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Found 1534 results

  1. Hello, I still 've not received an email about activating the game on Steam. Game that I buy on the BI website since January 2017.... What should I do please?
  2. Rafael Bernardi

    RESOLVED My ship wont turn

    I think it happened because i tried to place a computer screen on the deck of my ship while in movement, the computer disappeared no where to be found and my ship wont turn it just goes backwards and forward. Tried looking inside my ship to see if the computer was glitch inside the hull and tried moving my ship on the editor. Nothing works.
  3. When the ship was first built, the ladders worked fine, after some time, The Port Ladder when Used Teleports you to StarBoard Ladder like you were Climbing that Ladder and same the Other way. Odd, right? No major issues. But latter on another Yland when I boated over with the same Large Ship. My ladders disappeared completely and I was traped on the Yland. I had to build a Dock on every Yland I went to so I could get back aboard my ship. Okay, Okay, no issue. Til one day the usual common Re-position glitch on a moving ship TP's me off my Large Ship in the middle of the Ocean. It's Sails Down so it's Still Sailing I'm able to swim after it, but unable to get aboard. So my ship just sailed off with a Ton of Resources to never be seen again, haha. I'd love for the ladder bug to not happen to other players. For notes that may help. [Was Multiplayer] [Save was Transferred from My Saved Games Folder to My Friends For Him To Host The World. The Ship Was Built Before The Transfer.] [Onboard the Ship was 10 Pirate Chests. And Multiple Cave Crystals. Zzz Pink Tea Flag. 3 Wind Flags. 2 Mats 1 Large Mast. One Gunpowder Keg. Non really obstructing the Ladder.] -As Shown in the Image Below. I didn't intend to take screenshots of the missing ladders so the only image I took with the missing ladders is this one, sorry for the distance. [P.S That's my friend Boating over to Pick me Up.]
  4. Microsoft Paint-fc34be78c4c1759e

    RESOLVED Alchemyy Table not working

    So I made the Alchemy table twice and still not able to produce any potions, I have 19 magic dust and 29 Enchenda (probably spelled that wrong) flowers. Both are ingredients for a potion and I hit create and nothing happens for both of my tables. Doing something wrong?
  5. When playing on my game, the recent Steam version, either in Solo or Multiplayer, I can't seem to be able to make the Alchemy Table. I presume the recipe exists for this version, because nowhere I can see says it's been removed, and in YouTube videos they seem to be able to make them. Am I doing something wrong?
  6. hello, just letting you know of a bug that prevents the ship from turning, luckily i could reverse for awhile to an island and have started building another but this is how it happened i found a computer floating in the middle of nowhere out in the ocean so i jumped off the ship to get it as i wasn't able to pick it up from the deck due to the distance from the deck and it is an item that can't be taken into inventory and can only be placed, i struggled for ages trying to place it onto deck, unsure if it is possible as the height from the water so i tried free placing and let go with what looked like it would place on the deck and it disappeared and from that point on i couldn't steer the ship, it would only go forward and back, what i think happened is it free placed into the hull which caused the steering problems, i couldn't see it in there and as much as i tried i couldn't get a pop up saying to pick it up when swimming around the side of the ship, also i really wanted to see what was on that computer or what it did, if i break the hull and it's in there will i be able to retrieve it?
  7. The Medieval Window recipe uses an entire hammer as an ingredient instead of using durability. I presume this is an oversight, but correct me if I'm wrong. (Pretty sure there are other recipes that do this but I haven't been paying too much attention)
  8. Hi Guys! i started the game, everything went fine till i destroyed my first loom and wheel to move elsewhere on the island. Cant interact with either of the new ones, also not with the new build smelting furnace. And when i harvest f.e. iron, no ore appears until a few minutes later they all laying where they should appear in the first place. Cant interact with fire or horse either.... maybe huge lag? I don't know...right clicked on furnace and waited a few minutes...nothing. Still a great game, looking forward to no bugs! Regards
  9. AlchemistDagger

    RESOLVED ship won't turn

    hi, I just came across a new problem with the ship. I built a large hull with a cabin on top and 4 large sails. I have been using it to visit 5 or 6 islands. All of a sudden it will only go forward and backwards. It will not turn left or right. It shows the steering wheel turning but the ship does not change direction. As a side note, I had a cooking stove in the cabin. it disappeared when the boat stopped turning, don't know if there is a connection. The map is also missing the most recent path I took to the last island before the bug happened. The bug also happened after a save and restart of the game. thx, Alchemist
  10. Maxime Gaillard

    RESOLVED Loosing warhammer

    Bonjour Ane, Could the warhammer not be considered by the game as "any hammer" and used out when crafting a repair kit or so. I lost mine two times before I guessed what happened.
  11. Died ... nothing new here Re-spawned on my spawn point not the island I died. Halfway in sailing back discovered hidden terrain was not being revealed .... just ignore it. Got old gear and forgot to collect old map... and that's where the mess began. While in the cave found another map and got bright idea to destroy map I spawned with and use the map on the floor .... it should be better right ..... not a bright idea. Sailing back home and check map ... no new terrain revealing and suddenly revealed areas vanishes. Exit game and have a look at map again, can now reveal hidden terrain again .... all previously discovered terrain gone... have to rediscover everything... even my base output.zip
  12. Hi there, This isn't necessarily a bug but maybe something that was just overlooked when the Herb Bags were introduced. When you go to craft at the Alchemy Station, and you have your plant material stored in a Herb Bag, it will show you have the plant material available to use but when you press the Craft button it won't craft the potion. Once you remove the plant material from the Herb Bag and have it in your normal inventory space it works just fine as it should. On a side note, items won't stack automatically within the new containers when you drag and drop them in from within the inventory. Instead they take up another slot as a separate stack. It would be good if they automatically stacked.
  13. Hello to the person reading this, first of all, i'm sorry if my english isnt that great. On to the subject. When i start the game on steam it freezes on startup, i see a small white box and it wont respond, after that it closes because it got stuck. Maybe it has to do with the resolution? but i tried to fix that with startup options adding. I reinstalled the game like 10 times. Didnt work. I hope someone knows the answer and can help me. The game did work just fine on the non steam version, the client that doesnt get updated anymore.
  14. So, it seems that a tamed and named horse, is a dangerous predator, that you cannot sleep around! Trivial bug really - if you have your horse too close to your house / bed, it will give an error message saying that it's not safe to sleep. Upon moving your horse a small distance away from your house, sleeping works fine. Bring your horse back, dangerous again!
  15. 1. Unliseeds - There has been 2 occasions when i was able to plant unlimited seeds within the Seed Box. For example, i have 20 potato seeds, but i was able to plant 100+ 2. Cavern peaking - when i change the view to 1st person view, and cling to a wall (especially a dug wall) i can see all the cavern tunnels underground. 3. No Copper - My 2nd playthrough, initial island has no copper, not really game breaking, but is hassle ... (if this was intended, please ignore) 4. Unlisea - i had a playthrough where i've been sailing for hours without seeing any land (or birds) and reached memory usage of 12gb+. maybe the map can be not so unlimited that it can go to the other side (non-flat world) Anyway, this has been an enjoyable game for me (been playing for 2 days), and i see countless potentials. Great great great job!
  16. Hello fellow reader, normally i'd give an introduction to something like this but I am eager to start playing again so here it is I played for a while this last week and I noticed some bugs and glitches with the 0.6 update (and I reported on it) but after a while of playing I started crashing from servers (many, many, many, many times) Unfortunately I no longer have the crash reports since I've tried reinstalling the game (and verifying game integrity through Steam but no success). Initially I presumed that the crashes were related to weird movement I was making in-game, for example swimming and randomly seeing the walking animation eventhough I was still swimming, but I thought nothing of it and just continued piling up the crash reports. After playing for a long time of not experiencing any crashes I decided to close the game. Some time passed and I was ready to get back on Ylands. I've been ready for many hours but Ylands doesnt seem to want me to play it. Everytime I hit play I get a black screen if I click once it becomes a white screen and a little box comes up telling me the game is not responding. While on the blackscreen I allowed up to 20 minutes pass but no results. I sent @Ane my crash reports before I did anything, so if anything, she can make it public. I also experienced this a lot: This was an endless cycle of me loading into the server. Edit: I located the files and am posting them now: error (1).log output_log (1).txt error.log output_log.txt
  17. While exploring a very deep cave in Single Player Explore, I was mauled to death by a Mutant Alpha Leopard. I respawned fairly near my base of operations (on the same island) and wandered over, only to find I couldn't interact with any containers or equipment. Chests would show the animation of opening but no Interface. I was able to pick cotton and other resources from the area. I was also able to raise/lower the anchor of my nearby boat, but those seemed to be the only actions I could take - I couldn't even feed my poor horse! I exited the game and loaded it again, with no change. Deciding that perhaps this incarnation of my character was bugged in some way, I opted to feed this fellow to the sharks and see if another respawn had better luck. I took off swimming away from my base, and after getting a fair distance into the somehow-shark-free waters, the interface for the most recent chest I attempted to open popped up on my screen, and immediately closed again. I swam back, tried to open the chest, same problem - animates opening but I get no interface. So I took off wandering across the island, and again after getting maybe 100-200m away from the chest, the interface briefly popped up on my screen and disappeared again. Any suggestions? Is this a known issue and if so, can it be resolved? I've started a new game, but honestly I was really enjoying the huge amount of spelunking this island offered and I'd hate to lose it.
  18. MrBlacking PUBGboxes.com

    RESOLVED I can't play. I see black screen

    When i load the game don't charge correctly and appear with the black screen also during the game.
  19. I build a little cabin on my large ship, but whenever I open the door and walk through, or interact/stand close near a container I placed the entire ship flips out and starts rocking back and forth as if my character just gained 500 tonnes of weight. Sometimes the ship speeds forward a few meters. This also happens ocasionally while sleeping on a bed, sitting on a chair or when I am opening any container that is located on the boat.
  20. Поиграл час после покупки, а на завтра вот такая проблема.
  21. I don''t know if it's intentional feature or unexpected feature a.k.a bug, my horse constantly following me anywhere I go even though I'm not calling the horse. I also attach the pictures, sorry can't provide video with my potato machine. update: upload the logs, incase you need it output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt I know you really love me horse, I love you too. But please stay back or I'll unintentionally transform you to roasted meat
  22. Hi, I saved my game in multiplayer while on my ship. Once I reloaded I fell through my ship and I had to watch my ship sail away while I was attacked by sharks... I spent so many hours designing that ship... there's no way to get it back... is there? Also I've experienced other issues like when i tried to climb the rope ladder on to my ship, i would come out of a different ladder. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  23. After placing about 3 wooden panels all items placed afterwards turn invisible and are not rendered in. Trees cut down sometimes turn invisible both the stump and felled tree are not able to be seen. Both issues are resolved after a relog, although it is almost impossible to build a base by only placing three pieces at a time. Log Files Attached: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  24. Hi there, I was playing a game with a friend earlier where all was going fine until I became stuck on a ship's helm turning fully left and could not stop. I returned to main menu in order to attempt to rejoin the game where I could then no longer see the game in the server list. Within the continue menu the game shows up as unavailable. After player 2 restarted the game I could see it briefly, upon a connection attempt I was given a 'Host Unreachable' error where the server then promptly disappeared from the list. Attached are my log files, Thanks, output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  25. So i host a server and publish it and limit it to allow just my friend to play on it. All is well for about an hour or two into the gameplay. At about that point my inventory bugs out to the point where i cant move any obects in it, or into my hot bar. Also terra forming with the pick does not work either. I have also tried entering workbenches and cannot, also trying to enter a crate just does the crate opening animatinon but the crate inventory does not show up. I have no idea what causes this. But i have hosted two different gamesith the same settings and it happens the exact same way!! Any help would be appreciated!! Just to add some things i am able to pick any object on the ground, i can also drop any objet from my inventory. This bug litteraly makes advacing in the game imposible, as i have entered a cave, fell down to a lower point in said cave and cannot terra form my way out of the small opening to the light that i find.