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Found 1534 results

  1. Just noticed, that the logfiles on the server was suddenly 1,7GB each!!! Is this normal ? I have moved the log files to a new folder, to save in case someone wants to see them. I also removed the Energy items I had in game which another user suggested was the cause of the massive error spam in my console. It's not spamming errors anymore, all I have left is this:
  2. Breaking an Amish hat gives you infinite rags as the hat does not actually break.
  3. On our DS this issue seems to only apply to me (4 person server through g-portal). There is a specific area (it appears to be a straight line that extends out horizontally from my position in the video and I don't know how far it extends) near/in my barrier that will always cause me to disconnect and causes the HOST UNREACHABLE screen. This issue only occurs when I run out towards the sea, not inwards towards land. The issue seemed to appear on or around the time that I built a wind turbine and lamps. I attempted to remove them to resolve this issue, but this had no effect. Please see the attached video for reference. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. First I'm sorry for the tittle, I just don't know what a correct tittle for this bug, I searched this kind of problem but can't find anyone post it, please tell me if I'm wrong. So the problem is the saloon door feels like invisible once you place it, you can see texture and mesh of Saloon door placed at where you want, but it act nothing. No button indicator to open it, and you can walk through that door. I thought saloon door will swing when you walk to it, I guess I'm wrong.. Here some pictures of it:
  5. Hi, I built a ship from the small hull, with fore and aft pieces, 2 large sails, helm and anchor. Both the helm and the anchor are on platform above ship, all other pieces are on hull. There was no issue with the ship when I'm near the starting island. However, as I get further away from that island the ship becomes less and less responsive to the helm to the effect that I am unable to steer the ship effectively. As an example, I ran with sails down and an adjustable spanner on the "D" key to turn right for nearly 2 hours and in that time I turned through approximately 90 degrees. This happened before Christmas too, but in that instance I was able to get the ship back to the start island where the steering becomes "normal" again. Now, the same save game, the ship is far to the East and South of the home island and I have all but given up retrieving it to be frank. I have read similar problem occur when a computer is placed on the ship. I have yet to find the computer, but I did free place a copy of Alice in Wonderland book on a desk in the ship cabin. The book disappeared and I thought nothing more about it - it is EA after all and bugs are expected Please find attached the log file requested. Also a crash dump from 6th Jan (might or might not be related). I cannot find the save game file. Please advise where this is located and I will upload it. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt 2018-01-06_174538.zip EXPLORE.ylandsgame.zip
  6. Antimidation

    RESOLVED Water behavior

    I'm sure people have run into this issue where you dig on the ocean floor or dig somewhere where you interact with water and it leaves all these fractured spaces where you dug. I made the mistake of digging up sand near my coast and it seems to have caused the ocean to sink in parks but not stay even. I tried evening out the bottom of the ocean with the flat shovel but the area is still sunken....as if one huge swath of ocean is one step down from the rest. Any work around? Is water going to be more fluid in the future? I'd imagine it filling in any gap you were to dig but it acts more like jello.
  7. I built a warehouse just yesterday and placed some crates on some test shelves and it worked. So I fill the warehouse with these shelves and today I cannot place the crates! And I've tried every way of placing them. Is this something that can be fixed in the future or do I need to figure a different way to do this? I don't mind being patient, thank you! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. On 2 different saves/worlds now, I have built up from scratch and got to the point where it was time to try building a car. I'll place the chassis, but as soon as i attempt to place an engine, driver seat, etc., the part collides with the chassis and flips it or nudges it off the grid. i can use /unstuck 3 command about 5 times out of 10 to realign the chassis to grid, but it doesn't help. I'll attempt to place again and if i do get it on the chassis without flipping it, the grid will be red and will either say not enough space or too far away. after giving up on the car, I went to my ship to put engines on that instead and the engines collide with my ship now and send it all wonky. too far away, not enough space. Any advice? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  9. Mailman-95783b10849e5f3e

    RESOLVED [YLD-8307] Ship get´s black

    Hi, We have much fun with this game but there are some issues For example, when you are on a new Island and you go out of the vision from the ship. when you come back the ship is only a black hull.. when you leave the Server and coming back, ship is ok again. Do you need something more? Thanks ! Chris
  10. 6Cowa6Bunga6

    RESOLVED Broken Stone Pick

    so found a new bug with the stone pick. I use it often but did something different on this online server. I used a basic repair kit on it. After repairing it the first time, it broke after using it, but after it broke i kept on digging. without having my dig button pressed or the animation for digging for my player. I continued to keep digging with the broken pick, but it showed me just standing there. if i walked around i would still keep digging. it stopped once i switch to a different tool. After repairing the stone pick the second time, i though maybe itll happen again once it broken. And you know what it did. but this time i had a screen freeze and that stopped my digging. This is the first time i used a basic repair kit on the stone pick. next server i join I will try to recreate this. that wont be till i crush, kill, and destory everyone and everything on this server. or i get stuck in another boat Im friendly i swear !Update! so after killing some random person and stealing their basic repair kits i repaired my broken stone pick. I was able to finish my starter cave with this bug, My pick broke once again for the 3rd time from repairing it, and i kept on digging. Felt like the energizer bunny. still on the same server. still using the same pick, next time i will make a new one and repair it after it breaks, !Update Update! so made a new stone pick and broke it for the first time, kept on digging even without having to repair it. so im no longer 100% certain the basic repair kit did anything. and if it did, it started it as thats the only difference i did with the pick. playing on someones server so not sure how the save file thing works
  11. WolfganGt3

    RESOLVED Ocean Invisible

    I have had this happen two times now. The water on a non specific square of ocean is invisible. Usually dealing with rafts. log.txt log_clean.txt
  12. Normally I always play Ylands on my PC, but last weekend I was away and only had my laptop with me. So decided to play some Ylands on my laptop. Logged in with my Steam account that I normally use on my PC and to my surprise I could actually load up my single player world and continue with where I left off. After a few hours decided to stop and let my character in a seating position sit next to my house, and logged off. So, now I'm back home and wanted to play Ylands again on my PC. Started it up and entered my world. When the world was loaded though it showed me the character creation menu, I figured I must have died when I was offline because i saw some post here where this has happened to a few people in multiplayer. well bugs and glitches can happen in early access so no worries I will just create a new character get to my house and pick my stuff back up. But her comes the sad part, I got back to the place where I last logged of and there was no stuff there at all not even a stone with my name on it. But now I gets interesting. 2 days ago I still had all my stuff in my inventory on my laptop. Now 2 days later when I started the game up it was all gone. So decided to do some testing what if I started Ylands up on my laptop what will happen then, will it all be gone there as well. Remember that at the beginning off this post I mentioned that I logged of in a seating position next to my house. well, when I opened the world on my laptop my entire inventory was empty which is what I expected but now my character was in the exact same position sitting where i left him 2 days ago. I have no clue what caused this bug, the only thing I know is that I've lost all my stuff and my Ylands has turned into some weird parallel universe. I'm scared.
  13. My friend and I were playing a fairly new multiplayer world when the ladder in our hut seemed to disappear for both of us. I first right clicked it to see if it was still there and it teleported me a few feet down and I began falling through the world. I fell all the way until I hit the ground of a cave and died from fall damage. Then my friend went to investigate and he too fell to his death after right-clicking the ladder. Hope this will be fixed soon. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt BRENDAN_AND_NICK.zip
  14. Just pasting this code from my dedicated server in case it helps fix an issue with the cannon not firing and the fuse continuously lit [EX]U [00:00:15.28] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ylands.WuCannonFire.Fire (ylands.StateCannonFuseLit litCannon) ylands.StateCannonFuseLit.<FireCannon>m__0 (System.Object data) Callback.Invoke () ylands.WorldTimer._CompleteTransientTimers () ylands.WorldSimulation.Simulate (ylands.WorldData World) ylands.UpdateLoop.Update () [EX]U [00:00:16.27] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ylands.WuCannonFire.Fire (ylands.StateCannonFuseLit litCannon) ylands.StateCannonFuseLit.<FireCannon>m__0 (System.Object data) Callback.Invoke () ylands.WorldTimer._CompleteTransientTimers () ylands.WorldSimulation.Simulate (ylands.WorldData World) ylands.UpdateLoop.Update ()
  15. I was traveling south in a boat at full health when suddenly my health was gone and it said that I died of becoming an ice block. I have traveled south many times previously and noticed the snowflake icon flashing in the upper left corner. It may be accompanied by the 'I'm Cold' appearing in the bottom left, then the 'I'm Freezing' text appearing when it starts to do damage. Then it takes a while before all my health is gone before dying. This, however, was instant. No sign of things cooling off at all. No rough weather and no white ocean bottom. Not sure what triggered it. I was following a bird.
  16. I built a dock, on my hosted server. The items placed to the dock, were apparently snapped to the boat. I know the file name is slightly different, but thats how the server lists them, I took the files off my FTP. log.txt log_clean.txt
  17. Some of these have been more recent than the first, but all of them have been seemingly random to me. I was simply building or even opening a container. I do hope these help and I'll be better about keeping notes in the future. error.log output_log.txt error.log output_log.txt error.log output_log.txt error.log output_log.txt
  18. When passing through a doorway I'll stick for about a quarter second. Also happens with any other 6 block high passageway. 7 is fine but no doors that big yet
  19. At 4k resolution, the left scroll bar in the stone chest is off the screen and I am unable to scroll to the last three items in the container unless I change resolution. Basically the window that pops up appears to not be centered and too far to the left. Thanks for taking the time to read this and if I missed this in the forums already, I apologize. I did search first! First image is at 3k, and the second image is at 4k (Windows 10, Intel processor, NVIDIA 970 GTX).
  20. just posting a few pictures of a map graphical glitch and a possible chisel bug the map one the two tiny ylands it is showing are not there just ocean, pretty sure this is from some other part of the map and it somehow got glitched there chisel possible bug is it takes 5 repair kits to fix it up from used status, where everything else from broken only take 3 or 4 and the 3rd one when switching to hide all the interface if you go into your bag and select an item it comes up on the screen big and you can't move and get stuck
  21. A bug ocurred when I am playing in a server and I go to menu, more later, when I enter again in the server, the map restart and I dont know where I am. There is only one small point where I place myself, but everything else discovered by me is lost. This happened to me on a friend's server in the middle of the Sea Institute and I lost everything, but apparently, being the host, this does not happen
  22. So if you have 2 stacks of the same seed in the seed box, for example one stack with 5 cottons seeds and another with 20. When you start planting cotton with the 5 seed stack and when the stack finishes, it disappears from the box, but not from the quick access menu(or how its called?) and because there is another stack it lets you plant more plants without depleting the second stack. If you have only one stack of seed, after you plant them all, they will disappear from the seed box, but stay in your quick access belt. Any attempt to plant will tell you that it fails, but with a second stack it will let you plant however many you want. Which is not something bad because I find it weird, that you have to chose between the seeds or the fruit or plant. If you break a cotton plant for seeds you wont lose the cotton... I kind get why its done that way tho.
  23. Hi, I was playing with my friend in multiplayer. I got kind of lost and when I found our ship, It was completely bugged (see screenshots). I tried to run on the ship and got stuck. When I tried to write the unstuck command, my game got frozen in chat and then crashed completely. It only happened to me, my friend (as the host) saw the ship normally. Thanks. 2017-12-29_194208.zip output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  24. Hi, I decided to work at night to plant some flax seeds. I opened my seed box I had crafted earlier and right clicked on the flax seeds. I then began planting my 50 or so seeds to discover that the counter never reset when I planted them from the seed box. If I stop planting it works correctly but as long as I keep planting it is letting me plant as much as I want.. Good thing for me...... however. Having a great time. Thanks for your hard work. CavemanMO
  25. Terry Harris

    RESOLVED Raining bug

    Even though I have a roof it still rains inside my house. If I dig a cave and stand inside it doesn’t rain inside there.