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Found 7 results

  1. Normally I always play Ylands on my PC, but last weekend I was away and only had my laptop with me. So decided to play some Ylands on my laptop. Logged in with my Steam account that I normally use on my PC and to my surprise I could actually load up my single player world and continue with where I left off. After a few hours decided to stop and let my character in a seating position sit next to my house, and logged off. So, now I'm back home and wanted to play Ylands again on my PC. Started it up and entered my world. When the world was loaded though it showed me the character creation menu, I figured I must have died when I was offline because i saw some post here where this has happened to a few people in multiplayer. well bugs and glitches can happen in early access so no worries I will just create a new character get to my house and pick my stuff back up. But her comes the sad part, I got back to the place where I last logged of and there was no stuff there at all not even a stone with my name on it. But now I gets interesting. 2 days ago I still had all my stuff in my inventory on my laptop. Now 2 days later when I started the game up it was all gone. So decided to do some testing what if I started Ylands up on my laptop what will happen then, will it all be gone there as well. Remember that at the beginning off this post I mentioned that I logged of in a seating position next to my house. well, when I opened the world on my laptop my entire inventory was empty which is what I expected but now my character was in the exact same position sitting where i left him 2 days ago. I have no clue what caused this bug, the only thing I know is that I've lost all my stuff and my Ylands has turned into some weird parallel universe. I'm scared.
  2. So i have my horse here... I tamed it. later on i died 6 times because a wolf wont let me alone. I tried to get on my horse but i dont get the ride option anymore. but it still reacts to my wisstle.
  3. Delight12

    Game Continue

    Brand new player here. I died to a creature and every time I click the continue button it instantly kills me again. Is there no way to continue without making a new game/player? Next irl day same problem. You would think the creature would have wandered away after I died instead of it camping my body. Please allow us to "continue" by re-spawning in another location.
  4. My character died from an unknown cause and now i'm stuck at the "create new character" or return back to main menu. Clicking on create new character doesn't do anything. I can only go back to main menu. output_log.txt error.log output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  5. RobinKing

    Huge bug, Save has crashed

    I belive im the king of buggs. First i fell down to the void true the water and ofc i died, i made a New character and started, and ny old guy stands on the beach Alive? So i killd him and took my stuff, and now i cant Open my chests or leave the boat if i mount it? I have restarted the game but still the same, i can do everyting in other savings.. strange
  6. Batosai

    Respawn help!!

    How do you respawn after you die so you can go back and retrieve your stuff? After I die the only option is new game or main menu. I go to main menu then hit continue but it just shows where i died and says new game or main menu again. Anyone else have this problem?