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Found 1534 results

  1. Hello, it seems that, while trying to dig in my harbor, I right-clicked a rope ladder that I lost ages ago - and landed under the surface. My char kept on falling, and now every time i try to log in or to create a new char I found myself dead beneath the surface. The requested files are attached. Stupid question: Any chance that you could fix my save game? I have three annoying kids, a stressful job, very limited spare time and this aligned world meant a lot to me. (mimimi!) Your assistance would be more than appreciated. Great game, thank you! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  2. I cant Join to any EU server, it say Player with current account in session or host unreachble. Pls Some one help !!! output_log.txt
  3. Hi. When I run into the ship helm of my ship, it forcefully causes the entire ship to move. I have wooden cubes placed on the ship just behind the helm. It only occurs in 1st person camera, not 3rd person.
  4. Hi, My horse is currently stuck in a tree. Quitting to menu and reloading does not seem to move the position of the horse, and I cannot dismount with right click. Trying to move the horse plays the movement animations, but the horse stays stationary. I do not seem to have any ability to get out of this situation, especially since we no longer seem to be able to use tools whilst on the horse. Many Thanks, rich_27
  5. When playing as a guest on a friends server, stepping foot on our ship causes the inability to move normally or sometimes at all when stepping back on land. We've come to call it sea-legs. I've embedded a YouTube video of this happening which shows how movement is effected for the guest after disembarking. The only button pressed after leaving the ship is 'w' and this just spins the character on the spot and sometimes will move them forwards in a zig-zag motion. It should be noted that it happens only to the guest playing, and we have tried it with each one of us hosting and every time the guest always gets sea-legs. output_log.txt
  6. Hello i have now played on 3 official explore PA servers and after a while they disappear from the server list and i can no longer join them even from the continue menu. the last one i was having a inventory bug where some items were not able to drop or be removed from my inventory after them duplicating when placing them into a stone chest i could not use the duplicated ones but after a relog some were fixed but a few remained so i went to drown myself and i died but i was still alive not able to move or respawn so i went to relog and the server was gone the other 2 servers i was alive and safe on one. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  7. Hi, im having some grafics or rendering issue´s, i bought the game last 8 Dic on steam, 2 days after release, and the same day i played so good,but i got an update on 9 Dic,, since that update I have not been able to play because i only see a black screen with letters, start menu, pause menu, but the rest is black, i tried to check for the solution in this forum, but i cant find them. tried updating video drivers, updating windows, checking game cache, changing resolution, grafic config, but nothing, stil not working so, i thank you if someone can tell me a solution... thanks... some pics... my specs: and a gtx 960m pd; sorry for my bad mexican english output_log_clean.txt output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. Rafael Bernardi

    RESOLVED Horse won't move

    my horse doesn't seen to be stuck in nothing, he just won't move, i can't dismount and i can't kill him either. I tryed all the unstuck commands nothing works, i'm starving to death and i don't want to die
  9. Hello, I have all needed resources but can't make spinning wheel (I can't see it in crafting). I make loom but cant' see any spinning wheel. I have grass rope 7, pole 10, wooden pieces 22 - but still don't see spinning wheel in crafting tab. It's bug? or I miss something? I bought game yesterday so I'm newbie.
  10. While exploring another island I climbed back onto my large ship with the ladder, and teleported somewhere underneath the map and fell into a cave, then died. Now I lost all my equipment and my ship is stranded on another island. This teleportation happened more frequently for me, where I teleported from the ships ladder to a ladder from a randomly generated structure. This happened while playing with friends. (Both I and my friend died of this teleportation glitch)
  11. Not sure if a bug or working as intended. In local hosted game. Single player that has been opened up to multiplayer. This involves having 2 large ships in different locations. Ship A is anchored off starter island. Ship B is anchored elsewhere (at 2nd island, north of starter island, different biome) If someone joins the game and swims out to Ship A, anchored off starter Island, climb ladder, they are teleported to Ship B. We used this method repeatedly last night. I was hosting the game and never tried it myself. How we stumbled upon it: I was hosting a game and another friend was playing with me. A 3rd player joined us and we got on Ship A and sailed it back to the starter Island. I decided to leave it there because it was slow and we made a raft and went back to Island 2 and built a 2nd Large ship hull (Ship B). Later on a 4th player joined, he was brand new, just downloaded the game. While we were debating how we would get him to us on the 2nd island he swam out to Ship A (anchored at starter island) and climbed up the ladder. It put him on the deck of Ship B, anchored in the lagoon in front of our new base on Island 2. We had a 5th and a 6th player join who repeated this process to get to us. Idk if this is a bug or if this is supposed to work like this. If it's supposed to work like this, if we build a 3rd large ship.. or even the regular ship, will they override each other and make it stop working? If not, I'll leave the 2 where they are and build a 3rd to roam the map.
  12. Bug: When you have food selected and the hint says to left click to eat, if you scroll quickly over to another item on your hotbar then left click before the tooltip disappears you will consume the item. The delay takes far too long to switch to the currently active item in your toolbar... I accidentally lost my map this way, #8 was my food, #9 was my map. went from just eating to wanting to read my map and ate my map.. (Edit: This was in multiplayer)
  13. Underground Audio: When you go underground it seem's like it runs off different audio levels as it becomes super loud like I maxed out the audio levels in settings even though mine is on 4 I also at one point had music on 0 and when I was underground I could hear the music playing even though it was set to 0 in settings. Stone & Wood spears held incorrectly: The stone and wood spear are held incorrectly in the player's hands, see images: Stone Wood
  14. Added another large mast as advised, ship did not move. Moved to front of ship and ship moved suddenly forward, ran back to helm to take control. Ship stopped moving on taking hold of helm. Released helm and moved to front of ship to shoot sharks and ship moved again out to sea. Did not go back to helm and left ship to move away from beach. Went back to helm and this time on taking controle i had full control of all ship movement.
  15. I can no longer access chests or workstations. The chest animation works but the interface doesn't appear. I can view my personal inventory although it is buggy and doesn't show item amounts correctly. This started when I died and went to make a new character. This was my first time dying if that matters. After selecting character appearance the game started to load in the world. During loading the game froze at 56%. After about half an hour, I force closed the program. When I loaded the game later, the new character was at the spawn point and the world looked like I expected it to. This is when I noticed that no structure interfaces were working. I built a wicker basket to make sure it belonged to my new character and I couldn't open this either. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  16. Im playing on a Server I host myself together with 2 friends and I cant open any chests anymore. I cant dig the ground, animals dont move etc. This is already second time, that I have this bug. Restarting the Server doesnt help, only starting a complete new game helps. I think the bug occured after one of my friends died but iam not sure. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  17. As the title says, I've made the decision that I wanted to link my steam account with my Bohemia account to gain the extra coyns that comes with linking... Only to find that my account has supposedly been linked with a preexisting Bohemia account? See... the issue with that is, I've never had another Bohemia account besides this one! To be honest, I didn't even know accounts for Bohemia was even a thing before Ylands. I've also given any of my other emails a possible try before this one, including attempted password recovery on them just to check if they were in the system and it was a no go. Not really sure how linking could have been possible since it takes logging into my steam account to do it, unless someone had my information... (which I've now changed, just in case...) but still does not solve the fact that my steam account remains linked to this mystery account I don't even know about. I would supply a link to my steam page, or even my steamID here but if possible I would like to retain privacy by being able to link it to a mod directly via messages willing to help me solve my issue.
  18. When interacting with the Large Ship ship ladder, I was teleported into the sky. All you could see was white and my characters head. I was then placed on a random island, on top of a bush. I still had all items and nothing else seemed to change. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  19. So when I was geiing off of my horse My camera was jacked was trying to record a video but OBS is not good with amd. Just get on and off a horse.
  20. So i left the boat control with right mouse click, started to fly and went to main land to chop off some trees. When i tried to scroll through my items i got this message. What can i do?
  21. Every time after riding a horse, the controls seem to get stuck in that mode. I can only turn with the keys and only freelook while holding left ALT
  22. biteme775

    RESOLVED alchemy bug

    i cant seem to be able to make the alchemy table..... i have the planks and nails but it doesnt show up in ui
  23. after playing 1-2hours on my server. The game stop working i can only walk and droping/taking items everything else doesnt work. Its like i didnt buy the game only playing free trial... output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  24. I am able to feed and light my forges and smithy stations but cannot open them. Worked fine this morning but now nadda. I have relaunched the server multiple times and nothing else seems to be affected please inform on any solution I would prefer to not lose all my progress. This is a multiplayer server.