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Found 1534 results

  1. Hey there. Hope everyone is doing great. I was recently invited to play on a friends dedicated server. At first I had no issues. Since, I haven't been able to join. I click to join and after a few moments get an "unable to establish connection". My friend has been playing on the server sometimes when I try and sometimes not as well. I have tried to see if it happens on any other servers as well. I haven't found another that I can't join. Curious if there is a fix for this. Thank you kindly in advance for any help. afriendlynomad@gmail.com
  2. So i do kinda enjoy this on but thats just exploiting. so when using the iron spade shovel. you can continue to use it after it breaks, only if you dont stop shoveling. (depress mouse button) you can use it indefinitely as long as you have the dig button pressed before it breaks. but once you stop digging after its broken. it now become broken. I do alot of digging and noticed this pretty fast.
  3. I know the hit radius for "battle" and hitting trees/rocks has got a boost with the new update but also with that came a huge hit radius, you can actually chop down 2 trees close to each other or hit unwanted objects close to the area you are hitting on. Picture 1: i was cutting down a young tree and it also took down a small bush quit far away. Picture 2: while hitting a rock i also started hitting the tree with my hamer.
  4. Moving the upper if statment under the on enter event in trigger zone 6 causes the game to crash JUGGERNAUT_1.1.2.zip Edit: Doing a few different things inside this logic causes a crash like deleting blocks control dragging ect i dont know what exactly is cause the crash
  5. NPC placing preview has issues: 1) Falls through map 2) Preview points the wrong way This is when placing an NPC.
  6. I play a game made by one of my friends for a few days now, and have hosted the game a couple of times but now when I try to enter the game to host it, it shows an error about sharegame sync failing. This is the first time I've encountered this so I'm not sure what to do. Attached is the log_clean and log files for the output and a screenshot of the error. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  7. So when I try bigger Compositions on my main map, it crashes. When I take 3 big Compositions in a new creative map, it crashes. Only big compositions. Already reported this a couple month ago in a kinda same case, and here we go again Just tested it on my 2nd acc (where I never played the game before) and the limit is like 5-7 before it crashes. DxDiag.txt output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  8. Hi There! I was playing ylands today and I wasn't able to build next to the door on the side where the hinge in located. When I tryed it on a big wooden door the same thing occurs. I used the search funcion on the forums but no results. Do more people have this issue? output log: output_log_clean.txtoutput_log.txt
  9. Hi When using the editor search bar, searching for "Set ARRAY" yields no results.
  10. Hi When I try to update my map it allows me to upload the file, and add comments on bug fixing but won't let me proceed to the next step.
  11. After the release of the update, I can no longer place items on the walls in the free placement mode. I can't hang a fishing rod or fish on the wall because it just falls down. Before the upgrade, I could fix the item on the wall if I installed it so that the faces crossed the faces of the wall. At this point, the oblique became less transparent and I fixed it on the wall. It seems to me that the objects, although they remain the same, are a witness, but they have lost their physical edges. Now the edge is somewhere inside the object. And it is not possible to arrange it so that it crosses the wall only slightly. A vivid example of this is the log falling almost underground from felled trees! Previously, they lay above the ground plane. Now I have no opportunity to decorate my home. And it is very sad. Since for me this is one of the key properties, for which I fell in love with YLANDS. I beg you to correct this in the following updates. I will wait very much. In the photo: fishing rod, fish and knife. Unfortunately now there is no possibility to put objects in this way ... Else after the upgrade, I can not access any objects that is on the inside of the cabinet on the shelves. I placed them on the shelves before the update. But all that is on the closet, I can take.
  12. Hello, I am editing an old map, I deleted all the logic it contained and when adding a new logic, the icon appears changed as in the activated mode with the "o" key and it is a little uncomfortable to work. Is there any option for them to return to their normal state?
  13. As in this post on STEAM. https://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/2/3104564981122552367/ It has not worked since that one launch I was able to get. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  14. The free placement tool is a great tool to create the details of your buildings, what I like to do is place building materials in semi-organized piles around the structure i'm working on to make it look like a real work place, these objects are not perfectly aligned, they are leaning on things and stacked off line on purpose. I also like to lean work tools against rocks, walls, and general work space as to make it look lived in and immersive. The problem is, when i place things onto floors or sometimes the ground, the item will fall several blocks into the ground. For example; The wooden spear I had was going to lean against a wooden beam so I had to tilt it a little to make it look like it was naturally placed there but it keeps falling into the floor half way. Usually all it takes to place something flush with the floor is for the object to barely overlap, now it just falls through half way. Is there anyway to fix this?
  15. First of all ...i am building the ship offshore, in deep water and well away from any land built structure. I am trying to build a deck attached to the front of the ship ..but the panels ..blocks etc will NOT align ...one or two place correctly then others will not align with them with the "not enough space" message or with an unsightly gap. The ship is anchored and has NOT been moved once the keel has been placed I have deconstructed the entire ship three times, and tried an different angle to the shoreline.... ( the ship is in deep water well away form the shore ..or other structures But still the same issue....... I tried to place 4 panels horizontally together 3 align, one will not ..see the screenshot. When i placed the masts on the ship ..two either side of the keel on a platform..... they would not align parallel to the keel center line, and again slightly offset from the others placed on the other side of the keel. Its impossible to place panels and decking symmetrically on the keel ... the end results look like a Salvador Dali painting!... logs and screen shots attached ( deep sigh....) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  16. Since update i cant place new straw blocks (the smollest size) near the existent ones (of the same size) on the grid, it always says, that "there isnt enough place". Also in editor I cant place a small straw block between two existent ones on the grid. Is it a bug, or when not, how can I manage it? P.S. Other blocks (stone, wood etc.) seem to work properly...
  17. I noticed with 0.8, the editor's ability to display plants/trees is no longer working correctly. It doesn't seem to toggle until you move out of the current visible section you're in? Animals may also be the same way.
  18. Its near impossible to build a ship in MP . The blocks reuse to align ..and the result is the "not enough space" message or the blocks just will not link . It looks like the ship grid is different size to the blocks. Maybe its time for a serious rethink and rebuild of the basic buggy ships hull. screenshots of my frustration attached
  19. I was working on a future map for the P1 pve servers. I like to map them out using a separate save. In the past I would cut my character, goto the next island, paste her there, save, the go to the mplobby and map the island, repeat for all. This produces a populated map. It's tedious but it works. V11 i cant cut a human. The option is there, but it acts as copy. I can cut other items, and it works. Rocks, trees. I didnt try it on an animal. So I have to copy, delete original, and then follow the steps above. Sorry I didn't grab the logs at the time.
  20. I found it out nvm it wouldnt get any since i was at a dead tree
  21. Hi, After the new update I can not delete or step back when I edit the game I play. I like to find new islands and build on them but now after the new update it is impossible. I tried the new history (great feature if it worked for me) but that doesent work, netier the step back arrows on top of the screen nor ctrl Z works. I also tried to reduce the FPS and other options to se if it was lagg that made this happen but since I can both build and add props without problem I dont se this is the issue. It is the removal of props, like plants for leaving space to build on, and stepping back/undo when using any of the edit options, add/remove/flatten/smooth that is the problem.
  22. Wenn cutting down trees i noticed a lot of the logs were falling thru/in the ground, some i even needed to dig up before i could pick them up.
  23. Did i miss something? I looked all over the UI for it but it's not there anymore, you can no longer move objects on a straight line away or towards you...only up and down, how was this overlooked?
  24. When selecting a composition with enough objects the game gives an error and closes. It does not always happen, it has happened twice and in both cases it was the first time I used the composition with the new update. I've tried again with the same one that gave the error and failed twice more. in the third attempt it worked. output_log_clean.txtoutput_log.txt
  25. Hi I tried to make a color selector but I could not make it work, I tried everything that has occurred to me. the logic of establishing color does not detect colors, for the moment I have only found 5 colors with which it works well. -black "000000" -white "FFFFFF" -red "FF0000" -azul "00FFFF" -green "00FF00" I thought it only worked with colors represented with 0 and F but the yellow "FFF000" did not work and I threw away my theory I leave a small video in which you can see the problem. in the version that I managed to work with the 5 colors has a different part to get close the color loop.