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Found 1534 results

  1. The new bloc has a slight shift, Is it a feature ?
  2. Installed Ylands trial into Program Files (x86). Run the launcher from the shortcut and the .exe from inside the (x86) folder. Ran as administrator. Verified that the "Target" and "Start in" fields were correct. When the launcher is ran, it seems like it tries to load but nothing happens. Any help is appreciated!
  3. As the title says. Output Logs (Running game) https://www.dropbox.com/s/8aagp5fs9rjgzay/output_log_clean.rar?dl=1 Save File of said game https://www.dropbox.com/s/ywqlyts31s68gvw/DREAMY DEMONZONE.rar?dl=1
  4. Crash_2020-02-03_025221035_Crash_2020-02-03_221734446_61fed9bf-c877-49cf-b272-71d6908d75f4.zip8f7e01 ea -636fCrash_2020-02-07_124003568_b3814fda-5c36-46ba-852b-ef782df0e5a9.zip-4b15-871b-f74ac59f a8ba.z ip Crashes when it begins to rain. Game is still running, but screen is frozen. Crash_2020-02-06_221445053_c4fd0359-83df-41dc-9d0c-5102a2eadd55.zip Crash_2020-02-06_221445053_c4fd0359-83df-41dc-9d0c-5102a2eadd55.zip Crash_2020-02-07_190913026_8b9f8fe2-048b-4e91-9252-349b9c09a81e.zip Crash_2020-02-08_155716366_cd1b7be7-4a6d-4085-9f6b-c4387312fa79.zip
  5. Fell through world while on a level 2 yland and ended up on starter yland with no ship or cotton to make new ship. Is there any way to get my ship back or do I have to start a new game?
  6. The blueprint won't let me name it, and won't capture. This is getting super old. log_userscripts.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  7. So, it took me a few worlds to finally find the Far East biome naturally. As some may know, getting off the starter yland can take an hour at best (without paddling around on a dinky little raft, that is). So by the time I've seen the biome of every other yland, I've sunk in several hours. To not have a single Far East yland in three separate worlds is... 'frustrating', you could say. I have found a Far East yland, finally, but one of the devs on Steam requested the savegame file of a world without one. Not quite sure where to post that... (Side notes, not sure if related or not: some of the new recipes aren't showing up for me, and the 'keep inv on death' option doesn't seem to work.)
  8. I tried loading up my only exploration game after the new update and it will simply not load at all with the progress bar not moving a single pixel. Are old saves made obsolete with this update?
  9. Today 2/2/2020 the game will not load. It stops at the log-in screen frozen at 'Log-in in Progress'. I see no message about the server being down. Is anyone else having this issue? Yesterday evening all was well. Larrytn
  10. This is a repost in a new topic as suggested by Adam . Today was like another charlie chaplin movie .. screen freezes and re starts I got my ship built and tried sailing... whenever it was near land it was uncontrollable .. the screen kept freezing and when release i was either heading to shore or out to sea... then ship went into a series of slide show images showing either no ship, just the wake , bits of the ship ..or a part assembled ship ..or just me with my bottom skimming the waves. Then Ylands did a perfect impression of a dead goldfish .... belly up! Was locked on the log out screen for 5 minutes as the wheel of misfortune slowly turned. I managed to log back in to find myself on the ship full sail towards the end of the world ... did a 180 turn and eventually mad it back to my island... but as soon as i could see the shore, screen once again went into freezing fits. Managed to coax it towards dock on half sail then hit reverse .. screen froze .. got the sailing back noise and when scree became active i was halfway up the beach .. but going backwards... fortunately into deep water. Given up for a while ... just toooooooooooo frustrating. Logs and one screenshot attached output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. canadeonbacon

    RESOLVED Campfire Crash

    It seems to be that every time i place a simple campfire, my whole computer crashes. It usually happens within 2 minutes of placing the campfire down and lighting it up.
  12. I contacted Adam via steam about my game crashes whenever I play exploration or sandbox with my friend! I was asked to explain the issue and send my output log and output_log_clean. I'd be playing normally and then all of a sudden the game freezes whenever I'm sailing or just traveling, that's where it usually freezes at, but it does sometimes freeze while doing nothing. We would love to play the game without any crashes! and both of our specifications are above the minimum requirements. The host is usually the one who faces the most crashes so I'd assume it's something to do with hosting. Also, I bought a 4800 coyn server hoping to fix the issue but my friend isn't able to join my exploration world, I'd like to have a refund because it's not the service I was hoping for! I'd appreciate any kind of help! Thank in advance, Louai DxDiag.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  13. I've found that, any time I want to explore an island without having to deal with predators or enemies, I simply get a horse. They won't react to your presense at all, until you dismount. ...and can we PLEASE fix the horse AI so they're not crowding around the player as if it's a celebrity autograph session? That's so irritating I've started killing them.
  14. Horses are sometimes invisible for other players and names of players are flashing when riding.
  15. Hi guys, just tried to log on for my Ylands Bindge and I cannot get past the title/loading screen. I recieve a 'Backend request error (401) and the game closes down. Is this just me or is this a larger problem? Rob
  16. I found a bit of weirdness. If you place a candle and make it unpickable, when it's lit it is pickable. If you place a lit candle and make it unpickable, it is pickable as soon as the flame goes out. I assume this is because "candle" and "lighted candle" are two different items in the editor. Either way, you can't have unpickable candles.
  17. Notch Summer

    RESOLVED Random spent Coyns

    I was playing the game after long time, I was searching what's new in the store. The game got struck and I was clicking randomly everywhere. Then the game crashed, I launched again and it asked - do I have to upload the save on my local or use server backup which was years before. So I chose local and went in. I found the brick garden and wooden garden bought into my account. The thing is somehow they were bought into my account and I never wanted to spend 100 coyns on each. I was just browsing while the game froze and crashed. Now I am missing 200 coyns, which I never wanted to spend on blueprints and was saving it for Emotes. I have already made a discussion on steam. As it had no response for 2 weeks, I came here for help. Is there anyway to reverse these products?
  18. Hello, I just started playing your game again after a year and was trying to make some of my builds I did in the editor and add them in compositions but I could not. I had to make a folder for it cause I had a friend make one of my builds into a composition and after I added the folder and put it in it worked. But I still can not create a composition. can you help me please. Oh also love how the game has come along since I last play it over a year ago, great job guys. ROOMIE BUILDS.zip
  19. Почему не активна кнопка next step после загрузки файла YCA в workshop ?
  20. Bonjours, Je vous joint les logs. Impossible de se connecter. J'ai déjà redémarré mon steam ainsi que mon pc mais rien n'y fait. Est-il possible que cela se produise lors de mises à jours? Merci par avance de vos réponses, je vous fais la traduction par google traduction. Hello, I am attaching the logs. Impossible to connect. I have already restarted my steam as well as my pc but nothing helps. Is it possible that this happens during updates? Thank you in advance for your answers, I will translate it for you by google translation. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Le jeu vient de se débloquer, c'est donc ce que je pensais, lors des mises à jour nous avons se message qui apparait. Par rapport à hier il y a plus de parties proposées, je pense donc que ça doit venir de là. Merci
  21. For some reason the lighting within the game of my local file is completely different from the lighting within the uploaded version of the game on the workshop. It's particularly noticeable with light source entities such as lanterns and crystals. @Adam Snellgrove Local File: Workshop File:
  22. I set up the following script using an animated arrow to follow the player. When the player stops moving, the arrow rotation resets back to a default position. Once the player starts moving again, the arrow starts to correctly follow the player. Edit: I believe the issue is caused by objects with no collision
  23. Hey, I was chatting to some fellow and the spacing in the chat got a bit weird suddenly, the formatting may just be due to the cyrillic characters but im noticing this for the first time. here are the logs: output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt Thanks
  24. Searching for "Minus" does not show the Minus Logic
  25. Hi guys, I don't know if this is a local issue that I'm experiencing. I've tried to access the Ylands Workshop site on both my Laptop and my Mobile and on both occasions I'm met with the same infinite loading screen. Is there something wrong with the Workshop or is my potato laptop and phone playing up?