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  1. Hello, today myself and a couple others played around 5-6hrs of multiplayer and I have a handful of bugs for you, Sadly i don't have a log file for all of them as I had to restart my game a couple of times but I'll list them of and attach the current log file. I should note I hosted the session threw the in-game hosting. Bugs: After playing for a while I ended up restarting my game and after loading the world I noticed everything my character had learned was lost the other two guys were fine. Sometimes a player will be unable to pull out items form in a container or work/craftstation whilst others are able to-do so fine. The ship's (We actually only made the large ship but id assume the same issue for the other one too) had an issue were when one of the others took control of it, it pulled me around abit when they moved it even though I wasn't on the ship or near it. There was also an issue with the ship that one of them took control of the ship and it teleported them under the world which when we dug them out they were unable to move and apon him reconnecting his body was there but his view point was at the ship and he was unable to release control of the ship. Horse's when they kicked the other player off they were unable too move but were making the running sounds and particle effects where they were, killing them was the only fix. Gun type Weapons didn't seem to make sounds for the other players only for myself the host. Falling from a height that causes the ragdoll makes the non-hosting players unable to move (killing them fixes them) and if the host ragdoll's the other players only see them stuck ragdolled in one place even though the host is moving afterwards Sometimes an inventory slot will become stuck with a specific item type only able to go in it and can't be moved or switched out with anything else, also the image of the item doesn't display in the slot its in but rather under the first row as if was in the first slot of that non-existing row. Ghost items in the world, sometimes a player will pickup a stack of items and it'll say it failed and then the item becomes a ghost item in the world unable to be interacted with. Non-hosting players can spam shoot the cannons but as few as I can tell it wasn't actually shooting just a bug on their end. Promoting a player to admin doesn't seem to work or atleast they can not use admin commands? we only tried it with the /killme command so maybe that's not considered an admin command but its said permission denied. Animals seem to have a hard time moving/navigating in the caves. Non-host players respawn where they died, only when they create a new character to they repsawn at the world spawn. That's most of the ones that I can remember, on top of that we ended up stopping playing because it seems the world became broken as after I restarted it, the game would just crash. I used the yland copy world feature which make it so I can load the world but my inventory was slow/buggy & the guys I was playing with became unable to connect stuck on loading world at 100% I've attached the current log file & the corrupt world file (hopeful you can fix the world so we can continue playing :D) EXPLORE.zip output_log.txt
  2. Suggestion or bug? In explore mode, When we construct dirt piles or dig dirt and then pick axe it away to remove it , it sometimes leaves small bits of earth floating in the air and we unable to use the pick axe to get them. they are too tiny and remain there even after quiting the Ylands and returning to the game. Is the a way for these dirt flagments to be removed when the game loads or give us a tool that makes it easier in game to remove them easier ourselves, some tool with less accuracy is needed that acually removes it when point the ingame 'centre dot' at it. The pick axx just doens't get them.
  3. So me and my friends were playing some ylands for about 10 hours straight! we occurred alot of bugs! Bugs: Alot of server lag (we all have 100mbs), spawn points is changing, undermap crap, Some people cant render some certain things, not dying of anything except walking, Breaking Animation, boats making other players move with it without standing on it, Dying but still staying alive, Killing the dead player thats still alive breaks the player even more, I would really want to see this getting fixed! because i really enjoy the game! P.S Some sounds are really loud! hope you fix the most of the things! And when players were dead they returned to model pos thingy!
  4. Wanted to try the new version (0.21) today, but when I try to either load one of the scenarios or generate a new explore world the game crashes. The main menu works fine. Error.log points to this: nvwgf2umx.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module nvwgf2umx.dll at 0033:3417d27f. Another (maybe) interesting this from that log: Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation. Some stuff from output_log.txt that might be interesting: Initialize engine version: 5.5.0p4 (2f9c3a0f4141) GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (ID=0x1004) Vendor: NVIDIA VRAM: 3039 MB Driver: ========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ================== 0x00007FFB3417D27F (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12 0x00007FFB34793BFA (nvwgf2umx) NVAPI_Thunk 0x00007FFB34AC453C (nvwgf2umx) NVAPI_Thunk 0x00007FFB3418B300 (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12 0x00007FFB3419282F (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12 0x00007FFB34192799 (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12 0x00007FFB3419262B (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12 0x00007FFB3418B08D (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12 0x00007FFB3485040A (nvwgf2umx) NVAPI_Thunk 0x00007FFB34E9D031 (nvwgf2umx) NVAPI_Thunk 0x00007FFB83558364 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk 0x00007FFB840770D1 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart ========== END OF STACKTRACE =========== **** Crash! **** Some more from output_log.txt that might just be random junk because the game is in early access: Cannot find asset bundle that contains asset named 'Audio/Public/SFX/Objects/Doors/Chest_open' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) Fallback handler could not load library E:/Games/Ylands/Game/Ylands_Data/Mono/libc Fallback handler could not load library E:/Games/Ylands/Game/Ylands_Data/Mono/.\libc Fallback handler could not load library E:/Games/Ylands/Game/Ylands_Data/Mono/libc Unloading 3985 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 74281. Total: 251.323578 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.357991 ms CreateObjectMapping: 7.552847 ms MarkObjects: 213.892746 ms DeleteObjects: 25.518795 ms) New Yland Session role=[Master] name=EXPLORE(3) seed=DXO2LOKG edit=0 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) The file 'archive:/CAB-0307a5a8a9b4f32dd4881e47997c59f7/CAB-0307a5a8a9b4f32dd4881e47997c59f7' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 214) The file 'archive:/CAB-0307a5a8a9b4f32dd4881e47997c59f7/CAB-0307a5a8a9b4f32dd4881e47997c59f7' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!] (Filename: Line: 220) A script behaviour (probably ylands.HistogramVisualizer?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read -100662743 bytes but expected 524 bytes) Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts? (Filename: Line: 1808)
  5. Sxe' Kévin

    RESOLVED Join Friend

    Hello , I try to play with my friend but i cant join him .. I go to join host , i select her game and game dont loading ... Could you help me ? Thanks Sorry for bad english
  6. 1- occasionally i will lose the ability to eat. reloading the game fixes this 2- While placing light sources on the ship works, they fall off when lit. this might also be true with campfire. will check. 3- not sure the sun rises in the east. 4- Periodic hanging of the game. Happens often, game hangs for a second or 2 then comes back.
  7. The distances at which objects won't be rendered anymore or are rendered at a lower Level of Detail differ greatly depending on the block type. Because of this the rendering of ships or buildings at larger distances get really ugly: For example all the slopes and windows on my boat won't render, first you only see the normal cube blocks, stairs and railings. When getting closer the rest of the boat will render as well. Steps to reproduce: 1. Build a ship or house, using a large variety of blocks and block types. 2. Move away from the ship whilst keeping an eye on it. Severity: Minor - It's unpleasing to look at things from a distance, could get more troublesome when Multiplayer and ship PVP becomes a thing. Repeatable: Always
  8. Currently you can easily missclick with the annihilator when building a boat, effectively destroying your entire boat. This is extremely frustrating as you simply destroy an awful lot of work in a split second, either by mistake or faulty hitboxes. Please make a popup that asks whether you REALLY want to destroy your ship. Steps to reproduce: 1. Build a perfectly nice ship, preferably spend at least an hour on it. 2. Misplace a block on the hull. 3. Missclick when trying to annihilate the block, hitting the hull instead. 4. Cry Severity: Extreme - Makes you lose every little enjoyment you get from the game if this occurs to you. Repeatable: Always
  9. I tried to build a ship in the Editor but I was really dissapointed when found out that every single item is placed in another not matching grid. That means sometimes the grids are moved a little to some side. I hope the screenshot will tell you whats going on better than I can. (I havent moved anything away from the grid)
  10. Dmitriy Greenwood

    RESOLVED The bug with a raft

    I found a bug with a raft. I can't move on it and I can't move it onto water.
  11. WijkagentAdrie

    RESOLVED Sail/mast Angle

    The angle the sail is at on the boat is not always correct. I think it has to do with the change of wind direction, because when you get out and in again the direction is usually correct again. Between crosswinds and having the wind from behind the sail angle is correct in general, if not for the bug mentioned above, however when sailing towards the wind the angle gets smaller again when it should get bigger, and should rapidly turn when you cross the wind direction (I hope this all makes sense!). Steps to reproduce: 1. Get in a boat, sail quite a bit until the wind direction changes 2. Sail some circles and see that the sail direction is wrong 3. Get out of the boat, get back in, see that the direction is corrected. Severity: Minor - Does not prevent game play. Repeatable: Not 100% reliable, as it's reliant on changing wind directions and it's a combination of a bug and a design flaw.
  12. kk been playing since oct 31 /nov 1st also bought a few friends the game casue it rocks and has a lot of potential , we re all experiencing these issues , 1) cant connect to each other in multiplayer - I know this is probably due to ports/avg ect blocking connections 2) chunks clearing when left , after you dig or build anything then hop on a raft to explore then come back the entire area where you have built is cleared to water level ie a big hole perfectly square (assuming that's a chunk like minecraft) 3) dying to falling on a voxel or running up a hill on a weird voxel , a tree falling and you bumping into it . 4) after dying in said area above you have to quit to main menu , which then freezes up before showing the menu ( assuming that's a report or something being sent in to a server ect ) but game just locks up have to cancel out using task manager . 5) anytime you leave a game via exit to menu or exit to desktop it freezes , refer to #4 , with the exception of exiting before 4-5 mins of game play it will go back to title if its a short amount of time . that's all the bugs ive found so far which kind of make the game unplayable , ive spent hours playing only to not be able to save the game when I reload its back a few hours ahead of where I left off ect , we re all 25+ that I bought the game for friends being 21- 25 and myself being over 40 . Iove the way the game is headed and aside from those issues its a great fun game I love the cell shaded graphics and the crafting ect . good job , if we can just fix these issues , thanks FireFrost
  13. So i pick up a block like normal and then go into place mode. The first time i go into place mode i cant see the building grid and it doesn't line up to things and then when i place it down it copies it into where i just placed it and lets me pick up the block again. Once I pick up the block again and go back into placing mode it works fine but the copied block stays there.
  14. I've searched the forums endlessly for an answer to this, but, is the Explore Gamemode multiplayer? If so, how would one set it up, I've tried setting it up just by hosting a game via "Join" but it gives me no option to set a passcode or anything. If there is currently no multi, will there be multiplayer for Explore in the future? Thanks!
  15. On Twitter I was asked to create a new tread for this error, so here it is. ;D When I start the game everything is okay, until i want to load a map(the tutorial in my case). Then is just stops working. No error text field and nothing. Only the windows "stopped working" window.
  16. Me and a friend were trying to connect to each others games, and each ran into the same problem. We would get stuck at " YOUR Y-LAND IS BEING LOADED - DOWNLOADING GAME DATA FROM SERVER - (100%) " The game would continue to cycle through the "Scaring Tourists, etc." but that's all. We also each had to end process to exit the game. A screen shot is included.
  17. I run 3 displays with a 5760x1080 res and I can not see any UI buttons on the start menu/screen. I have not tried going to just one display to troubleshoot the issue, just figured I'd let you know that 3 displays has an I\issue for me. I have no buttons showing but can click the "login" button, then the game crashes. I have bought the game hoping to play it a bunch. hoping for a fix soon.......
  18. I was playing with a friend who was hosting the Indiana Jones map. Occasionally my hot bar would freeze - I would be unable to use the item in my hand, unable to pick up new items, and unable to change any of the items in the bar. My character still walks around and takes damage as usual, but I am unable to do anything. I have not found a pattern to when this is triggered but it happened multiple times. My friend who was hosting did not have these problems. Exiting to the main menu and jumping back into the map resolved the issues, but it would happen again later on.
  19. Whenever I open my game and click login, the game crashes, I am playing on the trial. Game looks good. DxDiag.txt
  20. Hi Everybody! Wan't to try this game but encountered 2 problems: 1. Unable to download installer normally. (I used proxy to donwload installer, somekind of regional restriction?) 2. Stucked on Downloading new installer now. I tried running updater with Admin. rights and without antivirus, no luck so far. =( Thanks for help!
  21. Dear Ylands dev. team, After the release of the last update, I wanted to play the new scenario "Ylands 17". I started to explore this new map when I spotted a problem. I know a bit Unity so I think this is some sort of LOD problem. In fact, when you turn your character the objects that should be no longer watchable disapear. But, this is not scaled on the field of view of the player. Here's an exemple in GIF of the problem. Then, when you are close to an objetc, this one could disapears if you turn your caracter I hope that you'll be able to fix it in the next update By the way, I really like the idea of Ylands 17 with all the Ylands Dev Team in frames
  22. Hey guys, new to this game, When i try to create a survival gamemode is stays on 0% loading, but my friend is able to create a game and i am also unable to join him, we are both on free trial testing out multiplayer to see if we should buy it. any solutions to fix it?
  23. I'm new and wanted to try out the game before buying it so i downloaded the launcher and left it to do its thing. After a few hours my launcher is still stuck on 50%. I've tried closing it, restarting my computer, etc. but it still gets stuck at this point. Any help is appreciated!
  24. So during a Multiplayer session we came across several bug's listed below; Items picked up would not disappear properly for clients but did so for host. Tools dropped would not be visible to some clients but were for the host. Horses when summoned 'F9' would appear invisible for the client sometimes but the game was still aware of it as you could see it in the GUI when you looked at it and even mount and ride it. (Not the case for the host) Sometimes the client would be unable to access workstations/chest or pickup/craft or interact with their inventory or equip tools from the hotbar. (The host also had a similar issue with being unable to take items out chests) If using a tool when it breaks you would be stuck in that animation until you use the tool again. On a rare occasion if you left to the main menu or desktop it would get stuck saving/leaving. If a player died and dropped their items on the ground on death and reconnected those items would not be visible to them. (We used a custom scenario so were could respawn and had it set to drop items and equipment on death) Saloon door is offset in a way that you can not have two of them to make like the western saloon doors in movies and such, probably would be better to have them centred. If a player pulls out a weapon that has a crosshair it toggles the crosshair on for all players. Some weapons (seemed mostly like the ranged weapons) would cause the player to be looking at the ground to others. I attached the entire logs as there might be other issues you guys might see in the logs also, Sorry they are so big as its an entire session in 2 parts as I had the stuck leaving bug happen to me. Also here are some screenshots: - Ghost object/Item after being picked up - Ghost horse after being summoned and im riding it. - Weapons making others see you looking at ground (He's actually looking forward on his side), Also can see the crosshair visible for me even though i do not have a weapon out. output_log_Part1.txt output_log_Part2.txt
  25. Hi there iv just download and installed the trial to check the game out iv just got to part of the tutorial with the cave and crafting a burning torch but when i go into inventory and click the craft button it dosnt do anything well actualy the x in the top right gets highlighted green. From a review video i saw clicking the craft button swaps inventory items to craftables but its not happening for me Its almost like when you have a popup up on a program and you try and click the program behind the popup, and the popup just flashes and makes the windows dong sound I managed to start a creative game but in the inventory there the craft button sometimes works sometimes dosnt(i kind of have to click the button fast enouth the computer isnt expecting it) and the creative button dosnt work in the same way the craft button dosnt in the tutorial Has anyone else expericaned this before iv not seen any mention of it in previous post on the forum thanks