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Everything posted by Berzeger

  1. It should be only caused by sleeping, yes.
  2. Hi guys, we managed to find the root of the problem, it's being fixed as we speak.
  3. Berzeger

    already Monday in asia

    Bohemia Interactive is from Bohemia, a part of the Czech republic, not Austria. As for the timezone, we live in UTC+2, it's 9:33 AM here. Don't worry guys, we didn't forget about the update.
  4. Thanks. We're looking into it.
  5. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Bugged energy stream or splitter

    Hello, we're investigating the issue. Does it happen in single player?
  6. Hello, we're investigating the issue. Does it happen in single player?
  7. Also, could you please open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<your_folder>\298610\remote\Ylands.ini, search for a line beginning with "f general.yCreating.gameTimeScale" and paste the line here? That would help tremendously. Thanks!
  8. Hi, thanks for the report! Does it happen everytime? Could you pls post a screenshot of your advanced settings in the Yland creator? Thank you!
  9. Berzeger

    Visits by the developers?

    Oh yeah, that was really cool! Then we met personally at Gamescom in Cologne.
  10. Hello there, unfortunately your graphics card is unsupported (it doesn't have DX 11 feature level), which is why you're getting these artifacts. Sorry to bring you bad news.
  11. Hi, in order to delete your saved configuration, first go to Steam\userdata\<your_steam_id>\298610\local\ and delete Ylands.ini. Next, open registry editor (WIN + R -> regedit), navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive and delete key Ylands. That will reset your game to the default configuration.
  12. Hi, in order to delete your saved configuration, first go to Steam\userdata\<your_steam_id>\298610\local\ and delete Ylands.ini. Next, open registry editor (WIN + R -> regedit), navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive and delete key Ylands. That will reset your game to the default configuration.
  13. I'm sorry we can't help you more, but this is really an error that we haven't seen before. Hopefully it helps, but it's rather a hip shot at this point.
  14. The system you are using is Windows 8, not Windows 8.1, right? The error you get looks like a DirectX error - if it is possible for you to upgrade to Windows 8.1, you'll get a newer DirectX version, which might help. But no promises.
  15. Berzeger

    RESOLVED My game is not launching properly

    That's a really weird error that I see in the log. Could you please try to install these graphics drivers? http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/388.59/388.59-notebook-win10-64bit-international-whql.exe
  16. Berzeger

    DEV ANSWER Major Graphic Glitches

    I'm sorry StonedGoomba, your PC is below our minimum specs.
  17. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Player stays on Server

    Hi, yes, characters remain on the server even if the player left. You need to find a good cover before you leave a multiplayer session.
  18. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Horse Stuck in Tree

    Oh, that solution didn't came to my mind! We're glad you solved it and we're very sorry about Relampago!
  19. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Horse Stuck in Tree

    Well, that's unfortunate. Could you send us your save file? Tomorrow, when we're at work, we'll see if we can figure something out for you.
  20. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Horse Stuck in Tree

    Hi, this definitely shouldn't be happening. Could you try /unstuck command? Better backup you save first, though!
  21. Berzeger

    RESOLVED My game is not launching properly

    Hi, sorry to hear that you're having this issue! Could you please send us your output_log and dxdiag following these instructions? That will help us narrow the issue down and hopefully get you gaming.
  22. Berzeger

    DEV ANSWER Ylands_Data Log files

    Ahoj, output logy potřebujeme v případě, že máš ve hře nějaký problém (nejde spustit, nejde načíst save atp.) - v tom souboru najdeme případné výpisy chyb. Pokud problém žádný není, není třeba logy posílat. Každopádně děkujeme za snahu a ochotu!
  23. Berzeger

    RESOLVED Didn't save

    Hi, sorry for the issue. We had a bug in the save system yesterday and it seems like you were affected by it. Please follow this link where ErikPutz wrote a way to bring your saves back. http://steamcommunity.com/app/298610/discussions/0/1499000547472085286/ The original issue is already fixed, which means that after you recover your saves using the method in the link, you shouldn't run into the issue anymore.
  24. Yes, that's perfectly normal - Ylands does not need VC Redist (thus does not install it) and DirectX is usually already installed in Windows, so we don't install that either. I hope these drivers will help, please let us know when you know something! If it still doesn't run, post us another dxdiag along with another rar file that you sent in your first post and we'll try to figure it out.
  25. Thank you. It seems to me from your dxdiag like your drivers are somehow bonked. Could you please download and install these: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/388.43/388.43-desktop-win8-win7-64bit-international-whql.exe In the installer select custom installation and check the box saying something along the lines of "perform a clean installation."