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RESOLVED Multiplayer issues


Hi guys! In our efforts in fixing as many issues as possible, we'd like to specifically focus on Multiplayer issues as well. When receiving reports in this regard, we often get very vague descriptions, like "there is lag" or "Multiplayer is broken!".

So in this thread I'd like to ask you to report all Multiplayer issues you can think of that are ruining your game experience, and please be as specific as possible :)

Thanks a lot!

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81 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Um. I don't think Red or anyone is claiming they don't use the editor or compositions. 

That doesn't change the fact that blueprints are not working right.

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not  sure if this is  just  multiplayer or  not ... but  when the weather  changes  from sunny to   stormy  and  vice versa,  the the lighting doesn't  change  gradually ..its like someone  flipping a switch.

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Hi Anne,

Ive played on one of the official server. The longer i play the lag is becoming massive. I am pretty sure im not planting to many plantation in my barier. However, the game is becoming lag. First time i play at the server the ping status is awesome 11.ms. after a week, now becoming 25+ ms..It is really ruining my experience. Do i need to attach the log for ya?

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On 27/10/2018 at 1:27 PM, burzummy said:

Hi Anne,

Ive played on one of the official server. The longer i play the lag is becoming massive. I am pretty sure im not planting to many plantation in my barier. However, the game is becoming lag. First time i play at the server the ping status is awesome 11.ms. after a week, now becoming 25+ ms..It is really ruining my experience. Do i need to attach the log for ya?

We are aware of the lag, so no need for logs :) After 0.11 is out we'll be focusing on Multiplayer issues, so hopefully the lag will be gone as well.

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new problem in multiplayer : crafting duration = 1hour ... boring all this problem !!! become unplayable in multiplayer !

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I Like playing with the players on your map... but this game its boring with all lag and beug ! Devd should be see again their priorities !!! I don t want to play now... if devs don t fix them... sorry i don t play... and i am not the only player I think that !

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I have  scaled back my activities   due to  both real life,  and also  lack of other player interaction  in MP.   Mostly its because of  time  zones...whenever i am  active and have time to log in, the rest of the world is asleep and   vice-versa .. .. and   interruptions to my power  supply    through  thunderstorms...  that's  not Ylands fault!

Hopefully  as  the  game    streamlines and  gets  closer to  full release,  more players will join  in.

But i must  report... on the latest P1 map i have  been sailing around and  encountered  no  ship  mis-adventures.    I do  get some lag, especially when the weather   changes,  and  notice that when the weather does change  its  not  a  gradual   fading in ..and out .. its  s  sudden event.

As its Spring ..approaching  summer here in Aussieland, the  call of the  outside  garden and  nice weather  interferes with   internet availability time :P


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4 hours ago, kimbuck said:

I have  scaled back my activities   due to  both real life,  and also  lack of other player interaction  in MP.   Mostly its because of  time  zones...whenever i am  active and have time to log in, the rest of the world is asleep and   vice-versa .. .. and   interruptions to my power  supply    through  thunderstorms...  that's  not Ylands fault!

Hopefully  as  the  game    streamlines and  gets  closer to  full release,  more players will join  in.

But i must  report... on the latest P1 map i have  been sailing around and  encountered  no  ship  mis-adventures.    I do  get some lag, especially when the weather   changes,  and  notice that when the weather does change  its  not  a  gradual   fading in ..and out .. its  s  sudden event.

As its Spring ..approaching  summer here in Aussieland, the  call of the  outside  garden and  nice weather  interferes with   internet availability time :P


Are you saying you are going OUT SIDE? HERESY! :P

Edited by RedEagle_P1.

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I'm not a programmer so I don't know what is wrong.  But I can tell you that the map life span is way too short.  I started a new map on P1 dedicated server on November 8.  It loaded in at less than 7 mb. About a day later, the ocean broke, so I had to reload it in, causing my players to lose a day's progress.  

Yesterday November 12, I did a bit of maintenance in the editor, then reloaded the game at around 13 mb.  Thanks to @RedEagle_P1. getting the word out, we had a ton of players stop in and check it out.  To find it laggy and glitchy and no fun to play.  Yay.

It has doubled in size to 26 mb. At around 25 mb performance takes a hit.  Around 27 mb players can't work around it and abandon.  In the old days on foobars server, I think he managed to eke it to 60 mb.  

Tonight I did what I needed to do for admin stuff, but rage quit because I just can't tolerate the lag and the glitches.  At one point  I was at 7 fps.  Unplayable.  And we had guests today who saw it at its worse.

So now, my map if feeling unplayable again.  This leaves me the choice of losing players due to performance issues, or losing player due to constant restarts.  

I am so frustrated right now I'm seriously considering uninstalling it and coming back on final release if then.  

But yeah, take out first person camera.  And give us more duck boats. 

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It grew to over 30 mb. I had to put in a new map. It loaded in at 3.74 mb. Let's see if it survives the weekend.

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hi for me, i am noticing in the shared multiplayer game ive built a ship, but if other characters are logged out and they've left themselves on the boat, when i move the boat they fall threw it and into the water and die.... also another time a charactor was left in warm clothing by a fire i think they died from getting to hot ... so it seems they are not safe, does this mean if a bear sees them they could die too? 

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16 hours ago, Brendon Green said:

hi for me, i am noticing in the shared multiplayer game ive built a ship, but if other characters are logged out and they've left themselves on the boat, when i move the boat they fall threw it and into the water and die.... also another time a charactor was left in warm clothing by a fire i think they died from getting to hot ... so it seems they are not safe, does this mean if a bear sees them they could die too? 

That shouldn't happen, no. If you experience this issue again, can you please send us the following files? output_log and output_log_clean, you can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data

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Other characters who are away from the game but charactor is siting there.. there has been these issues for me.

if they have been left near a furnace when I’ve lit it up they’ve become to hot and died. Another example is when I leave on a ship and their charactor has been left on the ship they will fall threw, the graphics and die.


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We are having issues with a sharegame since yesterday. We've never had problems with this world before that my husband and I play until last night. Whenever I pick fruit, it disappears off the bush and says Failed and doesn't appear in my inventory. He can't interact with anything. He can't see the forge or kiln lit even though they're burning, he tries to interact with them or a campfire or anything and it tells him "invalid target" He also has the same issue with picking fruit. It's almost like the server isn't updating or something, I'm not sure what's going on but we have a lot of progress that we hate to lose by having to start over on another world. Any ideas what the issue could be?

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13 hours ago, LynB482 said:

We are having issues with a sharegame since yesterday. We've never had problems with this world before that my husband and I play until last night. Whenever I pick fruit, it disappears off the bush and says Failed and doesn't appear in my inventory. He can't interact with anything. He can't see the forge or kiln lit even though they're burning, he tries to interact with them or a campfire or anything and it tells him "invalid target" He also has the same issue with picking fruit. It's almost like the server isn't updating or something, I'm not sure what's going on but we have a lot of progress that we hate to lose by having to start over on another world. Any ideas what the issue could be?

@bb cakes_P1 this is what we had right?

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I remember a boat bug when the game was not released yet, some referred to it as "sea legs,"

this occurred when a guest on your world tried to board onto your ship. Once updated and released on steam, people no longer experienced this and life was good. Unfortunately, my friends who play with me experience something very similar to the infamous sea legs I mentioned. Luckily it is not as severe, and only occurs when people are on the boat itself. Nevertheless this is still a pressing issue and is very draining for my friends and I alike.

Extra Info: I don't know if anyone has made a post about this, I CBA to read through the replies above.


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On 9/19/2018 at 9:08 AM, Ane said:

Can you please attach your save game file in this thread here so that our team can take a look at it?

Unfortunately I can't really give you an answer on how to prevent this from happening, since we don't really know why it's happening yet.

The complete reset he refers here, seems exactly the post I replied to you @Ane

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On 1/29/2019 at 2:52 PM, RedEagle_P1. said:

@bb cakes_P1 this is what we had right?

Yes, it happens a lot on P1 servers. And also, sometimes when we place a block (wood block stone block, etc etc) they are placed invisible. Sometimes, a player re-log will fix (block is visible again) other times I'm pretty sure an admin needed to restart the server. 

Edited by jchob

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I guess we assumed you knew that being able to connect to a server didn't need to be said.

I haven't been able to get on any MP server for two days. 

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A small problem that prevents us from sleeping me and my friends, When I went to sleep in the mattress I asked to wake up in the morning, but my friends did not arrive I just pressed escape and I got up to find them .

When we wanted to sleep again it was say in red that someone was already interacting with the sleep window. We have tried many things to unlock this condition that prevents us from spending the nights but impossible to sleep in this save now . thx 

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14 hours ago, Bob Salvador said:

A small problem that prevents us from sleeping me and my friends, When I went to sleep in the mattress I asked to wake up in the morning, but my friends did not arrive I just pressed escape and I got up to find them .

When we wanted to sleep again it was say in red that someone was already interacting with the sleep window. We have tried many things to unlock this condition that prevents us from spending the nights but impossible to sleep in this save now . thx 

I'll pass the info to the testers. Thanks for letting us know!

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