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Found 8 results

  1. I used to be able to put a basket, torch or Lantern, on a raft or small boat. Now I can't put any place a bowl on a raft, even in free place mode. This has happened on every server I joined, would like to know if others have this problem too.
  2. Pharaun Mizzrym

    Official Item Suggestion Thread

    In this thread state an item you would like to see in the game. Please provide as close a picture to what you are imagining if possible. I would like to see: Teddy Bear ________________________________ More Containers Specifically of interest one for holding stones, rocks, marble etc. See medieval wheelbarrels.
  3. hello can any dev help my problem? i lose all my item and i lose my current character after i logout.. when i try to login its required i must create new character and after i made a character i cant find any my item (i was logout in my home building) and in my new character i didnt get letter (usually get one after died) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. Rahburry-a933889cda4dd096

    Ability to change ItemId

    In the Ylands editor it was would be great to have the ability to change and items item ID. I recently moved a bunch of stone chests to another house I built on an island; however, do you still in chest does not work well with the theme of my new house! Having the ability to change the item ID of an item or container would be fantastic! I wish I could change the stone chests into large cabinets without having to manually transfer the items inside the stone chest into a cabinet in my new house. What do you guys think?
  5. Encountered this strange bug when I updated the dedicated server to the new 0.63v2 version. I was using an existing single player save file for my private server and several of my clothing items changed colours. A pair of white flippers turned yellow, one white fur jacket and white fur pants turned black, and one white pair of boots turned green. The other clothing items were already black and didn't change colour at all. These items were in a chest on my ship as well as in my character''s inventory. First image is of the save in SP, the second is from the server. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  6. Joseph Carriere

    Item loss on Death.

    Hello there, I like your game alot, however, one issue I have is item loss on death, and no way to disable it. Would you please add options to disable item loss on death? I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like that. I spend hours crafting and working hard for my items, only to lose them. I'd very much appreciate a way to keep items after death.
  7. Just a little thing, but it is spoiling the game for me. I am afraid that I have a real problem with the game placing items automatically in my hotbar. How do I remove them and place them back into my inventory. I have tried clicking and dragging them, and also control clicking and dragging, but it isn't working. I would appreciate any help you can give me.
  8. Hi guys! I can't seem to hold anything or change what is in my hands while riding a horse anymore. Was this an intended feature? I miss shooting my bow while on horse back!