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Found 1534 results

  1. I spent some time over the past week checking out some Official Servers, I found some issues on PA 7 and PA 4 that I show in this video. The issue is Trader Sites having nothing there, no trader, no sign, no build. Also noticed a few places where Random Sites should be, based on floating debris and flattened areas, but nothing is there. Thank you, I hope since these are your own servers, that someone can hop on and run over to these places that I even show on the maps for the Worlds involved. Thank you.
  2. Since the last update, the rotation "helper" arrows are reversed between z and y(? Whichever is not the default). Also, when planting cotton seeds (have not tried others yet) directly from the seed container, they seem to be "stuck" in the hotbar: i.e. the count does not decrease, nor does it disappear when you do run out of seed. It will happily throw up an error when you do run out of seed to plant though. Sometimes building on the outer rear corners of a ship is impossible. Yes, the anchor is down. This is spotty and random and I am unsure how to recreate. Crafting repair kits (or anything else that consumes a tool whether it should or not) always takes the best tool in your inventory, though what use a War Hammer would be in a repair kit is beyond me. Once again, clay on temperate ylands is about as rare as unicorn farts. So rare in fact, there's just no point in not restarting a new game until I begin in the tropics. It's already strange enough that 16 lengths of beam or log will get me 20 units of small block, but trying to build anything out of plank blocks is the absolute height of opulence.
  3. when digging a tunnel (does not matter what type of terrain) the character is able to continuously perform the digging action after the stone pickaxe is broken, if the player holds the left mouse button down, before, during, and after the pickaxe is broken. I have not tested with the metal pickaxe yet. Hope this helps, Keep up the good work everyone! Jon output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  4. So the other day I noticed that when painting the roof blocks if i painted the top halve the paint would go right through and paint what ever was behind it. Also its the same with the annihilator. I was also able to do this (see Picture) in creative no free place it just snaped in there. That's a roof block and a wooden block.
  5. Found that with the seed container in inventory, can make a supply of infinite seeds by splitting the stack and equipping one to hotbar. I found that if you equip one stack, the game will use the equipped stack up but still register as having more of those seeds because of the other stack.
  6. (Not yet tested in Explore.) Found what seems like 2 kinds of bugs with the new blocks, but they might be slightly different versions of the same problem. The 1x2x2 Marble Block circled in blue will place but will not allow me to select it again by clicking. I have to click/drag a large area around it to get it to select. The 3 blocks marked with red do what's pictured in the screenshot. The lower left reference point is where I placed the blocks. The collision box is there, I can select them by clicking the "empty" space, and it will show the object name if I put my mouse over it. The visible model, however, is at the upper right reference point. The two points are 57.375 apart on the X, and 31.125 apart on the Y. I am still checking, so there could be similar bugs with other kinds of blocks. Just wanted to get this added to the list. I'll add to the thread if I find more.
  7. i tryed deleting the registry it dont help heres my files DxDiag.txt error.log output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  8. I am working on a PVP arena map (inspired by the Sky Arena, of course). Part of the logic in the scenario is to spawn different weapons or armor at random, at certain reference points. To enable the randomization, I have a couple of arrays with references to a selection of Entity Templates. They're divided into "tier 1" "tier 2" of "tier 3" based on how strong or what type they are. For the guns (tier 3) I have to use templates because I want them to be loaded when they spawn, and don't plan to spawn any more ammunition. I had the Spawn Entity command tiles in the main "SpawnWeapons" sequence, but separated them when I started seeing the error, hoping to make it work. The error happens whether I use a random one from the array, or put in a reference to a specific Entity Template. Strange thing is, the command does work with some of the templates. The one for the Iron Sword spawns like it is supposed to, if I put it in as a direct reference. SKY_OCTAGON_ARENA.zip
  9. ESP_Miguel

    RESOLVED Upload WorkShop

    Hi. Lately I get an error and will not let me upload the file .ycp or .jpg in the Workshop. I do not know if someone else has happened or is only me. I attach the screenshot.
  10. Cpu Fx8350 Ram 16Gb ssd 240Gb Video Rx560 2Gb I can not play the only thing I see is the black screen, the game worked only once when I bought it afterwards, always black screen. DxDiag.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  11. While building in the editor, I was unable to select the Marble Block that is 2x2x1 (attached a photo) after placing it down by clicking on it. The only way that I can remove it is by undoing its placement or to drag for a selection. Meanwhile, I'm able to use all the other Marble Blocks (and every other block I've tried) just fine. I've tried using the block in other files, as well as reloading the game, but it's still unclickable.
  12. When a friend and I are playing on a sharegame together, regardless of who is hosting, and regardless of who enters the water, we will get a large performance tank because of this. any time anyone touches water, the host gets horrible performance. in my instance being host, I went from 100-120 fps, down to 6 fps any time my friend touched the water. this also happens when someone takes control of a ship, however, if they sit in the water for about 10 seconds, performance goes back to normal where it should be. It doesnt matter how much water they are touching, ankle deep, or swimming, this happens, but its only for about 10 seconds. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  13. Hello Ylanders and Bohemians, It s me again, and this time i am very far from happy at all, i have this humongous beast pc with i7 4gigs and a gtx 1080 nvidia, i can play ANY other game (such as assassin s creed origins) in full ULTRA ULTRA with absolutely NO LAG. But when it comes to Ylands, on official server EU4, on starting island, i see my FPS dropping to ONE FRAME PER SECOND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THIS REALLY SERIOUS ? I damn do WANT to play this game, but it s like it s optimised with finger toes, i am very sorry, i swear i am a patient guy, normally, but here, you guys have invented the MOST FRUSTRATING GAME EVER, i wonder what kind of black magic you used to make me angry like that! I really had very high hopes for .10, but between the TOO FAR AWAY bug and now the DRAMATIC fps drop, i wonder if you guys are really there or gone to holidays thinking you had done a miracle, i can tell you, come back quick and fix this bug machine, it s a nightmare. Sorry for the strong language but desperate times need desperate words to express the deep disappointment i am in right now. Take care all, and please kick the shit out of this game so we can at last have the fun we want to have, cause right now, it s damn TOO FAR AWAY
  14. Hey YLanders, I'm having an issue with the new skin pack I bought, it was the basic pack. and i bought and I tried putting on my iron armor, but its still the old same one is there something im doing wrong? do I need to equip something?
  15. Game just updated for me. While browsing and learning the new interface, I noticed that a couple of the preview icons show multiple compositions overlayed on each other. It is this way both in grid and list mode. I tried placing a few in a scenario, and the compositions seem to be fine. Only the previews are wrong. In the screenshot, the 3 with red roofs are small variations on the same building, so they should all look the same. They are showing other compositions behind them (one of them I just deleted, but it was there when I first opened the editor).
  16. Hey, I'm currently playing in MP Official server and encounter FAILED pop up when crafting Lab Burner. I have all required materials in my inventory, and I didn't see anything strange, and I did restart the game couple times. I'm stuck, can't progress further, I can't create endgame items. As you know chemistry station is required to make rubber slabs >> rubber belt required to make locksmith table.. I haven't ask other Ylanders yet, if you able to make sure about this bug, please let us know and post below. Thanks. Here is my log files: output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  17. If you build a ladder and hit the ground under it, the ladder will fall through the ground with a little bit of the top sticking out. With the ladder glitched in the ground, when you click to climb down the ladder you will fall through the surface until you die by freezing.
  18. Hello, error message when i'm launching a new game on Adventure.
  19. Hello, problem on official serv 12 when I want to use ladder (see picture here).
  20. I downloaded the update .10 restarted my PC and was able to access the new update.started the tutorial and the game froze when i was sleeping in the tutorial. I quit out of game and when i restarted I was back to .09. I restarted my PC still opened in .09 I then unistalled and resintalled the game still in .09. I dont Know how to get back to . 10, *Problem solved was a PC issue*
  21. Hello, I have the same problem for all new sharegame I created. I play but problem of synchronisation (you can see my picture here). My friend come with me ingame but when i'm off, she's off too (but in parameter, she is administrator). Can you help us for synchronisation ? Anothers players could have the same bug ? @Ane
  22. Hello, I have a problem each time I launch my Sharegame. This message appears. I Don't understand why? What the solution? Thanks
  23. Hi there, found a bug, you might want to fix: I have big betty cannon stuck in firing mode (fuse ignited, yet not firing for a day or longer). I can dismantle it over & over again with the hammer, giving me plenty of its base materials (lots of steel tubes, lots of nail's and so on...) In the process of dismantling, I always get stuck, but can unglitch myself by switching away from the hammer to another tool and bashing it around. It's on a public server - pm me, if you need more information.
  24. When you start the game, it shows a save that is about 6-8 months old. After the game is played and ended, the Save menu appears, which is the last one. However, when the game restarts, the problem is repeated, and the old save is on the menu again. DxDiag.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt PROBLEM SOLVED. When syncing, the old save is saved to the SaveGames folder and saved with the number 1. The game is changing both saves.
  25. I am playing using a Windows Xbox 360 wireless controller. No matter what I do, the input from the right joystick makes my character look around VERY slowly. It takes 10-20 seconds for me to pan from left to right. I've tried turning off all Steam controller configurations and making all adjustments to sensitivity from the Ylands game menu, I've tried using Steam community configurations for the game, I've tried creating my own Steam configurations, and I've even tried using Pinnacle Game Profiler. Nothing seems to affect the rate at which I can move my field of vision (and almost nothing reliably overrides the way the controller is configured to work by the game itself, either. Alternate key bindings are mostly ineffectual). Game pad support for this game is bad enough, but I would persevere if I could at least look around at a normal speed. I'm sorry, but I'm a game pad person; nothing you can say will convince me to play with a mouse and keyboard, so I'm highly motivated to solve this problem! I haven't attached any of the suggested files, because I'm not sure they would be of use in solving my problem. I will attach them later if necessary.