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Found 1534 results

  1. Always the same problem with the ship, I can't deconstruct a block inside my magical barrer (and with a hammer). I can deconstruct items but any blocks :((((((
  2. Hello, always a bug with the sound effect only. When my character is beside something in action (stove, ...), the sound jumps and jerks.
  3. By accident I found a bug that allows any item to deconstruct inside the protective barrier, if placed on the ground and hit with the demolition hammer. (Other hammers might do it too.) Roasted food items will "deconstruct" to the raw version. Roasted meat becomes raw meat, roasted fruit becomes berries (elderberries when I tried it), and so on. A pole will "deconstruct" and become a stick. Rope will become grass. Leather will become boar hide. Cloth will become 3 yarn. Yarn will become flax. Tools will deconstruct to the exact materials used to create them. Screenshots: If you try this with a stack, it will return the raw form of only 1 of the items and destroy the rest. I don't think the deconstruct ability is meant to be used for this.
  4. rufo123-635e97db8687c099

    RESOLVED Falling though ground...

    Planting 200+ Flax seeds into one place. Causes the seeds act as a some kind of a "hole". Therefore stepping on it makes player fall through ground.
  5. Unable to send feedback when using attach log.
  6. Hello, Am I the only one without the sun in the skies anymore? I realised now, that there is no moon too. I will add screenshots soon. I'm waiting for dusk and dawn. Regards, ComR P.S.: Here you are dusk and dawn...
  7. Soo I have like 10 friends sometimes and 20 other times. Same with my clan P1gaming.net has like 12 members sometimes and 25 other times.
  8. I know this happens for the stone hammer. Have not tested the other hammers yet. Every time I activate the hammer, it gives a message about not deconstructing objects outside the "active zone." I know this refers to the protective barrier, but it is a strange message to show EVERY time the hammer is selected. edit: I also does this when using the War Hammer, so it does seem to affect all of them.
  9. I have tried everything I can think of, yet this issue persists. Know of any fix? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  10. So i built a ship ... i laid the hull and necessary superstructure to make it work then returned it to near my pier to add enhancements. I placed a bed on the deck ..and it disappeared... oh well whats new? - built more superstructure and added engines and tried to sail ...ship would not move ... saw the bed on the ocean floor ..it was acting like an anchor, welded to the ship. I managed to remove it ... then once again tried to move the ship .. !!!!!! etc .. ship had apparently drifted close to the pier and welded itself to the pier... ( i could tell this because lamps and crystals place on the deck had " moved .." ..actually they had not, the ship had moved! Faced with a dilemma. either deconstruct the ship and start again ..or remove the pier..and see if that works . I tried... the ship was in construction mode but i cannot deconstruct it , or the pier it is "attached" to ...using either a hammer, demo hammer or annihilator.. I managed to use a hammer to remove all the superstructure, including ladders but the aft and the hull will not yield.... Every time i struck the aft section with a hammer to "deconstruct ' it ..it stays there and adds wood and nails to my inventory! ..and i run out of inventory space. I gave up ... logged out in frustration and have included the logs etc hoping you cry over them as much as i did! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. When generating a random matrix composed of templates with a weld as a format, on some occasion an error occurs and the template is detected as empty, which generates the collision of the object in one place and the image in another. the logic seems to be fine since in general it works all the time and continues to work without problem after the error. can see the fault from minute 3:30
  12. I'm fairly sure this has only existed since 0.12 update. When you are naming a composition, if you type the letter O, it pops you into character mode and drops you out of naming the composition. If I wanted to name a composition Old House, I would not be able to.
  13. https://workshop.ylands.c Try unwelding entities and then comping it. om/asset/1125
  14. Almost half of the items in game cannot have their price changed in the hands of a trader.
  15. If you are over your steam cloud amount and you bring in a map while the game is running then edit it and save it will not register the changes but it shows as if it saves. https://gfycat.com/SharpHalfHellbender (tree is still there) I have lost my progress more than 50 times so far over the 2 years. It might be how many saves I have. Idk. Either should be fixed.
  16. Since a few weeks I have Ylands for 2 accounts/ PC's at home, and of course me and the wife (and son)started playing a explorer map together(hosting on my pc) issue is that wenn 1 of the 2 players in in the inventory menu and the other is just picking up large amounts of wood for example (fast) the inventory menu goes all crazy on the moments the other 1 picks something up(or places it in a inventory slot from a workbench). I had a video on my phone but that won't upload so need to transfer it to a other source first before uploading.
  17. If you start a game with a dialogue box, sometimes (but most frequently in multiplayer) the dialogue box will not open properly and you will need to close and re-open the dialogue box for it to display correctly. This issue I believe is caused by the game files loading slower than the dialogue box prompt. If I set a long enough initial delay (5 seconds) this bug does not occur.
  18. When you despawn a car while a player is driving it the game will think that the player is still driving the car. It will despawn the car but the camera angle is stuck and you can still drive around.
  19. Hey, it would be great to rename directly ingame an item (not in editor). To rename a chest, barrel, and so on ... (storage items)
  20. When using the on pick event and getting the position propertes from the target entity it returns seemingly random values not related to where the entity was. In this particular instance: An event listener listening to a player picking up entities in an label. Add label ( spawn entity( get type (target object) , get pos(target object), get orintation ( target object))); so that any entity in the label that was picked up was replaced and given the label. I believe the type and orintation were correct but i can only be 100% sure about the position being wrong it was so wrong that the entity it spawned was nowhere in sight If you need the files then ask @Fompster_P1
  21. For books, and for papers (set to unique) with text on them, the ON READING event does not trigger at all. This is true for the event available within the entity, as well as the Event Listener event.
  22. When a boat hits a shoal it gets really stuck! reversing will not help, and when you dig it out ...even though there's nothing in contact with the hull, it must still be caught in the collision field because the boat will not move. The boat will move like its free, ie bob up and down in the waves ..but refuses to move. We had to use another bat to help push a stuck boat free,...and when it was finally moved , the area underneath it had been really dug out deep, but it still wouldn't move. No log file taken, this is an easy to reproduce bug / thing / whatever
  23. It seems that if someone initiates sleep but does not leave that window, it blocks others from joining sleep. A quick fix would be a pop up window to advise the player to leave hat window as soon as they select the wake up time.
  24. If you store a composition and try to type the name, hotkeys will still be active. For example, typing "Igor" will result in my character toggling Character Mode [O] and force exiting out of the Store composition mode. HOWEVER, if you type the description first, it will prevent the hotkey bug from happening.
  25. Hello there, I hosts two servers and right now of all the different players I have seen one have gotten the "Your Ylands Is Being Loaded - Recalling Buildings 100%" bug. He can join other server just not this particular one I am hosting, and this one is not done via Editor so there is no way for me to access the files and delete his inventory or characters as some of the fixes might suggest. Here are the log pertaining to his login attempts. https://pastebin.com/cDTXDQh3 He was able to join prior to 0.12 and have no issues joining other servers which have no prior account in. Can I upload my save file and have BI "fix" it? Regards, Ferdinand