ranged gaming is all I can afford right now lol) Case: Vantage Red Gaming Case (3 LED fans) Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit MoBo: Gigabyte Z270-Gaming K3 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600K CPU @ 3.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.8GHz (Kaby Lake) RAM: 8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 @ 3800MHz GPU: MSI NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GAMING X PSU: Fractal Design 500w 80 Plus Certified 34a HDD: 1tb Western Digital WD10EZEX 64mb...
  24. John - NEXFER

    Newbie asking..

    Good list Regarding - "Keep in mind that (so far) your original spawn is your permanent spawn (this may change eventually). So if you die while travelling you start over at your original spot... plan accordingly" - I could be wrong but I think they have just today patched this, you should now spawn on the island you died on I believe. "As far as I have seen stuff dropped on the ground does not ever despawn so if you cannot make storage yet make a "stuff" pile at...
  25. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Horse Stuck in Tree

    Hi all, Here's a simple enough way to fix your self, until such point as this issue has been patched. @41:50 during a live stream, I got stuck and demonstrated a work-around in the editor. For the developers - @34:50 you can see the process of getting stuck.