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Found 1534 results

  1. I was playing the new update and I realized that I can't destroy items from my inventory anymore. I don't want to keep the items, but I also don't want to drop "my garbage" onto the floor. Or am I missing something?
  2. The title says it all .. I have been ruthlessly slain by an invisible predator.! I was initially slain ... (trying to work out the combat system..) and came back, gathered my loot and then slew the offending leopard. The an new leopard "spawned" alongside me and before i could react, was made into a leopard meal. I cam back and could see my loot, and the leopard, but then something attacked me ..it was invisible.. I made it back to my house at my base and it was still attacking me. I then perished on the doorstep .."Ruthlessly slain by a leopard.." but all the time it was invisible.. i tried to respawn but screen froze ..i had to end task . logs attached.. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  3. incredibleHAL

    RESOLVED A Couple Ideas

    Why not allow the blueprint camera to work on any structure or boat? Whether it's inside the protective barrier or not? IDK how hard it would be to implement but I can't think of a reason not to. Also, you might consider making the protective barrier something that you can move. You would still get only one, but you could move it to new builds. This would actually add an interesting aspect to PvP because moving your barrier would leave the existing building vulnerable. For example, you use your barrier to build a main base at the heart of your yland. Next, you want to build a tower by your dock for defense. You could move your protective barrier to the new build location, leaving your main base vulnerable. Reward but not without risk. I believe this would add a whole new layer of complexity to PvP while making building easier and more adaptive. An auto-sort button for inventory please. That's all, keep up the good work
  4. Hello, I bought a server inside the game (4 slots) but impossible to enter inside ! (loading screen) but the server is online.
  5. Many entities named the same. Add a number?
  6. Hi, The small bamboo stair block (1x1x1) has an unbalanced craft, you need 1 bamboo stick to get 2 stair blocks: And when you dismantle it you get 1 bamboo stick per bamboo stair block: As you can see you can produce infinite bamboo exploding this bug. Also, I suggest adding an in game option to report bugs. Thank you for develop this game and make an effort to continue with it. I hope dungeons will come soon. Me
  7. Hi i have problem in dedicated server with dyeing. When i want dye any item in dye table, coloros are consumed, but item color stay the same. Dyeing work in single game or share game
  8. Hi again, Recently, I died while I was sleeping in a sleeping pad, and when I tried to lie on again it says "FAILED" and I can't lie on or sleep. Can I do something to fix it? Or I have to wait for the next update? This had happened me before, I lied on a bed (I didn't sleep) and a friend killed me while lied on. I hope this will be fixed. Edit: I can't lie on any type of bed
  9. I have a player onthe P1 server who constantly loses control of his power barrier. He thinks it is because he forgets to log out and when he eventually dies it causes this to happen. Yes, he should log out. But the bigger picture is, he shouldn't lose control of his barrier jst because he died.
  10. Hello Has the size of the alchemy table been voluntarily reduced? Or is it missing a piece of the bottom? Spyler also found a fault on this block (striped block, 3x3) Thanks for the resolution! ?
  11. Not sure if this is a bug but I figured I should mention it. Scenario 1: Step 1) Equip NPC with an item such as a teacup. Step 2) Using the editor, force the NPC to do an emote such as waving their hands in the air Results: The player has unequiped the teacup in their hand after finishing the emote. Scenario 2: Step 1: Force the NPC to do an emote such as waving their hands in the air. Step 2: Equip the NPC with an item such as a teacup. Results: The NPC does not "equip" the teacup in their hands. Conclusion: Forcing an NPC to do an emote makes them unable to equip items in their hands.
  12. We are just building a map full of explorable locations and discovered that you can not erase the ship parts for the front and back of a big ship if you drop them on the ground. We tryed in editor and in the normal explore mode by annihilator and hammer, nothing worked to get rid of them. I also tryed different ways in the editor of erasing by right clicking the object and go on delete and by pressing the remove key on the keyboard, they got invisible if we went out of render distance but were back when we logged back in. Ship Hullaft, Ship Hull Fore can not be deleted if you drop them on the ground!
  13. I am building a puzzle which will require a specific item to unlock it. The item I chose is a Stepstone, since for now they can't be crafted and I want it to be 100% unique. (I have a reason for not connecting the logic to the specific Item ID.) I gave it a custom name, keeping with the theme of the puzzle. While testing, I pressed X and dropped it (part of the logic looks for it in the player's inventory). When I picked it back up, the custom name was gone and it was called "Stepstone" again. This happens if I drop it by pressing X or by dragging it out of my inventory. It does not happen if I use V to place it. I've tested this several times with multiple different items, not just stepstones, and the result is the same each time.
  14. Help! My movement arrows keep growing!
  15. Decided to post this as i have just been tossed out of my game for the 3rd time in 20 minutes ...nothing unusual with 0.7 , really, but i have time to report this: Un-choppable trees ..if you chop down a tree and then destroy the stump before chopping up the fallen tree, there is a 75% chance the fallen trunk becomes phantom and you cannot chop it up. A rejoin will fix it. Risky movement on a boat ..... if you are moving about on a boat deck while its moored, and building superstructure on it, if you dont take care and take tiny movements, you get tossed around the deck and even into the water, which is not pleasant if there are sharks interested in your building activities. climbing aboard your boat via the ladder.. sometimes (most times! ) you reach the top and stand on the deck ..treading water! ... a tap on the space key fixes it.
  16. Here is another story from my early playthrough after Cheerful Characters update in official MP server. First of all, I don't know how it happen, 1 thing that I'm sure, my internet connection is not stable, it often have lots of RTO after 30-40 minutes. (My ISP have problem, I think) So I've been building my base at the middle of seas. Just like usual, placing blocks by blocks, fishing, eating(bug for eat non-edible stuff still there, if you scroll at the middle of eating animation), creating stuff. While doing those, I got "Connection Time Out" which ofcourse kick me from the server. Then after my internet running fine again, I'm continue playing in that server. At that moment, I realized, my heart(Health point) is yellow just like when you equip "the mighty cube" but without cube logo beside it. Then I decide to go to the cave in nearby island to test it out. I'm indeed become immortal! @&!(@&$^!! I said.. God give me such a mighty power! or it's a curse.. I don't need to eat, I can breath underwater without the mask, my health never goes down(didn't try to falling damage yet). For me it's kinda fun to become immortal, but I'm afraid if someone who can't handle the responsibility get this mighty power, that's why I'm reporting this. I swear to all Ylands Gods that exist , I won't become griefer by using this power. If you want to do something, please don't reset my character in the server, because I don't like not being able to access my own stuff. I lock all of my chest, doors, boats, ship, and placed the PB. I'm afraid if you reset my character, I don't have all my old keys, and I will lost my access to my PB.. Hope you can do something for it. Thanks. For some reason, my Ylands game doesn't update/generate the output_logs. I deleted my old output_logs long time ago. So I don't have the logs now.. Here is the gif for proof, sorry my machine doesn't strong enough to record video while playing game:
  17. Hi Sometimes while using the color picker clicking on the "ok" button will auto lock into a specific color, and when trying to adjust any colors after will reset to the previous color after. All color inputs within the same game session before restart will lock to that color. Its happened 3-4 times but somewhat rare.
  18. hey When you go far back into the history it stops your mouse from working, you cant look around or click ANYTHING i had to restart ylands. i think this happens when you go into history from an old save because i saved my game as a new scenario just before i ecountered this bug
  19. I have been playing around with editor again for couple days. Looking at my structures and I want to repaint it but to repaint it, I need to apply the color on each block which is "too much to do". I'm speaking about hundreds to thousand of objects (blocks, etc). Would be really nice if we can repaint grouped objects to single color with 1 click. So we can repaint those objects with ease and fast. That's it, if you guys have something in mind related to repaint or painting in general, feel free to post below. Thanks and keep the awesome works Devs!
  20. When I try to use the blue print it says that someone else is using it so I cannot build anything. Please fix the bug
  21. This has been a problem since the 0.10 update, I think. Signs do not show text at night. You might get a brief flash of the text, then nothing. They work well during the day, but not in the dark. This is a problem for dedicated servers because we often need to convey information, such as discord addresses and server rules. A better option would be if we can eventually have messages in game, but until that is possible, signs are really the only way to communicate with new players. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  22. Reinhard Schmidlin

    RESOLVED Boat under water

    My boat was fine when suddenly went under water. Is there a way to solve this or is just other bug o f the game
  23. Hey Sometimes when dragging out the get method of a local variable it goes away permantly, i think this might happen when control dragging by mistake but not every time. and then after closing and reopening the logic this happens to the block also the local both local variable options on the left have disappeared, sometimes they are still there but the block doesn't have the get method in it
  24. While trying to create a hat that was scripted to automatically equip itself when picked up, I found a strange glitch. It does equip, but still remains in the player's hands if it goes into any slot of the hotbar. It makes it look as if there are 2 of the item. When it is active in the player's hands, they can press X to drop it. This removes the one from the player's head, but not the one from their hands. BUT there is nothing left in the inventory, and pressing X will not drop another hat. It also does not trigger the "Item Removed From Inventory" event in the hat (or in an Event Listener). If I manually unequip it and move it into Inventory, then drop it, the script triggers correctly. It's a strange error. Maybe the video can explain better: It happens with anything equipped on the body. Event Listener also does not detect item dropped directly from being equipped on the body. Attaching all logs, and the test scenario shown in the video (with a couple more test items added to it). output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt output_log_game.txt MY_GAME_NAME(8).zip