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Found 1534 results

  1. Major boat bug, UPLOADED IT TO YOUTUBE : this happens while jumping in a boat in front of a mast, the boat will sink and you will die! Please fix this, ME and my friend lost everything.
  2. Hello, I bought Ylands 2 days ago. Since then me and my friends played 2 multiplayer games, saved both games and they both got corrupted and where unplayable the next day. This meant at least 10 hours of playing were lost. What happend was one of us got stuck en relogged. From that point on interacting(Forges, Furnaces, Wheels etc) didnt work and when I was controlling a wheel of a ship I couldnt get out of it and had to relog again. If the server completly stopped then the next day only the person hosting could join the game the others where unable to join the game. How can i fix this savegame so we can continue and if the savegame is unfixible, how can we make sure this doesnt happen again? Little example Thanks in advance. DxDiag.txt output_log.txt MAGHIER.rar
  3. Joshua Brennan

    RESOLVED Inventory bug

    While I understand that this game is new, it's pretty game breaking when items in your inventory suddenly ghost out of their boxes to other places on the screen. I'm not entirely sure what the catalyst is for this but i believe it has something to do with closing your inventory while dragging an item outside the screen or around the screen with your cursor. Either way it makes 2 unusable squares and 2 lost items. Leaving and rejoining doesn't always fix it and re-opening your Inventory does sweet FA It really is a hassle and I would love to see it patched as soon as possible, Cheers Mr E
  4. I was playing multiplayer (3 people in total). One player climbed to a ship and suddenly he was flying up to the sky and crashed down below earth surface and fell through the world. He then got a message saying he died because of freezing. After this he cannot join the server at all and get's stuck on loading screen (loading game data). Also the animals he tamed before are not tamed anymore, it seems like he was deleted from the server all together. I restarted the game and now no one can join the server even after multiple tries. Before this episode there were some other issues with the ship such as teleporting to land when climbing the ship ladder etc. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt
  5. Here I'm gonna compile the most common issues reported so far in the last few days. Note that we are aware of these and we are working to fix them. Some might take more time than others to fix, depending on the difficulty and/if we are able to reproduce them. Once they're fixed, you'll be able to see it in the changelog. Be aware that this list doesn't contain generic issues like server issues, lack of optimization etc. [UPDATED ON 30/08/2018] * Items not stacking in containers * Ship losing control (ie: when hit by a seagull) * Crashes when using crafting panel (possibly related to older AMD (ATI) cards) * Items being invisible when placing them on ships * Rain/snow getting through buildings/caves * Crashes in rain storms * Ship ladder falls and when clicking on it, character falls through the earth PS: If you can think of any other issue, feel free to post it here!
  6. my game wont load up on steam it just sits their and does not run
  7. So a couple of my friends came into the server and I guess they died somehow when they weren't on. They died on the boat, so their gravestone is sitting on top of the boat and it made the large ship tilt sideways. Is there anyway to break the grave markers or delete them? I have no idea where I am so editor is out of the question.
  8. Firstly, I bought YLands with a friend and we're really enjoying the game so far.. what we've been able to play of it anyway. I'm not sure what of these issues are connected or caused by the same things so I'm going to just list the issues we've had preventing us from being able to play multiplayer thus far. I've done some searching through the forums here but haven't found an issue that was quite like this so I thought I'd post here as well. Primarily, when he connects to me (and the other way around, same problem) everything seems fairly ok until an issue like the horse camera bug strikes and we need to relog. When one of us disconnects from the other, the person's avatar that disconnected stays showing standing in world like the host doesn't properly recognize them as having left and then when they try to reconnect they never can. So, we can play fine.. until someone leaves. Then we're never able to reconnect on that world again. The horse camera bug (getting off a horse causing the camera to be locked in place and A and D causing the character to spin wildly) was the primary reason for needing to relog, but once we realized that was an issue we stopped getting on horses, obviously. Still though, games only being able to be played once is a pretty major deterrent from long term play. Hopefully we can get a response/fix/workaround soon because we're really excited to be able to work on a world long term. Anything else needed to help narrow down the problem with REconnections? Thanks output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  9. Newly build ship. Large bottom. Ship will move back wards right, but not left or any direction forward when steering it. If I am not on board and the wind blow the ship will move forward if no anchor has been dropped. (That was how I got it of a sandbank.) Spend more than 15 hrs on this ship please help. Output logs.zip
  10. Hi! When you drag one item into a container, onto an item of the same time, it does not stack. You have to have a clear slot in the container, because the second item has to be in the container before you merge it with the same type of item.
  11. Hello there, a friend of mine has started having an issue while trying to connect on my server while other players had and still have no problem at all. Everything was fine, we've been playing together until 1am last night(09/12/2017 GMT+1), then she wanted to log in to the game and she got stuck on "Recalling buildings" at 100%. We tried to wait for about 10 minutes and yet nothing. We were trying this continuosly all the day and it's absolutely the same. She tried to verify the files, reinstall the game, back to the backup of OS, install the game again then and still nothing. We're looking forward to your response. Thank you! output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. Hello everyone! One of us died while sailing around in the sea - somehow his spawn changed since that. We are currently not able to find him anymore, because we don't know on which yland he is. Did anybody else experience smth like that? Any possible solutions maybe? Thanks in advance Greetings!
  13. If you have changed the resolution scale put it back to 1.(dont know if it will work for every body but id did for me)
  14. I can't connect to most official servers. On some of them it gets stuck in the loading animation with the text on top that says breeding hogs and stuff and on some after loading the map on recalling buildings.. i can play fine on private servers. On one of them Official server 22 NA it says my account is already logged in since yesterday. Thank you
  15. Hi, first time use this forum so, i hope it´s the right place to made a report. i can´t log on onto the game, i have made the test issues, so, i need a answer to my problem..ty output_log_clean.txt
  16. Dear developers. I've been with you since ARMA 1, I'm glad that you made the game absolutely new for yourself. I wanted to write you a small feedback, so to speak from a man for a long time and well acquainted with the games of such a plan. Let's go a little bit on bugs, maybe they are known, but repetition is not bad. 1) Known cant with an anvil. All the ingredients are there, but you can not do it. If you restart the game, everything appears. 2) Logs with inventory. You shift from the inventory to the quick access panel and nothing happens. Or you collect things from your corpse. They are kind of like inside, but after a while the frieze is happening and things are suddenly moving. 3) If you stand behind a tree during the attack of wolves and other predators, they begin to run in the opposite direction, and then again at the player. 4) Bugs with a passage in the door. Sometimes you can not go through the doorway. If you jump, you can get through. 5) Lack of animation climbing the stairs. 6) Too loud a sound of ignition of something, a candle, a fire - it really frightens. I'm sure there are still many flaws, but this is something that I personally faced, and I just started to play. Now wishes. You need more hardcore. The player does not have any dangers. From all predators you can escape, with the appearance of a horse, you can generally not be afraid of anyone and ride at night. By the way, why can not you use your weapon while sitting on a horse? Inconvenient crafting system, it is not entirely clear what to do and what ingredients are needed to get a specific thing. It is necessary to climb into the wiki. Make a pause in the game. While you are sitting in the wiki, you can get hungry and die. We need additional danger at night, some kind of attack, cold or something else, which requires the player to have a safe haven. Now the shelter is absolutely not necessary.
  17. Guillaume Chapuis

    RESOLVED Got textures in black

    When I launch my game I should see a cactus and a land on main menu I think but I only see the textures in black. I can only see the shape and not colours, only the sky isnt dark. Weird please help me
  18. I'm experiencing an extremely weird bug. If I mine any materials on the outer areas of my starter yland everything is fine. However if I move into the center of the yland and start mining the land stays untouched even though you can hear it mining. If you leave the area the notifications box appears saying what you have collected and if you walk back to the area your material is lying on the floor for you to collect. If I pick the items up it doesn't appear in notifications until you leave the area again?
  19. Hi, Unfortunately, I do not know exactly how to reproduce this. I set sail for 1h with the raft (getting up to eat or swim/dive sometimes ). I found that the rowing animation was very rarely triggered (and it should row to both sides anyway). Additionally, sometimes the body of the player will disappear, being shown only the head. Other times, when jumping to swim / dive, and coming onto the raft, the player got stuck on the swimming animation. Even after taking control/releasing control, it would show as it was swimming. Had to perform other things to get unstuck from it.
  20. Hi, I tried to fish in the raft. I found out the fish would always fall to the bottom of the sea. ¿Could you please take a look into this? Thanks!
  21. Hello, I have got a strange Problem: The more I explore, the more the GPU usage rises. On the first day (6th) I had a GPU usage of 10%. I was only on the starting Island. Then I started traveling to the second Island and the usage was 20-30%. Today I found the third and fourth Island and the usage is around 50-60%. The GPU temperature is rising too. On the first day it was around 50-60C. Today I have 73C. Fans working. I tryed all grafic Settings of Yland (LOW to High, All activated or not. Nothing changes) I am a bit scared. I can Play f.e. Witcher 3 on High without reaching the usage and the Temperature of Yland today. Do you have any idea what to do? Maybe some starting Options? My PC: I5-6600K 8GB RAM gtx 1060 6GB Win10 All Drivers are updated
  22. Came across a locked stone chest. When attempting to open said chest, password prompt comes up. Save button works, Cancel button does nothing - more precisely it selects/re-selects the input text but does not cancel the dialog as expected. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  23. There is multiple glass panels available at the kiln menu. Although they're being different in size, they're still named the exact same way, making it hard to recognize between each other outside of the crafting requirements menu
  24. Hi Guys, I did a little digging under my large ship to try and get it to move (figured the area wasn't deep enough), although it was apparently just bugged as I ended up having to create a new large ship to get off the starter Yland. Anyway, I swam under the hull of the ship with the shovel to try and clear some of the sand. When I came up for air, to my surprise I was stuck inside the hull with only my head sticking out (shown below). Luckily after restarting the game a few time, creating a new game, and then coming back to the old game about an hour later my character finally loaded in standing on the deck. I didn't want to try and recreate it, as it was a pain trying to get out of the hull last time, however quite a few times that I had come up for air from under the hull, and even while just shoveling sand underneath the game spawned me on top of the boat before the time that I got stuck. It could be some of the polygons aren't facing the right way underneath maybe?
  25. You can plant multiple seeds into the exact the same location. Surprisingly noone did reported that already. Or maybe it's just too obvious to developers not being known about this bug already. Still, posting it here, just in case.