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RESOLVED Multiplayer issues


Hi guys! In our efforts in fixing as many issues as possible, we'd like to specifically focus on Multiplayer issues as well. When receiving reports in this regard, we often get very vague descriptions, like "there is lag" or "Multiplayer is broken!".

So in this thread I'd like to ask you to report all Multiplayer issues you can think of that are ruining your game experience, and please be as specific as possible :)

Thanks a lot!

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81 replies to this bug / suggestion

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2 hours ago, V-Alfred said:

@Ane Is it like summary of multiplayer bugs? or it should be new bug that discovered in 0.10 multiplayer? because most of the time we will directly create a bug report in new post.

For me, my multiplayer issue is still same as DM I sent to you before, 'teleported around when on the ship' ^_^. Because it hasn't fixed yet and I can't find a way to avoid this very issue, always get this issue no matter what multiplayer server I'm in. I have noticed though, when I press 'jump', my character will update the current position and it will minimize the chance you get tossed overboard when moving on the deck.

It's more of a post to compile known MP issues that have been affecting you for a while (so basically what we want to see is the issues that are the most annoying for you). If you encounter a new issue, it's ok to open a new thread for it :)

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Hi Ane, just a quick one as Stouts and I have been spending so much time on ships of late.
This seems to happen a lot, on official servers and private.Ylands_180905_204916.thumb.png.6c1b305458ad17824220b8358439999f.png

By the way I'm actually on a ship... don't let the picture fool you.

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I was given a link to this post from my recent post because of problems my wife and I have been facing that has been making us want to quit the game until they are fixed. 

All the things I'm going to list are from a MP sharedgame explore private non PVP world only two people play on.

1. Dying while offline.  This should not be possible in a non PVP server.  especially if caused by "starving to death"? as this seems like the only explanation i've seen others die from while offline...

This is bad enough as it is without any way of knowing why, how and what caused it and or any information given on how to prevent it.   This all in a non PVP private world with only two people.  (A little google searching shows this is a known issue for nearly a year...)

2. Complete character reset away from where you actually died.

The dying offline is bad by itself and is a major problem but now couple these two things =  Game breaker for us.   If we're adventuring around and we die from a fall or an animal attack or even starving to death from lack of food, we end up spawning at the island we died at or closest to.   I've died so many times away from the original spawn yland and never got spawned back at the original spawn.   I've seen this as known by players since 2017 or longer?

3. Free placed items causing ship to not move.   

A dresser was freeplaced onto our ship to store all my stuff that was laying at the bottom of the ocean from my random offline death and this dresser caused the ship to be unmovable.  we literally had to remove everything from the ship to figure out what item was keeping our boat from moving.  And the only reason we figure out to try that was from a youtube video with the same problem from almost a year ago.   This is a known issue and a year later still an issue?   SMH

These issues have been around a long time and when coupled together make out to be a giant game breaker because they aren't preventable and or even self inflicted.  Dying offline in a non pvp server AND Character reset has me all together wanting to uninstall the game.   if death = great punishment meaning character wipe because you failed at surviving in the game then I get that and I'll play within those rules of the game but then there needs to be a way to prevent this from happening when needing to leave the game while away from original spawn.   I'm all for "realistic" survival but seeing how if I die from a bear at a yland across the map from my spawn I've always spawned locally not reset.

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@Ane Is it like summary of multiplayer bugs? or it should be new bug that discovered in 0.10 multiplayer? because most of the time we will directly create a bug report in new post.

For me, my multiplayer issue is still same as DM I sent to you before, 'teleported around when on the ship' ^_^. Because it hasn't fixed yet and I can't find a way to avoid this very issue, always get this issue no matter what multiplayer server I'm in. I have noticed though, when I press 'jump', my character will update the current position and it will minimize the chance you get tossed overboard when moving on the deck.

Edited by V-Alfred

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11 hours ago, Just Paul said:

1. Dying while offline.  This should not be possible in a non PVP server.  especially if caused by "starving to death"? as this seems like the only explanation i've seen others die from while offline...

This is bad enough as it is without any way of knowing why, how and what caused it and or any information given on how to prevent it.   This all in a non PVP private world with only two people.  (A little google searching shows this is a known issue for nearly a year...)

Just to clarify, the dying of starvation when being offline was an issue a while back, but it was fixed. This seems to be a new issue, you said you and your wife are playing in a sharegame?

Anyway, we'll take a look at the issues you mention in your post, and sorry about the inconvenience.

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Clay and Marble resources. Currently you can collect plenty of stone, wood and sand but especially with clay and Marble it's difficult to use them in a larger build. I was wondering if you have thought about making marble veins like you have the gold ones?
Clay, is a tricky one and I understand you've already improved the amount you can collect... but maybe a 1x1 could be a bit more generous, maybe a 3 blocks to one clay would make it easier to build out of clay.

My last question, do you plan on adding all the items from the editor into the game at some stage? If not, why, and if so when?
Also when moving it's extremely jerky now (zooming in then out in then out).... I think the player movement you had post last update was better.

I'd love to be able to remake something like this in an actual game.Ylands_180906_005138.thumb.png.9efbfcbd235f37da2963d32893a069b0.png


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1) Limited resources and space. I think biomes which are very punishable to live in, such as the arctic biome, should have loads of resources to make it worth setting up a base there. Which would also require players to have a second barrier generator.

2) Not enough ways for admins to keep the game playable in survival mode. Currently it's 24/7 policing along the lines of he did/she did XYZ with no proof at all. There needs to be ways to make certain areas pvp or pve, disable the ability to damage blocks, see who damaged what, see who hit who, who placed what blocks etc, and who picked up what items.

3) There should be a way to pay "upkeep"/tax in your barrier generator. If you haven't paid, your buildings will slowly decay and other people can pick up the items/blocks. After the majority of the blocks are gone the earth should grow back to how it was before and vegetation returning. This will prevent the spawn island from getting cluttered with barrier generators with half finished houses in them and delete any inactive things without losing the resources.  The amount of upkeep and the payment time should be a server sided setting.

4) More settings to customize the "explore" gametype map generation. The distribution of different types of islands, sizes, variation in sizes, distances, how close the groups of islands are etc. Also see #5:

5) Infinite worlds, consisting of multiple groups of islands of different sizes, and different biomes. This would give people multiple different options to set up their server: Every group of players could have their own group of islands consisting of one island of every biome so they got all access to every resource, or quite the opposite, every group has only got one biome and is forced to trade. Maybe a way to fast travel (with or without ships) using some dark magic to certain points, or in between island groups would be nice. This would have to be pretty expensive, and the cost based on the distance and the amount of items taken with you every time you travel, so sailing with a ship would still be rewarding. 

6) Offline trading: the option to set up "vending machines" and a way to find vending machines and their offers on the world. Maybe also some form of waypoints for navigating.

7) Blueprints for ships and cars. Nobody likes to see 50 ships sailing around, all consisting of nothing but a hull, a helm and 2 sails.

8) I feel that there's currently no real incentive to build a house/base, just putting everything down on the beach is good enough. It would be nice if there would be a rewards to building houses such as faster crafting, less hunger and increased health regeneration.

9) Group system, with shared access to certain things. The option to make a town with a much larger "town barrier", where people would need access before they could build their own barrier inside. There should be some bonuses to building inside the town. Also some town/clan/group/guild owned buildings such as a town hall, guild hall or other public buildings such as a harbor or a warehouse.

10) Overall server performance, game optimization. Players will make massive builds close together, which will drop FPS significantly. Server performance is quite obvious.

There's a few other mechanics which aren't really MP based but which I feel will make MP more interesting to play, mainly specialization endgame. It would be nice if every player could focus on a certain sort of trade, with some really expensive machinery such as an advanced weaving loom, which would be semi-automated as long as there's yarn for example. Again to encourage cooperation amongst players. One of these mechanics would be plant growth: currently any plant will grow anywhere, which isn't realistic nor is it a fun mechanic. As soon as you acquire 1 seed from every plant on every biome there's no need to go back. It would be nice if plants would have different grow rates: an optimal temperature, a minimum/maximum temperature, and if it's not within those, they will simply not grow.


I think to sum this all up, it would be good to focus on cooperation/interact with others without forcing it onto those that prefer to play solo. Players that cooperate or wage war should be at a great advantage over players who prefer to do everything themselves.


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Dedicated server technology works poorly: 

-- Logics such as timers or large structures cause servers to crash 

-- Servers become laggy once 50% of the map is explored. So much so that they crash often and become unresponsive unless reset. Inevitable resets cause casual players to be discouraged. 

-- Cars and house-riders missing on other player's screens -- people cant see you. 

@bojo2736-- can you help :P 




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1 hour ago, WijkagentAdrie said:

6) Offline trading: the option to set up "vending machines" and a way to find vending machines and their offers on the world. Maybe also some form of waypoints for navigating.

I think the logic available in the Visual Scripting is very close to allowing us to build these for ourselves.  We can already manipulate items in storage chests and player inventory, we just don't have direct access to the "Trade" screen.  Short term, I'm sure we could devise some "exchange" logic that would work in its place.  And for servers that employ some sort of  persistent economy we could even set up player "bank accounts" they can use to buy items.


For me, the biggest hurdle for MP is still the exploits that can be used to render all your defenses useless.  Ladders and sleeping pads (as far as I know) can still be used to get through any door or wall.  The rest of it is inconvenient for me and I'd love to see it all fixed, but I decided some time ago that I won't play on any public servers until those exploits are patched.

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5 hours ago, Ane said:

Just to clarify, the dying of starvation when being offline was an issue a while back, but it was fixed. This seems to be a new issue, you said you and your wife are playing in a sharegame?

Anyway, we'll take a look at the issues you mention in your post, and sorry about the inconvenience.

I see dead players all the time on our P1 PVE servers. I assume it's due to freezing as they are in their undies. The only "proof" I have is once Red died and that is what got him.  I have also had players get killed by predators who were outside the house and they were sleeping on a cot near the wall. I myself was killed by a wolf who was outside the building. I nipped in for protection but he got me anyway.

Other problems, I have noticed a jerkiness when using the prop. It doesn't seem to be lag per se. But it goes forward, and jerks back, forward and back.  This has been since the update.

I haven't tried it since the update, but I don't recall it being mentioned in the fix notes, the exploits using grass mats and other sleeping things to gain access to locked, barrier spaces.  This needs to be fixed, at least in PVE.

I just woke up, so I am sure there are more.

Marble stones being invisible. 

Blueprints still not working correctly. 

I'm sure there is more.

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I think the need to reset often due to lag is the #1 problem. At one point when P1's old server had 8 players on at all times we had to wipe all progress and restart once daily. 

That's a game-breaker more than any other bug atm. If that get fixed, we will be 50% there. 

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On 9/14/2018 at 4:16 AM, Ane said:

Just to clarify, the dying of starvation when being offline was an issue a while back, but it was fixed. This seems to be a new issue, you said you and your wife are playing in a sharegame?

Anyway, we'll take a look at the issues you mention in your post, and sorry about the inconvenience.

yes we are in a sharedgame.   How can we prevent having our character reset if we die?   it seems very random as most of the time we don't get a complete reset just respawn at the nearest Yland.  But the offline death that followed with a complete character reset was the straw that broke the camels back.   Thanks

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12 hours ago, Just Paul said:

yes we are in a sharedgame.   How can we prevent having our character reset if we die?   it seems very random as most of the time we don't get a complete reset just respawn at the nearest Yland.  But the offline death that followed with a complete character reset was the straw that broke the camels back.   Thanks

Can you please attach your save game file in this thread here so that our team can take a look at it?

Unfortunately I can't really give you an answer on how to prevent this from happening, since we don't really know why it's happening yet.

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Playing on a MP dedicated server with Keyboard and mouse: I experienced this bug where after I ate a roasted fish I was still holding the roasted fish even after I selected the fishing Rod on my toolbar. An endless loop of clicking sounds and the flashing red-lettered warning "FAILED" continued only until I killed myself as there was no other way out of it.




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Thanks! I'll add it to our system.

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The blueprints don't work most of the time for me in MP. I've seen earlier posts advising players to wait 3-5 minutes until the blue outline shows before placing the blueprint, however, I waited over 15 minutes and it doesn't show and it isn't there when the project table is placed. I receive the someone is using that message. Since I've invested a lot of "work" getting my space ready, it would be great if we were able to delete the unusable project table so we could try again. I enjoy the MP, but this bug really frustrates me.

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I have some input to shared game when you have created a "house boat" (Explore mode).
Me and my boyfriend have been playing together and decided we should build a mobile home. Therefore, we created a large boat. We built all the machines on the boat and we also had a lot of items that was free placed on the boat (lanterns, bottles, paintings etc.)

The host (my boyfriend) discovered that after playing for some hours, there was a major memory leakage and Ylands used 4,5 GB memory. It was almost not possible to save when exiting the game. The saving process just froze with no text and only the progress spinning wheel for at least 10 minutes.

It also lagged a lot when doing things, also outside of the boat.

And even when the boat was in "harbour" (when being anchored next to land), me as player number two had big problems with both where I was on the boat and with freeplacing. When I was going to do something on one side of the boat, I suddenly were on the other side of the boat, or in the water, even though the boat was anchored. Or when I freeplaced things, they just disappeared (for me), but my boyfriend could see them. I had to log off and on again to be able to see them. 
It also said now and then that I was too far away from e.g. opening a chest, using a machine etc, even tough I was, on my screen, standing right in front of it, but I was probably more far away compared to the host.

And at one point, when I was on land doing stuff and my boyfriend sailed away with the boat, it looked on my screen as the boat were in one place (where it's been before), but it wasn't. And not even close. He had to point on the map where he was with the boat before I even located him. And when I got there (I have propeller pack so I can fly), I couldn't see the boat at all, only him in the air.

Also, flower pots are not working on the boat. If you have flower pots with flowers on the boat and you are sailing away, the flowers will be left in the air, not following the boat.

Also, from time to time, I, as player number two, have problems with cutting down trees. I can saw it down once, and the tree falls. But when I'm going to make it into logs and wooden pieces, I can't target the tree anymore. I can see it on my screen, but it's like it's being invisible to my character and I can't do anything else but to leave it. I'm usually able to target it if I log off and then on again.

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Hello, on multiplayer EU Servers Officials (specially EU 10). Rollback all the time (and more often in cave). Corpses of the died players don't disappear and sharks flying. Sometimes, when I cut a tree, impossible to cut tree in logs. These problem are the same if I'm alone on the serv or if serv is full. Animals are blocked more often and don't move when I hit them. Inside my house, rollback too and the same with boat. Others problems are the magical barrer on multiplayers servers, because there are always there even the players don't play at Ylands ... so really BIG problem for all new players or current players.

The more often problem in multiplayer at this moment is really the "rollback". My character stops few seconds and continue ... and so on ...

Edited by jeunekeum54

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All known and reported  issues.   Regarding  "rollback"   do  you men  mean lag /hesitating...?  could be your  server connection ... and also it is a known issue that with a change in 'weather"  such as storms/rains  FPS  will drop  dramatically.

We either have to wait   until  BI developers  overcome these issues  ( they are working on them!) 


We go back to school, learn programming/coding   then volunteer  to help the BI developers

I prefer to  wait  - and  drink  coffee in the meantimeO.o:D

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yes rollback = lag/hesitating ... but it's not my connection because any problem with others multiplayers games. 


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It has been happening in my multiplayer games too. The prop pack always does that rubber bandy thing. Ships are problematic as well. If I knew how to vid capture I would post the example.

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I think multiplayers lags and rollback should be fix in first because If no players can play (normally) in multiplayers ... it's a big problem ! In lot of forums (steam and others), lot of players complained about it. and left the game unfortunately !

Edited by jeunekeum54
  • Haha 1

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On 10/13/2018 at 7:16 PM, Sandyxg said:

The blueprints don't work most of the time for me in MP. I've seen earlier posts advising players to wait 3-5 minutes until the blue outline shows before placing the blueprint, however, I waited over 15 minutes and it doesn't show and it isn't there when the project table is placed. I receive the someone is using that message. Since I've invested a lot of "work" getting my space ready, it would be great if we were able to delete the unusable project table so we could try again. I enjoy the MP, but this bug really frustrates me.

Let's be honest here the folks at P1 didn't build all those megalithic creations on their MP Explore Servers! No, I'm calling BS here and this is why...

Edited by Chromedome2

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Red Eagle and P1, I challenge you to prove that you've built all those big and beautiful structures on your MP Explore Servers and Nitrado servers at that too. No, the fact remains that you didn't build them there at all. You imported them as compositions! It's the ONLY way a server can handle all that information ... Projects of that size must be grouped together as a single entity. Something which never happens with Blueprints! 

Edited by Chromedome2

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